how to get destination info(bank and card details) on stripe - stripe-payments

Let's say I'm getting payouts information
I want to get the destination info, so if we take the example from the docs:
I want the details from that destination, I don't mean the specific details like the exact credit card number, but the info when going on the page itself, this one:
It's not working listing the banks accounts , I'm getting zero results when list them all
I'm using Golang library but I think this solution can be solved by others programming languages
I'm also using expandable fields but I get blank results on bank_account and card details
what is interesting however, is when debugging the page, they make request to v1/payouts/{id} with expand[]: balance_transaction and the returned data contains the bank information, but when I do it with their API, that info is not returned back

The Payout destination is expandable, meaning you can have it replaced with the full object by sending you request with expand[]=destination or for a list command data.destination.


Stripe: Get card information so customer can update their card

My app uses subscriptions with Stripe.
I want to create a standard "account" page, which will list the customer's current card information (like "MasterCard" and last 4 of card number), and give the customer the option of updating that information.
I'm stuck on the first piece--getting back the current card information. To do this, I need the current card_id. I have tried the "listSources" method, but this returns blank data where the card info is supposed to be. What do I need to do to get that card info?
Here is what I've tried:
(I'm using Node, and running this server side)
The closest method I have found is here:
var stripe = require('stripe')(STRIPE_TOKEN);
{object: 'bank_account', limit: 3},
function(err, cards) {
// asynchronously called
This returns information (there's no error), but the docs say this method should return a data array of the cards that includes the card id for each. In testing, the data array keeps coming back empty.
I am testing with a customer id that has a valid subscription and a card that I can see on my Stripe dashboard.
Why is the data array coming back empty?
Note: there's also a retrieve source method, which should give back card details, but this method requires you have the id of the card you want info on, and that's what I am not able to get right now.
Converting this to an answer...
Stripe has recently rolled out PaymentMethods, which replace (and are separate from) the older Tokens and Sources API.
OP's issue is that their integration creates PaymentMethod objects, which won't show up in the sources list, but can instead be accessed via stripe.paymentMethods.list.

Amazon MWS Api usage

I am using "{ASIN}" to get product info.
But after getting response it doesn't return product "SellerSKU"
Is there any way that I can get "SellerSKU" of a product specified by "ASIN"?
I also had same situation.
And I found that there is only some limited way to get it.
ListInventorySupply api of Fulfillment Inventory lists returns information about the availability of a seller's inventory.
Request parameter includes SellerSKUs, QueryStartDateTime, MarketplaceId, ResponseGroup
Here you can omit SellerSKUs, and you can pass QueryStartDateTime.
Then you will get InventorySupplyList including SellerSKU and ASIN matches.
You should find the product's SellerSKU in this list.
But the problem is that it returns only available inventory list.
It will not work when product you are finding is not in available inventory list.
In this case you should make the user manually add SellerSKU in your application.
For more information, please take a look at
Hope this would help you.

Retrieving Recipient Status via REST API

There appears to be two ways I can gather status information about individual recipients on an envelope:
GET - v2/accounts/:accountId/envelopes/:envelopeId/recipients
GET - v2/accounts/:accountId/envelopes/:envelopeId/audit_events
Unfortunately, each of these suffers from a separate limitation that is making it difficult for me to use either.
This API call returns two DateTime values of interest: deliveredDateTime and signedDateTime. I am able to call and use this API successfully. However, it appears to me that deliveredDateTime is not specified until the user actually clicks the email link AND clicks the review documents button on the signer view. Since what I was actually interested in might be better described as sentDateTime, deliveredDateTime doesn't appear to work for my needs.
This API call returns a detailed list of all events that have transpired on the envelope, including individual receipient status updates. However, the data format is such that in order to tie the result data back to recipients, I have to do string matches on the recipient name. I'd prefer to do the match based on email or, better still, recipientID, but the audit log entries for "sent invitations" and "signed" don't contain these fields. Here is an example (click here to view larger):
Is there an API call other than these two that I can use? Is there a way to get additional data in the audit event API call?
Thank you in advance,
I don't believe there's a way to get additional data from the audit_events call since the DocuSign API documentation (which is up to date) indicates that call has no parameters (other than the envelopeId in the URL).
I think you're stuck with doing a string comparison on the userName value to identify/link your recipients, however I want to point out that once you do that you can then link to their unique recipientGuid through the first api call you've highlighted here.
For instance, the /audit_events API call seems to achieve what you want and has all the info you need, however it identifies the recipients through their userNames. If you then make a call on the same envelope and check the response from the /recipients URI, it contains the name, email, recipientId, and recipientGuid for each and every recipient in the envelope. Match the user names and you now have access to their IDs, etc.
So in the end I don't believe there's one API call to achieve this but you can solve by doing one string compare and combining the results from the API calls you've highlighted.

How do I query Google Checkout using an order number?

I have a merchant account on Google checkout. I can view all the orders buyers put when I log on to From there, I can search for a specific order number and view details about it.
I want to do the same programmatically, but after looking through the checkout API I can not find anything related to this issue. Basically my input will be an order number and the output I want will be details regarding that ordre, or at least a boolean indicating whether that order exists or not.
One option is to use the Order Report API to download a list of Google Checkout orders into a CSV file, then search localy. You are limited to the last 31 days.

WATIR: how do drive outlook web access

since the emails loads dynamically how do you find a specific email that contains a button back to your site. This is like signing up at a site. Customer receives email to confirm.
Thanks for the support
OWA, bless MS's little hearts (at least in the circa 2003 version I'm looking at here) uses frames, so first of all brush up on that or you are gonna be hating life. The list of incoming messages is in a frame named 'viewer' The message summaries are contained in a table lacking any useful means to identify it that is in a div of class 'msgViewerCont" and an ID of dvContents. So to see if a message exists you want to look to see if you can find a row in that table which contains the subject you expect to see.
(be careful using ID values on OWA.. apparently nobody in the group that developed it read the part of the HTML standard that specifies that ID values are supposed to be unique.. the re-use them all over that page.)
Presuming you know the subject of the message you are about to receive, and also that you keep that mail account cleared out so that it will be the ONLY message there with that subject line, then you can check to see if it exists usng
subject ="subject you are looking for")
browser.frame(:name, 'viewer').div(:id, dvContents).table(:index, 1).row(:text, subject).exists?
to click on it use .click instead of exists.
once you've clicked it, OWA will refresh the PreviewPane iframe.. inside that iframe is another one that has the message body in it.
all those frames, are nested inside the viewer frame. welcome to nested frame hell. hope you enjoy your stay. (like I said, bone up on frames, you're in for a fun ride)
