Amazon MWS Api usage - node.js

I am using "{ASIN}" to get product info.
But after getting response it doesn't return product "SellerSKU"
Is there any way that I can get "SellerSKU" of a product specified by "ASIN"?

I also had same situation.
And I found that there is only some limited way to get it.
ListInventorySupply api of Fulfillment Inventory lists returns information about the availability of a seller's inventory.
Request parameter includes SellerSKUs, QueryStartDateTime, MarketplaceId, ResponseGroup
Here you can omit SellerSKUs, and you can pass QueryStartDateTime.
Then you will get InventorySupplyList including SellerSKU and ASIN matches.
You should find the product's SellerSKU in this list.
But the problem is that it returns only available inventory list.
It will not work when product you are finding is not in available inventory list.
In this case you should make the user manually add SellerSKU in your application.
For more information, please take a look at
Hope this would help you.


how to get destination info(bank and card details) on stripe

Let's say I'm getting payouts information
I want to get the destination info, so if we take the example from the docs:
I want the details from that destination, I don't mean the specific details like the exact credit card number, but the info when going on the page itself, this one:
It's not working listing the banks accounts , I'm getting zero results when list them all
I'm using Golang library but I think this solution can be solved by others programming languages
I'm also using expandable fields but I get blank results on bank_account and card details
what is interesting however, is when debugging the page, they make request to v1/payouts/{id} with expand[]: balance_transaction and the returned data contains the bank information, but when I do it with their API, that info is not returned back
The Payout destination is expandable, meaning you can have it replaced with the full object by sending you request with expand[]=destination or for a list command data.destination.

Netsuite SS1 Cannot tell if inventory detail is set

I have a workflow script that transforms a sales order into an item fulfillment when the order is approved.
I can create a subrecord for inventory detail no problem, but in some cases Netsuite will automatically set the inventory detail. In these cases, when I go to add a subrecord, I receive an error on fulfillment submit record.
I have tried for 2 hours and cannot seem to find a way only to verify if the inventory detail is existing. I tried using the examples from the documentation
var invDetailSubrecord = fulfillment.editCurrentLineItemSubrecord('item', 'inventorydetail');
var invDetailSubrecord = fulfillment.viewCurrentLineItemSubrecord('item', 'inventorydetail');
fulfillment.removeCurrentLineItemSubrecord('item', 'inventorydetail');
None of the above commands do anything and are ignored. I don't see any way possible to verify that inventory detail is set before creating it. Viewing the actual data isn't necessary.
You can use nlapiGetLineItemCount on inventory-details subrecord(I am using the same in SuiteScript2.0 and it works) before setting/updating records manually and if you get line count greater than 0, you can safely assume inventory details already exists for the line.
You can check this out for further reading.

How to get Amazon's discounted price?

I'm using ItemSearch Amazon API. It works fine for most cases; however, when Amazon has a discount, it doesn't show the discounted price they show on Amazon, it returns the old original price.
For example for this item, Amazon's discounted price is $37.50. However, the API just returns the original price: $44.99.
The Offers section doesn't help either (it has other sellers' offers, not Amazon's).
Any thoughts anyone?
Here is the API call for your convenience (fill up the {} fields):{}&AssociateTag={}&Condition=New&Keywords=887961219319&Operation=ItemSearch&ResponseGroup=Images%2CItemAttributes%2CLarge%2COffers%2CReviews&SearchIndex=All&Service=AWSECommerceService&Timestamp={}&Signature={}
After almost about a week of digging and investigation, it turns out I had to remove the "condition" field from the request! After that, I was able to get the the price displayed on properly! (using the filed Item.Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Price.Amount).
Reason: it seems Amazon displays what they call as "Buy Box Winner" price if it exists, or the lowest possible offer. To get this value returned in the response, you'd have to remove the Condition field in addition to the MerchantId as well. More details here.
Jeez Amazon! I hope someone finds this useful!

Can I get list of all categories that foursquare API could return to me?

Can I get list of all categories that foursquare could return to me ? (link to category object description)
I know that the new categories could be created, and some deleted. But I just would like to prepare my app to be able to handle some categories in special way, and I need to know in advance what they could be.
Thanks for time in advance.
This should include all possible Foursquare categories. It's this endpoint:
Foursquare also provides an up-to-date category hierarchy without using the API. Useful if you just want to take a look at the list without doing a call.
Interestingly on that page, they also provide "Supported Countries" where the category "can only appear on venues in those countries".

Foursquare get venue details

We are planning to use foursquare api to get venue in a particular city. I want data of all the food outlets in a particular city. I have managed to get the categories list but not sure how to get venues from that particular category in a particular city or area.
Please share some tutorials or document which i can check out.
One way of doing what you want will be using the Venues Platform for browsing according to a category ID.
Look at venue search API reference.
Example of using it:
I know that 4bf58dd8d48988d11f941735 is nightlife (just picked the first one I saw)
So I will call the API (the ll is someplace in New York):,-73.9972&categoryId=4bf58dd8d48988d11f941735&limit=50&intent=browse&radius=1500&your ids/oauth
Or use the explorer to see results right away.
Important, read the search API and the parameters used here to alter behavior to your needs.
Another very important thing, the API parameters are case sensitive!! (so if they want categoryId, categoryid will not work :) )
