How do I give a concrete value to a Haskell instance? - haskell

I'm trying to learn Haskell and I'm a bit confused by this infamous "rigid type variable" error.
Here's the relevant part of my code:
class Ord v => Vector v where
distance :: v -> v -> Double
-- with FlexibleInstances
instance Vector (Double, Double) where
distance (a,b) (c,d) = -- function definition omitted
data KMeansState v = KMeansState { centroids :: [v] }
test :: [(Double,Double)]
test = [(0,0),(1,1)] :: [(Double,Double)]
initializeState :: Vector v => Int -> KMeansState v
initializeState n = KMeansState test
The specific complaint that the compiler is giving me:
• Couldn't match type ‘v’ with ‘(Double, Double)’
‘v’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
initializeState :: forall v.
Vector v =>
Int -> Double -> KMeansState v
at Chapter06.hs:32:1-61
Expected type: KMeansState v
Actual type: KMeansState (Double, Double)
My understanding is that the compiler is saying my initializeState function needs to be able to return (or whatever the right word is in Haskell) a KMeansState whose type parameter is any type that's an instance of Vector, while the actual implementation of my function will only return one type, namely a KMeansState (Double, Double).
What I'm not clear on is how to get a "concrete" value out of this initializeState function. At some point in the program, I need to give the KMeansState constructor an actual value which will have an actual type, and it seems like the compiler is saying that I can't do that.
I'm further confused by why the code compiles if I hard code the value of the test function into initializeState. That is, this successfully type-checks, even though the value being passed to the KMeansState function should be functionally the same.
class Ord v => Vector v where
distance :: v -> v -> Double
-- with FlexibleInstances
instance Vector (Double, Double) where
distance (a,b) (c,d) = -- function definition omitted
data KMeansState v = KMeansState { centroids :: [v] }
-- test :: [(Double,Double)]
-- test = [(0,0),(1,1)] :: [(Double,Double)]
initializeState :: Vector v => Int -> KMeansState v
initializeState n = KMeansState [(0,0),(1,1)]::[(Double,Double)]
Can someone please clarify what's going on here and how I get this to compile? Thanks!

This is a common, fundamental misunderstanding about what Haskell typeclasses are / how they work. Concretely, a Haskell class is not like a class in OO languages. It is in some ways like an interface / abstract class, but that too not really.
In particular, you can't have “concrete values of a class”. Classes don't have values, they have instances – but those are types, not values. (These types then may or may not have values – in fact, strictly speaking they don't need to be types at all, just type-level entities.)
What you intend to say with your signature to the initializeState function is “the result is a value of type KMeansState v, where v is some type that is an instance of the Vector class but I don't want to tell you which”. What it actually says is, “for any type v that you pick, provided it is an instance of the Vector class, initializeState is a function that yields a KMeansState v value”. Because of the “for any”, aka “forall” or ∀, we call this a universally quantified type.
The intended type meanwhile is existentially quantified. It's a bit weird why this would be called so; it's a bit more understandable if I phrase it as “the result is a value r for which there exists a type v that has a Vector instance, such that r has the type KMeansState v”.
While Haskell has always had universally quantified types, it doesn't really have existential ones. What you can do is wrap an existential in a custom type:
data SomeVectorMeanState where
SomeVectorMeanState :: Vector v => KMeansState v -> SomeVectorMeanState
initializeState :: Int -> SomeVectorMeanState
initializeState n = SomeVectorMeanState $ KMeansState test
But this doesn't really accomplish anything useful. In fact, you won't be able to use the vector values in any way whatsoever, because the concrete type isn't known. See
Instead, as Willem Van Onsem commented, you should probably just use
initializeState :: Int -> KMeansState (Double,Double)
or, if you don't want to make it so obvious that the vector type is (Double,Double), you can wrap it in a type or newtype.


Difference between -> and => symbols. What do they mean?

In Haskell, when we talk type declaration.
I've seen both -> and =>.
As an example: I can make my own type declaration.
addMe :: Int -> Int -> Int
addMe x y = x + y
And it works just fine.
But if we take a look at :t sqrt we get:
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a
At what point do we use => and when do we use ->?
When do we use "fat arrow" and when do we use "thin arrow"?
-> is for explicit functions. I.e. when f is something that can be written in an expression of the form f x, the signature must have one of these arrows in it†. Specifically, the type of x (the argument) must appear to the left of a -> arrow.
It's best to not think of => as a function arrow at all, at least at first‡. It's an implication arrow in the logical sense: if a is a type with the property Floating a, then it follows that the signature of sqrt is a -> a.
For your addMe example, which is a function with two arguments, the signature must always have the form x -> y -> z. Possibly there can also be a q => in front of that; that doesn't influence the function-ishness, but may have some saying in what particular types are allowed. Generally, such constraints are not needed if the types are already fixed and concrete. Like, you could in principle impose a constraint on Int:
addMe :: Num Int => Int -> Int -> Int
addMe x y = x + y
...but that doesn't really accomplish anything, because everybody knows that the particular type Int is an instance of the Num class. Where you need such constraints is when the type is not fixed but a type variable (i.e. lowercase), i.e. if the function is polymorphic. You can't just write
addMe' :: a -> a -> a
addMe' x y = x + y
because that signature would suggest the function works for any type a whatsoever, but it can't work for all types (how would you add, for example, two strings? ok perhaps not the best example, but how would you multiply two strings?)
Hence you need the constraint
addMe' :: Num a => a -> a -> a
addMe' x y = x + y
This means, you don't care what exact type a is, but you do require it to be a numerical type. Anybody can use the function with their own type MyNumType, but they need to ensure that Num MyNumType is fulfilled: then it follows that addMe' can have signature MyNumType -> MyNumType -> MyNumType.
The way to ensure this is to either use a standard type which you know to be numerical, for instance addMe' 5.9 3.7 :: Double would work, or give an instance declaration for your custom type and the Num class. Only do the latter if you're sure it's a good idea; usually the standard num types are all you'll need.
†Note that the arrow may not be visible in the signature: it's possible to have a type synonym for a function type, for example when type IntEndofunc = Int -> Int, then f :: IntEndofunc; f x = x+x is ok. But you can think of the typedef as essentially just a syntactic wrapper; it's still the same type and does have the arrow in it.
‡It so happens that logical implication and function application can be seen as two aspects of the same mathematical concept. Furthermore, GHC actually implements class constraints as function arguments, so-called dictionaries. But all this happens behind the scenes, so if anything they're implicit functions. In standard Haskell, you will never see the LHS of a => type as the type of some actual argument the function is applied to.
The "thin arrow" is used for function types (t1 -> t2 being the type of a function that takes a value of type t1 and produces a value of type t2).
The "fat arrow" is used for type constraints. It separates the list of type constraints on a polymorphic function from the rest of the type. So given Floating a => a -> a, we have the function type a -> a, the type of a function that can take arguments of any type a and produces a result of that same type, with the added constraint Floating a, meaning that the function can in fact only be used with types that implement the Floating type class.
the -> is the constructor of functions and the => is used to constraints, a sort of "interface" in Haskell called typeclass.
A little example:
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum x y = x + y
that function only allows Int types, but if you want a huge int or a small int, you probably want Integer, and how to tell it to use both?
sum2 :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
sum2 x y = x + y
now if you try to do:
sum2 3 1.5
it will give you an error
also, you may want to know if two data are equals, you want:
equals :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
equals x y = x == y
now if you do:
3 == 4
that's ok
but if you create:
data T = A | B
equals A B
it will give to you:
• No instance for (Eq T) arising from a use of ‘equals’
• In the expression: equals A B
In an equation for ‘it’: it = equals A B
if you want for that to work, you must just do:
data T = A | B deriving Eq
equals A B

How to define a function inside haskell newtype?

I am trying to decipher the record syntax in haskell for newtype and my understanding breaks when there is a function inside newtype. Consider this simple example
newtype C a b = C { getC :: (a -> b) -> a }
As per my reasoning C is a type which accepts a function and a parameter in it's constructor.
let d1 = C $ (2 *) 3
:t d1 also gives
d1 :: Num ((a -> b) -> a) => C a b
Again to check this I do :t getC d1, which shows this
getC d1 :: Num ((a -> b) -> a) => (a -> b) -> a
Why the error if I try getC d1? getC should return the function and it's parameter or at least apply the parameter.
I can't have newtype C a b = C { getC :: (a->b)->b } deriving (Show), because this won't make sense!
It's always good to emphasise that Haskell has two completely separate namespaces, the type language and the value language. In your case, there's
A type constructor C :: Type -> Type -> Type, which lives in the type language. It takes two types a, b (of kind Type) and maps them to a type C a b (also of kind Type)†.
A value constructor C :: ((a->b) -> a) -> C a b, which lives in the value language. It takes a function f (of type (a->b) -> a) and maps it to a value C f (of type C a b).
Perhaps it would be less confusing if you had
newtype CT a b = CV ((a->b) -> a)
but because for a newtype there is always exactly one value constructor (and exactly one type constructor) it makes sense to name them the same.
CV is a value constructor that accepts one function, full stop. That function will have signature (a->b) -> a, i.e. its argument is also a function, but as far as CT is concerned this doesn't really matter.
Really, it's kind of wrong that data and newtype declarations use a = symbol, because it doesn't mean the things on the left and right are “the same” – can't, because they don't even belong to the same language. There's an alternative syntax which expresses the relation better:
import Data.Kind
data CT :: Type -> Type -> Type where
CV :: ((a->b) -> a) -> CT a b
As for that value you tried to construct
let d1 = CV $ (\x->(2*x)) 3
here you did not pass “a function and a parameter” to CV. What you actually did‡ was, you applied the function \x->2*x to the value 3 (might as well have written 6) and passed that number to CV. But as I said, CV expects a function. What then happens is, GHC tries to interpret 6 as a function, which gives the bogus constraint Num ((a->b) -> a). What that means is: “if (a->b)->a is a number type, then...”. Of course it isn't a number type, so the rest doesn't make sense either.
†It may seem redundant to talk of “types of kind Type”. Actually, when talking about “types” we often mean “entities in the type-level language”. These have kinds (“type-level types”) of which Type (the kind of (lifted) value-level values) is the most prominent, but not the only one – you can also have type-level numbers and type-level functions – C is indeed one.Note that Type was historically written *, but this notation is deprecated because it's inconsistent (confusion with multiplication operator).
‡This is because $ has the lowest precedence, i.e. the expression CV $ (\x->(2*x)) 3 is actually parsed as CV ((\x->(2*x)) 3), or equivalently let y = 2*3 in CV y.
As per my reasoning C is a type which accepts a function and a parameter
How so? The constructor has only one argument.
Newtypes always have a single constructor with exactly one argument.
The type C, otoh, has two type parameters. But that has nothing to do with the number of arguments you can apply to the constructor.

Existential type in higher order function

I've got a function whose job is to compute some optimal value of type a wrt some value function of type a -> v
type OptiF a v = (a -> v) -> a
Then I have a container that wants to store such a function together with another function which uses the values values:
data Container a = forall v. (Ord v) => Cons (OptiF a v) (a -> Int)
The idea is that whoever implements a function of type OptiF a v should not be bothered with the details of v except that it's an instance of Ord.
So I've written a function which takes such a value function and a container. Using the OptiF a v it should compute the optimal value wrt val and plug it in the container's result function:
optimize :: (forall v. (Ord v) => a -> v) -> Container a -> Int
optimize val (Cons opti result) = result (opti val)
So far so good, but I can't call optimize, because
callOptimize :: Int
callOptimize = optimize val cont
where val = (*3)
opti val' = if val' 1 > val' 0 then 100 else -100
cont = Cons opti (*2)
does not compile:
Could not deduce (v ~ Int)
from the context (Ord v)
bound by a type expected by the context: Ord v => Int -> v
at bla.hs:12:16-32
`v' is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context: Ord v => Int -> v at bla.hs:12:16
Expected type: Int
Actual type: Int
Expected type: Int -> v
Actual type: Int -> Int
In the first argument of `optimize', namely `val'
In the expression: optimize val cont
where line 12:16-32 is optimize val cont.
Am I misunderstanding existential types in this case? Does the forall v in the declaration of optimize mean that optimize may expect from a -> v whatever v it wants? Or does it mean that optimize may expect nothing from a -> v except that Ord v?
What I want is that the OptiF a v is not fixed for any v, because I want to plug in some a -> v later on. The only constraint I'd like to impose is Ord v. Is it even possible to express something like that using existential types (or whatever)?
I managed to achieve that with an additional typeclass which provides an optimize function with a similar signature to OptiF a v, but that looks much uglier to me than using higher order functions.
This is something that's easy to get wrong.
What you have in the signature of optimize is not an existential, but a universal.
...since existentials are somewhat outdated anyway, let's rewrite your data to GADT form, which makes the point clearer as the syntax is essentially the same as for polymorphic functions:
data Container a where
(:/->) :: Ord v => -- come on, you can't call this `Cons`!
OptiF a v -> (a->Int) -> Container a
Observe that the Ord constraint (which implies that here's the forall v...) stands outside of the type-variable–parameterised function signature, i.e. v is a parameter we can dictate from the outside when we want to construct a Container value. In other words,
For all v in Ord there exists the constructor (:/->) :: OptiF a v -> (a->Int) -> Container a
which is what gives rise to the name "existential type". Again, this is analog to an ordinary polymorphic function.
On the other hand, in the signature
optimize :: (forall v. (Ord v) => a -> v) -> Container a -> Int
you have a forall inside the signature term itself, which means that what concrete type v may take on will be determined by the callee, optimize, internally – all we have control over from the outside is that it be in Ord. Nothing "existential" about that, which is why this signature won't actually compile with XExistentialQuantification or XGADTs alone:
Illegal symbol '.' in type
Perhaps you intended -XRankNTypes or similar flag
to enable explicit-forall syntax: forall <tvs>. <type>
val = (*3) obviously doesn't fulfill (forall v. (Ord v) => a -> v), it actually requires a Num instance which not all Ords have. Indeed, optimize shouldn't need the rank2 type: it should work for any Ord-type v the caller might give to it.
optimize :: Ord v => (a -> v) -> Container a -> Int
in which case your implementation doesn't work anymore, though: since (:/->) is really an existential constructor, it needs to contain only any OptiF function, for some unknown type v1. So the caller of optimize has the freedom to choose the opti-function for any particular such type, and the function to be optimised for any possibly other fixed type – that can't work!
The solution that you want is this: Container shouldn't be existential, either! The opti-function should work for any type which is in Ord, not just for one particular type. Well, as a GADT this looks about the same as the universally-quantified signature you originally had for optimize:
data Container a where
(:/->) :: (forall v. Ord v => OptiF a v) -> (a->Int) -> Container a
With that now, optimize works
optimize :: Ord v => (a -> v) -> Container a -> Int
optimize val (opti :/-> result) = result (opti val)
and can be used as you wanted
callOptimize :: Int
callOptimize = optimize val cont
where val = (*3)
opti val' = if val' 1 > val' 0 then 100 else -100
cont = opti :/-> (*2)

Type class definition with functions depending on an additional type

Still new to Haskell, I have hit a wall with the following:
I am trying to define some type classes to generalize a bunch of functions that use gaussian elimination to solve linear systems of equations.
Given a linear system
M x = k
the type a of the elements m(i,j) \elem M can be different from the type b of x and k. To be able to solve the system, a should be an instance of Num and b should have multiplication/addition operators with b, like in the following:
class MixedRing b where
(.+.) :: b -> b -> b
(.*.) :: (Num a) => b -> a -> b
(./.) :: (Num a) => b -> a -> b
Now, even in the most trivial implementation of these operators, I'll get Could not deduce a ~ Int. a is a rigid type variable errors (Let's forget about ./. which requires Fractional)
data Wrap = W { get :: Int }
instance MixedRing Wrap where
(.+.) w1 w2 = W $ (get w1) + (get w2)
(.*.) w s = W $ ((get w) * s)
I have read several tutorials on type classes but I can find no pointer to what actually goes wrong.
Let us have a look at the type of the implementation that you would have to provide for (.*.) to make Wrap an instance of MixedRing. Substituting Wrap for b in the type of the method yields
(.*.) :: Num a => Wrap -> a -> Wrap
As Wrap is isomorphic to Int and to not have to think about wrapping and unwrapping with Wrap and get, let us reduce our goal to finding an implementation of
(.*.) :: Num a => Int -> a -> Int
(You see that this doesn't make the challenge any easier or harder, don't you?)
Now, observe that such an implementation will need to be able to operate on all types a that happen to be in the type class Num. (This is what a type variable in such a type denotes: universal quantification.) Note: this is not the same (actually, it's the opposite) of saying that your implementation can itself choose what a to operate on); yet that is what you seem to suggest in your question: that your implementation should be allowed to pick Int as a choice for a.
Now, as you want to implement this particular (.*.) in terms of the (*) for values of type Int, we need something of the form
n .*. s = n * f s
f :: Num a => a -> Int
I cannot think of a function that converts from an arbitary Num-type a to Int in a meaningful way. I'd therefore say that there is no meaningful way to make Int (and, hence, Wrap) an instance of MixedRing; that is, not such that the instance behaves as you would probably expect it to do.
How about something like:
class (Num a) => MixedRing a b where
(.+.) :: b -> b -> b
(.*.) :: b -> a -> b
(./.) :: b -> a -> b
You'll need the MultiParamTypeClasses extension.
By the way, it seems to me that the mathematical structure you're trying to model is really module, not a ring. With the type variables given above, one says that b is an a-module.
Your implementation is not polymorphic enough.
The rule is, if you write a in the class definition, you can't use a concrete type in the instance. Because the instance must conform to the class and the class promised to accept any a that is Num.
To put it differently: Exactly the class variable is it that must be instantiated with a concrete type in an instance definition.
Have you tried:
data Wrap a = W { get :: a }
Note that once Wrap a is an instance, you can still use it with functions that accept only Wrap Int.

Haskell get type of algebraic parameter

I have a type
class IntegerAsType a where
value :: a -> Integer
data T5
instance IntegerAsType T5 where value _ = 5
newtype (IntegerAsType q) => Zq q = Zq Integer deriving (Eq)
newtype (Num a, IntegerAsType n) => PolyRing a n = PolyRing [a]
I'm trying to make a nice "show" for the PolyRing type. In particular, I want the "show" to print out the type 'a'. Is there a function that returns the type of an algebraic parameter (a 'show' for types)?
The other way I'm trying to do it is using pattern matching, but I'm running into problems with built-in types and the algebraic type.
I want a different result for each of Integer, Int and Zq q.
(toy example:)
test :: (Num a, IntegerAsType q) => a -> a
(Int x) = x+1
(Integer x) = x+2
(Zq x) = x+3
There are at least two different problems here.
1) Int and Integer are not data constructors for the 'Int' and 'Integer' types. Are there data constructors for these types/how do I pattern match with them?
2) Although not shown in my code, Zq IS an instance of Num. The problem I'm getting is:
Ambiguous constraint `IntegerAsType q'
At least one of the forall'd type variables mentioned by the constraint
must be reachable from the type after the '=>'
In the type signature for `test':
test :: (Num a, IntegerAsType q) => a -> a
I kind of see why it is complaining, but I don't know how to get around that.
A better example of what I'm trying to do with the test function:
test :: (Num a) => a -> a
test (Integer x) = x+2
test (Int x) = x+1
test (Zq x) = x
Even if we ignore the fact that I can't construct Integers and Ints this way (still want to know how!) this 'test' doesn't compile because:
Could not deduce (a ~ Zq t0) from the context (Num a)
My next try at this function was with the type signature:
test :: (Num a, IntegerAsType q) => a -> a
which leads to the new error
Ambiguous constraint `IntegerAsType q'
At least one of the forall'd type variables mentioned by the constraint
must be reachable from the type after the '=>'
I hope that makes my question a little clearer....
I'm not sure what you're driving at with that test function, but you can do something like this if you like:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
class NamedType a where
name :: a -> String
instance NamedType Int where
name _ = "Int"
instance NamedType Integer where
name _ = "Integer"
instance NamedType q => NamedType (Zq q) where
name _ = "Zq (" ++ name (undefined :: q) ++ ")"
I would not be doing my Stack Overflow duty if I did not follow up this answer with a warning: what you are asking for is very, very strange. You are probably doing something in a very unidiomatic way, and will be fighting the language the whole way. I strongly recommend that your next question be a much broader design question, so that we can help guide you to a more idiomatic solution.
There is another half to your question, namely, how to write a test function that "pattern matches" on the input to check whether it's an Int, an Integer, a Zq type, etc. You provide this suggestive code snippet:
test :: (Num a) => a -> a
test (Integer x) = x+2
test (Int x) = x+1
test (Zq x) = x
There are a couple of things to clear up here.
Haskell has three levels of objects: the value level, the type level, and the kind level. Some examples of things at the value level include "Hello, world!", 42, the function \a -> a, or fix (\xs -> 0:1:zipWith (+) xs (tail xs)). Some examples of things at the type level include Bool, Int, Maybe, Maybe Int, and Monad m => m (). Some examples of things at the kind level include * and (* -> *) -> *.
The levels are in order; value level objects are classified by type level objects, and type level objects are classified by kind level objects. We write the classification relationship using ::, so for example, 32 :: Int or "Hello, world!" :: [Char]. (The kind level isn't too interesting for this discussion, but * classifies types, and arrow kinds classify type constructors. For example, Int :: * and [Int] :: *, but [] :: * -> *.)
Now, one of the most basic properties of Haskell is that each level is completely isolated. You will never see a string like "Hello, world!" in a type; similarly, value-level objects don't pass around or operate on types. Moreover, there are separate namespaces for values and types. Take the example of Maybe:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
This declaration creates a new name Maybe :: * -> * at the type level, and two new names Nothing :: Maybe a and Just :: a -> Maybe a at the value level. One common pattern is to use the same name for a type constructor and for its value constructor, if there's only one; for example, you might see
newtype Wrapped a = Wrapped a
which declares a new name Wrapped :: * -> * at the type level, and simultaneously declares a distinct name Wrapped :: a -> Wrapped a at the value level. Some particularly common (and confusing examples) include (), which is both a value-level object (of type ()) and a type-level object (of kind *), and [], which is both a value-level object (of type [a]) and a type-level object (of kind * -> *). Note that the fact that the value-level and type-level objects happen to be spelled the same in your source is just a coincidence! If you wanted to confuse your readers, you could perfectly well write
newtype Huey a = Louie a
newtype Louie a = Dewey a
newtype Dewey a = Huey a
where none of these three declarations are related to each other at all!
Now, we can finally tackle what goes wrong with test above: Integer and Int are not value constructors, so they can't be used in patterns. Remember -- the value level and type level are isolated, so you can't put type names in value definitions! By now, you might wish you had written test' instead:
test' :: Num a => a -> a
test' (x :: Integer) = x + 2
test' (x :: Int) = x + 1
test' (Zq x :: Zq a) = x
...but alas, it doesn't quite work like that. Value-level things aren't allowed to depend on type-level things. What you can do is to write separate functions at each of the Int, Integer, and Zq a types:
testInteger :: Integer -> Integer
testInteger x = x + 2
testInt :: Int -> Int
testInt x = x + 1
testZq :: Num a => Zq a -> Zq a
testZq (Zq x) = Zq x
Then we can call the appropriate one of these functions when we want to do a test. Since we're in a statically-typed language, exactly one of these functions is going to be applicable to any particular variable.
Now, it's a bit onerous to remember to call the right function, so Haskell offers a slight convenience: you can let the compiler choose one of these functions for you at compile time. This mechanism is the big idea behind classes. It looks like this:
class Testable a where test :: a -> a
instance Testable Integer where test = testInteger
instance Testable Int where test = testInt
instance Num a => Testable (Zq a) where test = testZq
Now, it looks like there's a single function called test which can handle any of Int, Integer, or numeric Zq's -- but in fact there are three functions, and the compiler is transparently choosing one for you. And that's an important insight. The type of test:
test :: Testable a => a -> a
...looks at first blush like it is a function that takes a value that could be any Testable type. But in fact, it's a function that can be specialized to any Testable type -- and then only takes values of that type! This difference explains yet another reason the original test function didn't work. You can't have multiple patterns with variables at different types, because the function only ever works on a single type at a time.
The ideas behind the classes NamedType and Testable above can be generalized a bit; if you do, you get the Typeable class suggested by hammar above.
I think now I've rambled more than enough, and likely confused more things than I've clarified, but leave me a comment saying which parts were unclear, and I'll do my best.
Is there a function that returns the type of an algebraic parameter (a 'show' for types)?
I think Data.Typeable may be what you're looking for.
Prelude> :m + Data.Typeable
Prelude Data.Typeable> typeOf (1 :: Int)
Prelude Data.Typeable> typeOf (1 :: Integer)
Note that this will not work on any type, just those which have a Typeable instance.
Using the extension DeriveDataTypeable, you can have the compiler automatically derive these for your own types:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
data Foo = Bar
deriving Typeable
*Main> typeOf Bar
I didn't quite get what you're trying to do in the second half of your question, but hopefully this should be of some help.
