Cordova wkwebviewonly for ios 6.1 - node.js

Im using node.js with Cordova for iOS. I upgraded to Cordova 10.0.0 and it doesn't seem to include the wkwebviewonly support. It still seems to reference UIWebView. I wanted to use the wkwebviewonly plugin and everyone seems to have issues when using it with iOS 6 or higher. I have iOS 6.1. Can anyone give insight or help with this? Is there any solution aside fro downgrading to iOS 5? I am new to everything so I may be missing something here. Please help! Thank you :)


Vision.VNRecognizeTextRequest in Xamarin iOS 13

Does anyone know if Xamarin iOS has support for Vision.VNRecognizeTextRequest. I came across a old post which says it is not available in Xamarin iOS 13.
What is the latest status?
Based on the issue it seems to be fixed and there are also two Xamarin samples on GitHub using VNRecognizeTextRequest, as you can see here and here.

AsyncBridge.portable for Xamarin.ios

I created application with mvvmcross and I want to target WPF, andoid and ios.
I used task and async/await in my core PCL library.
It works with WPF and Android because I use Microsoft.Bcl.Async and AsyncBridge.Portable from Daniel Plaisted.
My problem is with ios version because Daniel not implemented AsyncBridge.Portable for ios.
I would like to know if someone maked it or if someone know where I can find source code of AsyncBridge.Portable of Daniel ?
If Daniel, you sees this post, can you explained me how can I make ios version ? :)
Thank you
You can find the source code here. From that, you may be able to just adapt the Android code to work on iOS.
However, official Xamarin PCL support is coming soon (-ish), and that may change how you need to do this (or make it so you don't need to do it at all).

Cannot find libsqlite3.dylib in Xcode 4.4.1

I'm doing a small project using sqlite db in iOS. But the problem is now, when I go to build phase and Link Binary -> + there is no any library called 'libsqlite3.dylib'. Please any one help me. I'm in really trouble situation
Thanks in advance
what's the xcode version you use? i use 4.4.1 version and i can find libsqlite3.dylib. so i think just try upgrade your xcode.

Why don't I have a iPhone monotouch project option in monodevelop after installing monotouch?

I just installed the following on my macbook pro running Mac OS X 10.6.6:
in that order as described by
However, when I start monodevelop, I am not seeing a iPhone Monotouch Project option under the C# projects. I don't get any error messages when monodevelop starts up.
Is there a way to troubleshoot this? Anyone have any suggestions on what else I can try to get this working?
You know I feel very stupid, Dimitris thank you i didn't realize that was a seperate download on the site for some reason i thought installing monodevelop would take care of it all. Installing monotouch (what do you know... ) did the trick

Layer SetNeedsDisplay issue in iOS 4.0

I am working on PDF viewer on iOS, calling [TiledLayer setNeedsDisplay] invalidates display region well in iOS 3.X version. The same code doesn't work on iOS 4.0 onwards. I searched thru forum, None of them helped me.
Could anyone point some clue to resolve this issue?
