Entity for a view Jhipster - jhipster

I am new in jhipster and I would like to know If I can create an entity for a view like the table with jhipster command ? And how to do it ?
I used jhipster entity command but I am not sure this is the right way to do it

JHipster does not support SQL views in Liquibase but JDL lets you flag an entity as read-only which will prevent generating code for creating or updating an entity.
You can then manually adapt generated code to replace table by view, it should be limited to Liquibase migration file.
See official JDL doc for examples: https://www.jhipster.tech/jdl/options
jhipster entity command also asks you whether new entity should be read-only.


Is it possible to re-generate a jhipster jdl file from an existing jhipster project?

I'm new to jhipster, but I recently started working on a jhipster-generated project where the previous person added changes to the entity manually rather than using jhipster. I'm wondering if it's possible to update the jdl and json files to reflect the current entity.

How to use single entity in nestjs

I was started to learn a nestjs with typeorm
could somebody clarify
How to use an entity in migration
There is my case
in the src/entity, I was created 2 entities files named base.entity.ts and users.entity.ts
When I try to create the new migration file using a users.entity.ts I have seen this
Maybe somebody knows how to use a single entity users.entity.ts for next use a migration users file

Materialized View from NestJS/TypeORM project

I'm trying to create a Materialized view from my NestJS app using TypeORM.
The database is a Postgres.
View Entities unfortunately doesn't match requirements: https://www.bookstack.cn/read/TypeORM/view-entities.md
Wished behaviour: just like models, a materialized view is defined in the NestJS project, with the option 'synchronize:true' : the project creates the view on running if it doesn't exist, if it exist, it just sync with it (just like models).
Is there any leads that would help me achieving this?
What I ended up doing was defining the entity as a ViewEntity, setting {materialized:true}.
However, as you noted, typeorm doesn't handle this so well. I ended up disabling synchronization in the ormconfiguration and running migrations when I wanted to change things in the entity.
However, once the entity is created, typeorm works out of the box really well.

Update ddl from existing entity Jhipster

I started to use Jhipster. I have existing entity in
which I created manually.
I don't want to use jhipster command
yo jhipster:entity MyCustomEntity
How to update ddl using existing entity after manual change(entity creation/updating/deletion)?
Configure database properties in your pom.xml and use ./mvnw liquibase:diff to generate a Liquibase migration file that you will store in src/main/resources/config/liquibase/changelog directory and refer to it from src/main/resources/config/liquibase/master.xml
This is documented on JHipster web site

Generate entity related files based on current entity java class with jhipster

Because of some reason, I want to use my current java entity classes to generate all entity related files, which are generated with yo jhipster:entity book. I need the liqibase configuration files, repository files, rest resources, and the sample files of html and js files.
So is there any way I can do that?
I don't think there's a way to do that at the moment. But with JHipster 2 you could manually create a .jhipster/{entityname}.json file based on your class, and that would generate those files (and also recreate the class object) you're looking for.
