How to post a image arraybuffer using axios from electron? - node.js

I am using screenshot-desktop package in electron to get screenshot of my desktop. Its getting me a array buffer of the screenshot. Now I want to send this array buffer to the API which is in NodeJS. I am using Axios post method to send the data to my NodeJS API. I tried couple of things like fs.createReadStream and Blob but nothing work properly can any one provide a solution that how we can send array buffer from electron?


FormData throws Network Error All the time

I am trying to upload a file to my NodeJs Server from My Mobile ReactNative App.
I tried to use FormData with Axios post but it is resulting in a NetworkError. Logging the FormData object before sending it gives me an object with an Array _parts that contains Arrays of my fields.
Also when I console.log the prototypes of FormData I only get two methods that I can use, which are append and getParts. I can't use any method that does exist in the documentation like getHeaders or getBoundary
Now If I want to make a file upload without using FormData, Should I send a fileStream of the picture I want to upload or just send the uri of the picture? I am using multer to capture the Files in my server.
What was causing the Network Error is me using a nested object inside dataForm.
//Other code onTop
const {location, ...other} = payload;
form.append("location", JSON.stringify(location));
I hope this might help someone.
Also Files Are Blobs, basically a readabaleStream. Read More About it Here

Uploading an image and parameters in one one API call

i'm having some problems creating an object + uploading an image at the same API call. the server was created by be (Node.js + mongoDB). its a POST that used multer to extract all data (form - data) and all tests using postman seems to be working fine.
i'm using Alamofire in my IOS app
post with content type
upload and multi form data
my server code

formdata is not accepted in node.js APIs?

I am writing node.js App. I am able to get data entered from postman via "x-www-form-urlencoded". But When I enter data with "form-data",the data is not accepted in API.I have tried with app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended:false})) and app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended:true})) . But still it is not working. Is there any way I can accept data via "form-data"?
As suggested in post you cannot use body-parser for form-data.
Instead, you can use a module like multer.

Nodejs: downloading and transforming large data from mongodb

I use Node JS. (Sails JS framework, but that's less important).
Download a CSV file that includes data transformed from MongoDB.
That's the scenario of the server on a response to a large data download request
Read data from MongoDB.
Transform the data format (to CSV).
Send the data to response. (Download).
So, the user is expected to download this large data to their browser.
I'm not sure what would be the best way to handle such request.
MongoDB has built-in support for streaming and Node.js clients can provide a readable stream for the cursor. All HTTP response objects also provide a way to stream the response body through a series of writes or you can pipe to a socket when using WebSockets. Most of the work will be offloaded to the MongoDB server and Node.js was developed for exactly these kinds of requirements.
If you're going to use HTTP on the client side, you can use fetch() and stream the response body into memory. Here is an excellent article that shows how to efficiently process a response for large a CSV file:
const res = await fetch('/big-data.csv')
const csvStream = response.body
.pipeThrough(new TextDecoder())
.pipeThrough(new CSVDecoder())
for (;;) {
const {row, done} = await
if (done) break
Don't forget that both the server and client support encoded content, so make sure you compress the responses to further improve I/O.
It is always a good idea to post some code of what you have tried so far.
First, you would have to retrieve the data from MongoDB using something like mongoose or Waterline if you are using SailsJS
Secondly you can use a library like csv to convert the data to a csv file.
Once you have created the file you can return the file to the user using the sails response like so:

Image uploading - How to get the right format of image data for server side processing

I'm using sharp to process images on the server side and react dropzone to get the image file. When I post the file to the server from dropzone, I get the blob out of the request.body that looks like:
{ preview: 'blob:http%3A//' }
Optionally, before I send data to the server I can use FileReader (or something else) to do something with the image file instead of turning it into a blob.
Sharp takes:
A Buffer containing JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, SVG, TIFF
Raw pixel image data
A String containing the path to an image file, with most major formats supported.
How can I use what I have to provide sharp a supported format?
I recommend trying out a node.js module called Multer to help you access your photo file on your server.
First, on the client, you'll want to append your file to a FormData object like this:
// obtain the file from your react dropzone and save it to this file variable
const file = dropzone.file // not sure how you do this with react dropzone
const data = new FormData()
data.append('photo', file)
Then you'll send this FormData object to your server. On the server you'll use Multer on the route you're using for the photo for processing.
Make sure you npm install multer, and require it on your server or routes file. If you're sending a single file you'll use the multer 'single' method. If you want to do anything different check out the API documentation.'/photos', multer().single('photo'), controller.processPhoto);
In this example route, you're sending a POST request to /photos, multer is looking for a file with a FormData key of 'photo' and appending that to the request object.
Then in this made up 'controller.processPhoto' method you'll have access to the image as a property of the request object, on req.file. With this you can easily access a lot of good information including the image buffer req.file.buffer which it sounds like you need. (also mimetype, original name etc.)
This should be enough to get you started.
