How to get notified about breaking changes in Azure services? - azure

I looked for this online and to my suprise I didn't find any relevant information.
We recently had a serious crash because one of Azure services had some breaking changes. This information was published on the service website and also I think shown as warning on Azure portal. The problem is that nobody checks the website if it's not needed and warnings can be overlooked.
I wonder if there is a mailing list or some other way to get emails only in case where there are some planned changes with serious impact on the services?

On this page it says:
"Get notified about when to revisit this page for updates by copying and pasting this URL: into your RSS feed reader icon feed reader."
I didn't find anything about an email list, but I did find this tool that takes an rss feed and emails you.

Ok so this is what I was able to find.
The best way to get notifications about potential breaking changes is to use Azure Service health available in Azure Portal - link
Here we can see planned certificate changes, some services being updated etc.
We can also configure for this to have notfications in Health Alerts section


Is there a script to create azure custom alerts format and any log analytics query to get azure VM status

I have below two questions can someone help on them.
1.Is there a script or a way to create custom alert format for azure alerts?
2.Is there a way to pin all the azure VM status to dashboard?
Regarding #1, the feature to customize or configure alert email format is currently not supported. If interested, I suggest you to raise your feedback / feature request here in UserVoice / feedback forum. Responsible product / feature team would triage / start checking feasibility and would prioritize the feedback.
Regarding #2, If 'status' is meant as 'PowerState' (i.e., status of VM whether it is running, deallocated, etc.) or if it's meant as 'StatusCode' (i.e., ok, etc.) or if it's meant as 'ProvisioningState' (i.e., succeeded, etc.) then I don't think we have straight-forward way for it so that we can ingest that particular data directly to dashboard but said that, you may just leverage 'Heartbeat' Log Analytics Kusto table at first place and create a custom view as dashboard using view designer but as views in Azure Monitor are being phased out and replaced with workbooks so I suggest leveraging these workbooks now.
If not, you may leverage a new feature called as Azure Monitor for VMs which basically helps to analyze the performance and health of your Windows and Linux VMs, and monitor their processes and dependencies on other resources and external processes. Here again, you can create interactive reports Azure Monitor for VMs with VM insights workbooks.
Hope these inputs helps!

Moving resources from disabled to new subscription in Azure

I've got all my stuff under a subscription that got disabled (changed the employer). I registered a new one (pay-as-you-go on my own credit card). Attempting to move the deactivated sites to the new one failed and the portal says:
Resources cannot be moved from disabled subscriptions.
I've followed the link provided and googled around finding that "...source and destination subscriptions must be active...". That's not very helpful in my case as I have no means to make the admins managing the old subscription reactivate it, not even for a short while.
Do I have to scratch everything and re-publish the application? It won't let me do that on the same URL (and re-configurating the SQL server/DB might cause addition issues). Google gave me nada and I wonder if there's a way to simply move the stuff somehow in the portal.
I can't wait for the reply from MS support because the site manages a register for people with some mental disabilities and not being able to access the material is a huge blow on their daily peace.
Oh, I'm running the site pro-bono (out of my own pocket for the unfortunate souls) so a solution that's pricey might be a show-stopper.
This happened to me. Go to the subscription and reactive it by converting it to a pay-as-you-go subscription. Then you can download and move resources. If you don't need the subscription after that, you can delete it.

Can I set the Azure WebJob Dashboard Status myself?

I'm using the Azure WebJob dashboard for monitoring my jobs. I'm not happy with how far I have to drill into the into the interface to determine what's happening. I'd like to leverage the "Status" field on the webjob details page to show if a particular invocation needs attention and in cases where I consider an invocation a failure, even if it didn't blow up.
I've searched through the Azure WebJobs docs and the features of the Azure WebJobs SDK Extensions package with no luck (but I don't doubt I might have missed it). I manually setting this field possible?
I'm not happy with how far I have to drill into the into the interface to determine what's happening. I'd like to leverage the "Status" field on the webjob details page to show if a particular invocation needs attention and in cases where I consider an invocation a failure, even if it didn't blow up.
As far as I know, it seems that it does not enable us to set status field by ourselves on Azure WebJob Dashboard. If you’d like to display WebJob run details without clicking into the interface, you could try to call WebJobs API to get job runs history and retrieve output or error information from logs by requesting output_url or error_url, and then you could create a custom dashboard and populate it with the output and error details data.
No, you can't set it yourself.
The Kudu APIs may not give you enough detail for individual function instances.
Consider putting a feature request on
There has been some more investment in exposing a logging API directly over the storage account.

What information can we collect from the service bus?

My problem is a simple one. I'm working on a project that uses the service bus from Microsoft Azure to send messages asynchronously between different modules on different virtual machines. And a lot of messages are sent through this bus, so we want to have some indicators about it's performance and other usage information. Why? Because when everything is working, users are happy. When the system is slow, we want to show the user some interesting graphs, statistics, meters and other gadgets to give them an indication if there's a problem within Azure or with something else. And to do this, I need data about the usage of the Azure service bus.
So, which Azure API's are available to display what kind of (diagnostic) information about the service bus?
(Users should have no access to Azure itself! They should just see some performance data to re-assure them Azure is working fine. Or else I could look at it and discover some problem with it, fix it and then make users happy again.)
To elaborate what I'm looking for, the Azure website has some nice chart when you click the Monitor of the Azure bus showing you overviews of the number of incoming messages, the number of errors and their types, size information and the number of succesful operations, all based on a specified period. It would be nice if I could receive this data within my project.
The entity metrics API will give you the exact data the portal is using:
Here's a Subscribe! episode I recorded with Rajat on the topic
I've spent quite some time to make the entity metrics API work, so I decided to share the results.
Here is a full C# code example of how to consume those API:
github repository.
It's a small library which wraps the HTTP request into strongly typed .NET classes. You can also grab it from NuGet.
Finally, here is my blog post with the walkthrough.

Azure service how notify a posible degradation service?

I have got two database (SQL azure) in North America, I'm getting error that the applications can't Access to the server.
I didn't update the application or database, so I supose that there are a problem with sql azure service. How can I notify Microsoft of this problem?
To 'notify' Microsoft, you have very limited options.
They have their own support forums.
They have their own support ticketing system, that costs a pretty penny but is the fastest way to get their attention.
They have their dashboard, which in my own experience is terrible. It is not a true representation, ever. The updates are very very late.
You also have StackOverflow - but there will be little that we can advise on if there is a problem on the Azure infrastructure side of life.
To help aid in your Azure support woes, I would suggest you get an account with Pingdom and get MetricHubs for your subscription. These will help in showing what goes down, when, how often, and for how long. It can help show if the problem really is in your application or not.
I would also ensure you have diagnostics set up, and log everything you can.
Many many people forget or don't know about the transient error problems. Microsoft have a huge article on it, but it does trip people up a lot.
The Azure Management Portal should also be able to give you a quick summary of if your roles & instances are actually up, healthy and stable.
