Azure Live Metrics doesn't show Incoming Request , Outgoing request, Server Health - azure

I have followed below Microsoft documents to achieve Application Insights
Just to give some background - My war is deployed in JBoss EAP 7 Standalone web server which is hosted in Azure Virtual machine.
But some reason I don't see Live Metrics at all, could you please guide how to enable ?
FYI - I can see all other metrics in AI

I used to create a springboot web application with app insights following this doc.
And when I finished the code and configuration, I run the program in local environment, I can reach the 'live metric' page. When I stopped the program, the web page showed 'Not available: your app is offline or using an older SDK'.
So according to your description, I think you can make sure if you have started the web container first. Or you can debug your program in local environment to check your code and configuration. If the program runs well locally and still can't reach live metric, try to modify the pom.xml and use a newer version.


After deployment Web job, execution of blob trigger stopped working

I have deployed my web job on production environment and suddenly blob trigger stops working(Looking into App Insight I know that blob trigger is not called).
If I debug the same code from the local machine then it triggers blob trigger.But stopped working in the production environment.
Always On is enabled.
Also, I have these containers are present
Installed packages:-
Microsoft.Azure.Webjobs installed version is 2.0.0,
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host installed version is 2.0.0
According to your description, we couldn't directly find out why the blob trigger doesn't work. I suggest you could follow below way to troubleshoot by yourself.
If I debug the same code from the local machine then it triggers blob trigger.But stopped working in the production environment.
Since you found your webjob could work well in local, I guess maybe there are something wrong with the connection string config in your web app.
I suggest you could try to follow below way to change the production environment appsetting to set the storage connection string in it.
1.Open the portal and edit the appsetting as below.
2.Create another web app and publish the web job to it and run.
If these two ways all doesn't help you solve the error, I suggest you could post the log/error message and the details codes about the web job.
More details about how to find the log/error message, you could follow below way.

PhantomJS in Azure WebJob? [duplicate]

I have deployed an mvc website in azure and I am trying to deploy phantomJS as a web job to support the web site.
I have uploaded a zip file with all the necessary dependencies to run PhantomJS and the web job starts successfully after running my batch file. The log reports that the server is up and running # However when I try to hit the PhantomJS app at url from my azure site hosted under it just times out with no other error message.
Specifically I am trying to deploy a phantomJS application that hosts a web endpoint ( that will enable me to convert web pages to pdf if I pass a url from the website to the phantomJS process.
The website will pass a url to PhantomJS that will respond back with a pdf file that can be downloaded. I already have it working outside of Azure, but was curious if the PhantomJS process can be hosted as a web job
Does anyone know if it is possible to deploy PhantomJS in this manner?
I am running my site under the "free" configuration.
PhantomJS is not working on azure Webjobs.
I tried to execute it through CMD shell [yoursite] , but it hanges when I call it with raserize.js script.
you can use phantomjs as worker role, it will work.
Regarding to this:
phantomJS uses GDI to render images and pdf, and GDI is blocked in Azure Website
ref : GDI is not enabled in azure webisites
ref : PhantomJS uses GDI for rendering fonts :
We have the same issue with WSAS (Windows Azure Web Sites). We can run can communicate via stdin/stdout with phantomjs.exe, but when ever it does an actual network request, it will time out, or will freeze if a timeout is not set.
Some other applications can make network requests (f.e. curl.exe), but if you try running "ping", it will respond with "Unable to contact IP driver. General failure." googling which tells that there's likely a Hyper-V misconfiguration on their virtual servers.
Azure Websites will not allow you to listen on ports, also you cannot use localhost from within your Azure Website.

Deploying lightswitch desktop application error

I am having difficulty in deploying my forst lightswitch desktop application.
when i try to publish, in the summary window it says
Database: Donot Publish
and the install.htm file is cofusing to me.
Can someone help me with a step by step tutorial.
I will be grateful.
I have installed Microsoft SQL server 2008.
The process of deploying a LightSwitch-based application differs depending on the application type and deployment scenario that you select. You have said that your lightswitch application is a desktop application. So, the possible deployment scenarios are:
Desktop client 2-tier
Desktop client, 3-tier
These links will help you :
Deploying LightSwitch Applications
How to: Deploy a 2-tier Application
How to: Deploy a 3-tier Application
You should try to get the exception info/stack trace from the server process (vslshost.exe) to get more information about the error when retrieving or saving data. If your app tries to load data when opening, change it so that there is no default screen. This will prevent the app from opening a screen when loading the app and trying to load data, allowing you enough time after opening the app to attach a debugger. You can follow my blog post at for info on how to get the exception info.

Unable to start Message Engine in Websphere

I am facing a problem while starting the websphere message engine for one of the application deployed on websphere. This application is getting deployed automatically as a part of the installation of Websphere Lombardi 7.2 express edition. It's using websphere 7 internally to deploy it. When I try to start the message engine from the administrative console of websphere I am getting following error:
The messaging engine ProcessCenter01.twperfsvr-twperfsvr_bus cannot be started as there is no runtime initialized for it yet, retry the operation once it has initialized. For the runtime to successfully initialize the hosting server must be started, have its 'SIB service' already enabled, and dynamic configuration reload enabled. If this is a newly configured messaging engine and it is the first messaging engine to be hosted on this server, then it is most likely the 'SIB service' was not previously enabled and thus the server will need to be restarted. The messaging engine runtime might not be initializing because of an error while trying to start, examine the SystemOut.log of the hosting server to check for error messages indicating the problem.
After restarting the server, the same error shows. Can anyone help me to to find what gets loaded as a part of "initialization of runtime"? Are there any config files etc. that I need to check to solve this issue? I am suspecting some missing configuration causing error to load the runtime for this particular application.
I too faced this issue today had to delete all the files under the message store
check the directory-file path mentioned in
Application servers > server1 > Messaging engines > XXX.server1-primaryBus > File store
Just Enable the SIB Services For the particular Server.
Example:Server-->Application Server-->click on Server Name-->right hand side we can see SIB services-->Check box the Enable services.
This will solve your problem
Recently I have faced the same issue when I rebuilt the jvms in UAT envt. After searching on web I found that because of the old messages saved in the message store(flat files in my envt) the messaging engines was not getting initiated. After deleting the old messaging store and restarting the servers it got initialized.
I have struggled with this problem too.
In our situation the problem was that the file message store location was used that was already created for a different (or old) message-engine.
If you add a busmember to the service-bus and use a file store implementation, then you need to supply the path for the store and log folder. Make sure these locations don't exist yet, other wise you will run in the problem above. The message-engine for this member will use these folders.
If you have a script for creating the message-bus infrastructure, make sure that when you delete the bus or remove message-engines, that you remove the file store/log folders for these, before you re-run your script.
Another possibility is that you are using a external database as a data store, and the user that is used for the connection is not allowed to create a database. You might find a ffdc entry like this:
Then you have to go to your database administration tool and give DB2ADMIN the proper privileges. Then restart the server or cluster.
Finally this issue is been resolved. I did not create the schema in SQL Server with same name as that of the username I gave to connect SQL Server during the installation of WLE 7.2
Please find details about this at below link:

can you deploy cruise control .net as a web service/web app?

I'm investigating the possibility of utilizing my web host as a cruise build server. If I have access to MsBuild or can deploy msBuild and run it, it would be great. I can not however find any resources that would tell me if cruise control supports being run as a web service or web app.
Is this type of deployment possible? If not could the UI (it's web-based I believe) control section sit on the web server and send requests to the actual build server?
CruiseControl requires it's own Windows service running in the background. Unless you can install services (not web services, but actual Windows services) on your host (which is unlikely unless you have a dedicated server), or just keep the EXE running until the end of time in debug mode, you won't be able to use CC.Net in this way.
It's better to keep this as part of your dev environment, anyway. You don't want the security risk involved with having that level of control available to anyone that manages to log in to the server.
I figured it out. This was very doable, just copying the web directory from's install and editing a few config files.
