How to get sequelize getter to work with findAll - node.js

For sake of example, I have this very simple model:
const Blog = sequelize.define(
id: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
primaryKey: true,
allowNull: false,
get() {
return this.getDataValue('id').toString();
I would like to return the id my records as strings, but it does not work:
const blogs = Blog.findAll({ raw: true })
Returns a list of blogs with the id property as a number.
Any ideas why and if that's not the correct way to do this, what would it be?

If you want to use a different type for the primary key make sure to set autoIncrement: false. Typically you would use either a DataTypes.INTEGER or DataTypes.UUID as a primary key type but should work with a DataTypes.String as well. You will need to insert a unique value for each row.
If you want to run the getter you need to remove raw: true. When you specify raw results the columns that are returned from the database are mapped directly to a JSON object, in this case they are numeric. If you want to map the results back to a plain JSON object instead of Model Instances you can use and Instance.toJSON().
Note that in your example you omitted await or thenable syntax as well which is necessary to get the results asynchronously.
const blogs = await Blog.findAll();
const plainObjs = => blog.toJSON());


Mongoose Query with Dynamic Key that also contains the "and" operator

So I'm trying to query my MongoDB database using mongoose to fetch documents that have a specific family AND a specific analysis ID at the same time. Here is an example of the document structure:
_id: ObjectId("62b2fb397fda9ba6fe24aa5c")
day: 1
family: "AUTOMOTIVE"
prediction: -233.99999999999892
analysis: ObjectId("629c86fc67cfee013c5bf147")
The problem I face in this case is that the name of the key of the family field is set dynamically and could therefore have any other name such as "product_family", "category", etc. This is why, in order to fetch documents with a dynamic key name, I have to use the where() and equals() operators like so:
// Get the key of the field that is set dyncamically.
let dynamicKey = req.body.dynamicKey;
// Perform a query using a dynamic key.
documents = await Model.find().where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value);
HOWEVER, my goal here is NOT to just fetch all the documents with the dynamic key, but rather to fetch the documents that have BOTH the dynamic key name AND ALSO a specific analysis Id.
Had the family field NOT been dynamic, I could have simply used a query like so:
documents = await Model.find({
$and: [{analysis: req.body.analysis_id}, {family: req.body.value}]
but this does not seem possible in this case since the keys inside the find() operator are mere text strings and not variables. I also tried using the following queries with no luck:
documents = await Model.find().where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value).where('analysis').equals(req.body.analysis_id);
documents = await Model.find().where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value).where('analysis').equals(req.body.analysis_id);
Can somebody please help?
As #rickhg12hs mentioned in the comments, part of the answer is to use the [] brackets to specify your dynamic key like so:
await Model.find({[dynamicKey]: req.body.value, analysis: req.body.analysis_id});
I also found out that another query that can work is this:
await Model.find({analysis:req.body.analysis_id}).where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value);
However, it seems that for either of these solutions to work you also need to set your schema's strict mode to "false", since we are working with a dynamic key value.
var predictionSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
day: {
type: Number,
required: true
prediction: {
type: Number,
required: true
analysis: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Analysis', // Reference the Analysis Schema
required: true
}, { strict: false });

Sequelize: how to let the database handle primary key value?

I'm using sequelize 6.5.0. I created a simple model to do two rudimentary things: a) find records, b) create records. I'm having trouble creating records; specifically, ones with primary key. If I designate the column as primaryKey like so:
const Table = sequelize.define('table', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.UUID,
primaryKey: true
datum: {...}
and try to create a record like so:
Table.create({datum: 'abc'})
then it will try (and fail) to set the primary key with:
INSERT INTO "table" ("id","datum") VALUES ($1,$2) RETURNING ...;
which is 50% what I did not ask it to do. Now, I don't need this to happen since default value for id is already handled at the database level. So, the next natural move was to not designate id as primaryKey:
const Table = sequelize.define('table', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.UUID,
// primaryKey: true
datum: {...}
But now sequelize attempts to get smart and throws a tantrum:
Uncaught Error: A column called 'id' was added to the attributes of 'table' but not marked with 'primaryKey: true'
Q) How do I get sequelize to NOT handle primary key on create?
I think you can skip the id field in the definition altogether, and PostgreSQL will still have one

Duplicate null key value error MongoDB with Mongoose

I'm trying to add a user to my users collection and keep getting a duplicate null key value error.
My Users model used to look like this like this:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
profilePictures: [{
link: {
type: String
rank: {
type: Number,
unique: true
module.exports = User = mongoose.model("users", UserSchema);
Before I changed the pictures field to
pictures = []
I believe because I saved users under the former schema, it has saved somewhere the model of the object in the pictures array (they would be given an ObjectId when I saved something to that array).
Even though I have changed the field to
pictures = []
I still get this error
E11000 duplicate key error collection: testDB.users index: profilePictures.rank_1 dup key: { profilePictures.rank: null }
When neither profilePictures nor rank fields even exist anymore.
I imagine I can probably just delete the users collection and start again but I want to know if there is a better way to handle this error? Suppose I had 100 users in the users collection – I wouldn't be able to just delete them all.
you added unique property true in your model to profilePictures.rank. on first request it is saving null as you may be not providing rank in your query.
second time it is again trying to save null but it is also marked unique so it is throwing exception.
remove unique flag from profilePictures.rank
provide unique value for profilePictures.rank

Why does Sequelize add extra columns to SELECT query?

When i want to get some records with joined data from the referenced tables, Sequelize adds the reference columns twice: the normal one and a copy of them, written just a little bit different.
This is my model:
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) {
return sequelize.define('result', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER(10),
allowNull: false,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
test_id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER(10),
allowNull: false,
references: {
model: 'test',
key: 'id'
item_id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER(10),
allowNull: false,
references: {
model: 'item',
key: 'id'
}, // and many other fields
tableName: 'result',
timestamps: false, // disable the automatic adding of createdAt and updatedAt columns
In my repository I have a method, which gets the result with joined data. And I defined the following associations:
const Result = connection.import('../../models/storage/result');
const Item = connection.import('../../models/storage/item');
const Test = connection.import('../../models/storage/test');
Result.belongsTo(Test, {foreignKey: 'test_id'});
Result.belongsTo(Item, {foreignKey: 'item_id'});
// Defining includes for JOIN querys
var include = [{
model: Item,
attributes: ['id', 'header_en']
}, {
model: Test,
attributes: ['label']
var getResult = function(id) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // pass result
where: { id : id },
include: include,
// attributes: ['id',
// 'test_id',
// 'item_id',
// 'result',
// 'validation'
// ]
}).then(result => {
The function produces the following query:
SELECT `result`.`id`, `result`.`test_id`, `result`.`item_id`, `result`.`result`, `result`.`validation`, `result`.`testId`, `result`.`itemId`, `item`.`id` AS ``, `item`.`title` AS `item.title`, `test`.`id` AS ``, `test`.`label` AS `test.label` FROM `result` AS `result` LEFT OUTER JOIN `item` AS `item` ON `result`.`item_id` = `item`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `test` AS `test` ON `result`.`test_id` = `test`.`id` WHERE `result`.`id` = '1';
Notice the extra itemId, testId it wants to select from the result table. I don't know where this happens. This produces:
Unhandled rejection SequelizeDatabaseError: Unknown column 'result.testId' in 'field list'
It only works when i specify which attributes to select.
EDIT: my tables in the database already have references to other tables with item_id and test_id. Is it then unnecessary to add the associations again in the application code like I do?
A result always has one item and test it belongs to.
How can i solve this?
Thanks in advance,
Result.belongsTo(Test, {foreignKey: 'test_id'});
// Test.hasMany(Result);
Result.belongsTo(Item, {foreignKey: 'item_id'});
// Item.hasOne(Result);
Commenting out the hasOne, hasMany lines did solve the problem. I think I messed it up by defining the association twice. :|
Sequelize uses these column name by adding an id to the model name by default. If you want to stop it, there is an option that you need to specify.
underscored: true
You can specify this property on application level and on model level.
Also, you can turn off the timestamps as well. You need to use the timestamp option.
timestamps: false
Although your solution fixes your immediate problem, it is ultimately not what you should be doing, as the cause of your problem is misunderstood there. For example, you MUST make that sort of association if making a Super Many-to-Many relationship (which was my problem that I was trying to solve when I found this thread). Fortunately, the Sequelize documentation addresses this under Aliases and custom key names.
Sequelize automatically aliases the foreign key unless you tell it specifically what to use, so test_id becomes testId, and item_id becomes itemId by default. Since those fields are not defined in your Result table, Sequelize assumes they exist when generating the insert set, and fails when the receiving table turns out not to have them! So your issue is less associating tables twice than it is that one association is assuming extra, non-existing fields.
I suspect a more complete solution for your issue would be the following:
Result.belongsTo(Test, {foreignKey: 'test_id'});
Test.hasMany(Result, {foreignKey: 'test_id'});
Result.belongsTo(Item, {foreignKey: 'item_id'});
Item.hasOne(Result, {foreignKey: 'item_id'});
A similar solution fixed my nearly identical problem with some M:N tables.

Mongoose find with default value

I have a mongoose model: (With a field that has a default)
var MySchema= new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
isClever: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
I can save a model of this type by just saving a name and in mongoDB, only name can be seen in the document (and not isClever field). That's fine because defaults happen at the mongoose level. (?)
The problem I am having then is, when trying to retrieve only people called john and isClever = false:
'name' : 'john',
'isClever': false
}).exec( function(err, person) {
// person is always null
It always returns null. Is this something related to how defaults work with mongoose? We can't match on a defaulted value?
According to Mongoose docs, default values are applied when the document skeleton is constructed.
When you execute a find query, it is passed to Mongo when no document is constructed yet. Mongo is not aware about defaults, so since there are no documents where isClever is explicitly true, that results in empty output.
To get your example working, it should be:
'name' : 'john',
'isClever': {
$ne: true
