I am new to Shopware 6 and have installed it with Docker and locally. I use PhpStorm and thought I could debug the twig files but I have not been able to get this to work for me. I have been trying to debug my plugin. I haven't been able to find any similar questions or the answer so far.
When I check for debug environments
debug: true
auto_reload: true
I think I can only see them in the Test directories, but then does this mean that I would I need to set this up for my plugin directory? I also don't know how to locate the Twig compiled templates cache.
How are you debugging the Twig files and do you have a special set up?
I am sorry for not being clear, as I don't know what the problem is, other than my debugging of Twig does not work.
Thanks in advance for any hints of pointing me in the right direction.
I've been trying to use the Atto plugin template (https://github.com/justinhunt/moodle-atto_newtemplate) to try and create my own Atto plugin. I've made the changes outlined in the README, and got shifter to run via npm. It appears to generate the build folder that matches the other plugins.
I'm able to see the plugin in configuration, and it's showing up in the Atto Toolbar Settings, but, when I pop open a text editor, I don't get an icon, and the console logs moodle-editor_atto-editor: Plugin 'testplugin' could not be found - skipping initialisation
I've found a few references in the docs that shifter is no longer used, and grunt is the new way to go, but I can't find any actual docs on this, and no gruntfile seems to exist anywhere.
Has anyone come across this before? What am I missing?
You will need to run shifter on your YUI code for it to work - the usual way of doing that, for Moodle 2.9 and above is to use grunt - see https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Grunt for more details.
Not sure if this was ever resolved. The template is really helpful and it also comes with lib, db, and version PHP scripts. The string that you use as the plugin name has to be consistent throughout these scripts, as well as in your JS file. By default, it is set to atto_NEWTEMPLATE. Did you perhaps change this string to atto_testplugin in one place but not in all the others?
I started "using" Grunt.js yesterday, it seems to nest extensively deep folder structures in my projects, that look something like this:
This still is a realtively short path, but there are loads of paths generated which my PC (running Windows 7) simply can't handle. I see this a well known issue as you can read in this Github issue of Node.js from 2014:
However the issue still isn't fixed and a lot of people seem to be mad about it.
I wonder if I should get my head around Grunt at all because I didn't see a solid solution to get this working for me so far.
Even if I started using Mac (assumed Grunt.js works fine on mac), from my point of view Grunt seems to be a bad option if you want to be able to collaborate with people using windows.
Is there an easy way to use Gruntjs without running into file path issues on Windows?
*update: This is what GIT BASH throws at me when I am trying to track my files using git add .
warning: unable to access 'node_modules/grunt-contrib-compass/node_modules/bin-v ersion-check/node_modules/bin-version/node_modules/find-versions/node_modules/me ow/node_modules/read-pkg-up/node_modules/find-up/node_modules/pinkie-promise/nod e_modules/pinkie/.gitignore': Filename too long
Solution is to use GULP Or move your project to root directory of your drive, I am not sure if this is a grunt specific issue or rather a node specific issue
In my project I work with spring-boot and groovy. Also I using spring-boot-devtool. This is a good tool that helps me.
But, when I change groovy-files, server not restarted, I have to change other files
Like a IDE I use a IDEA. The project assembled and tested with the command
gradle bootRun
Has anyone experienced this and found a solution?
In my case pattern !?*.groovy was absent in Resource patterns in Compiler settings
Try with <CTRL+F9>
I am using Spring Boot 1.3.0-RELEASE with groovy only.
Maybe this auto-generated demo project may help you to compare what went wrong with your project, using Sring CLI (installed via SDKMAN):
run in command line: spring init --dependencies=devtools,web --type=gradle-project --language=groovy example
Import to IDEA
run gradle bootRun
change source and hit <CTRL+F9>
I'm trying to install Nwazet Commerce with Orchard 1.7.2.
Suddenly, nothing happens. No new menus, no errors, nothing in the logs, nothing. It is just as if I hadn't installed it.
Before you ask... yes I've enabled the modules.
I can't find even a single scrap of documentation. What is supposed to happen? I would expect to see some extra menus or something on my dashboard or perhaps some extra content types, but there's nothing.
Help please :-|
You can't. The current version in the source repository is only compatible with the 1.x branch. See https://bitbucket.org/bleroy/nwazet.commerce/issue/20/update-to-17
I have a version for 1.7.2 unfortunately I don't know what fork it was from so I don't know what bugs or issues were included.
I found it in my saved orchard files and tested quickly you will get the admin options.
Download available here
I'm building a new Liferay theme and being crushed by this problem.
When I make changes to the init_custom.vm, the only possible way for me to see the changes is to restart Tomcat. When I make other changes to my theme, such as editing my CSS or adding images, I can see the changes after deploying the theme via the Ant Deploy target. No such luck with the templates.
I checked the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/my-theme/init_custom.vm after deploying, and that file does reflect my changes.
I cannot continue to develop if this is going to be the cycle. I must be able to make changes to the velocity template without requiring a restart. Any suggestions?
I'm using the Eclipse Liferay IDE and the Ant build to deploy my theme when I make changes. I'm using the Liferay 6.0.6 Tomcat bundle. I've also already added include-and-override=portal-developer.properties to my portal-ide.properties file.
(also asked this in the Liferay Forums, and I'll make sure to copy back any answers I get: http://www.liferay.com/community/forums/-/message_boards/message/11292911)
Liferay also caches everything Velocity related which sometimes can present itself in the way you describe: changes to templates don't seem to show unless you restart Liferay. You can turn off this behavior if you set the following property in your portal-ext.properties file:
I switched to the 6.1 Beta and do not have the problem on that release, so it was just with 6.0.6.
Also: I've seen How to edit a velocimacro without restarting velocity? and Testing JSON API in Rails 3.2 using rspec using exact PUT/POST bodies as Backbone would send and they did not work for me. Upgrading to 6.1 beta did, for some reason, work.