Android Studio shows C++ file icon on every file - android-studio

After updating Android Studio to version 4.1 every file icon in the project is shown as a C++ icon. Is there any way to repair this? This is how it looks:
You can see every file, no matter what extension, has icon. I created new projects and checked the old ones but the effect is the same everywhere.
In my case, the error disappeared after updating Android Studio to version 2020.3.1.


How to avoid running another android studio when creating a new project?

Whenever I'm creating a new project on the file my android studio opens another android studio, ending up 2 android studio running at the same time. I've already configure the system setting under the appearance and behavior to current window but nothing happens

Android Studio files status gray and not changing to show VCS changes

I was working on a project in Android Studio when I update my Android studio to latest stable version. After updating Android studio, it prompted me to update Project build.gradle for the project (from' to'.
Since then most of the files are in grey colour and are not showing File Status in Views and Line Status in the Editor on making modifications to the files. It used to highlight all changes to the files since the last synchronisation with blue colour.
I have tried to revert to', that didn't work. Then I tried deleting.AndroidStudio and .gradle folders from user folder, reinstalling android studio and also deleting the project from the directory and cloning a fresh copy from Github.
That fixed it for once when imported the project in the Android studio for the first time, but the problem came back after a restart.
I have checked, There are no changes to the code on GitHub that could have cause it. I only did changes to resource files
It's working fine on other projects, and just this project is having the issue so far.
I believe this is a bug in Android studio's latest update, so I have also reported the bug on Android Studio bug tracker.
Hi I had the same problem and it is solved for me in this way:

Android Studio 1.0.2 laout-land folder now showing

Using Android Studio 1.0.2 (Windows).
How to make a res/layout-land folder?
I try, it seems to work (no error messages), but the folder does not show up in Android Studio.
However, the folder does exist in the file system.
I have some old project (converted from Android Studio 0.9.x): They seem to work better.
I had the same problem. You have to change your structure explorer from Android(I think its default) to Project. You will see the layout-land folder under res.
You can change the structure explorer in Android Studio from Android to Packages:
Also after restarting the Android Studio application I was able to see the land folder.

Android Studio - automatic project load

I cannot find a way to prevent Android Studio from automatically loading the last project in use. I want it open me the beggining window with the list of projects available and not loading the last used automatically.
The location of Reopen last project on startup was moved to Settings => Appearance & Behavior => System Settings with new Android Studio, just uncheck it!
In Appearance & Behavior -> System Setting , also you can change some other setting about open or save projects
Android Studio 2.1.1 MacOS X
This screen can accessed in Android Studio 3.1.3 on MacOS High Sierra by selecting the Android Studio -> Preferences menu
Android Studio or Intellij IDEA:
From the menu go to :
File > Settings >Appearence & Behavior > System Settings.
disable the option:
Reopen last project on startup
Open Settings, go to General and remove check from Reopen last project on startup
If the project that is being reopened is causing android studio to stop responding you may not be able to get to the dialog. I got round this by deleting
This allowed me to temporarily start android studio without reopening the offending project, and then permanently disable the reopening feature using the dialog others have mentioned
I ran into this problem on MacOS when I added Android Studio Canary and Intellij. I'm not sure which caused the issue.
Anyway, here's the steps that I used to fix it:
Open Android Studio to see what project it opens; write down that project.
It will freeze, so you need to force quit it.
Erase the nodes where that project name exists. For me it was the last <entry> element and the <option> element in the recentProjects.xml file (location below). Make sure you delete the complete element!
Restart and it should work. Otherwise, repeat for the new recently opened project that is freezing Android Studio.
Where is the file?
~Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/options
It took me digging up the location of Intellij files then back tracking it to Google then Android Studio to find where the file exists. I hope I save someone the time I wasted on this. :D
Extra note:
The <entry> node is in here:
<component name="RecentProjectsManager">
<option name="additionalInfo">

What is the extension of a Android Studio project file?

What is the Android Studio equivalent of Solution file in (.sln) file in Visual Studio ? I created a project in Android studio and closed it. Now I am not sure which file should I open to reload it into Android studio.
Use the import project function on the build.gradle file in your project root (not the folder itself!) to open the project again in Android Studio.
I think ".iml" is the extension for Android studio projects.
".project" is for Eclipse projects
Opening a saved project on another drive
There is no such single project file that needs to be opened but rather the directory where the whole project is stored.
Find the directory where you have saved your project
In Android Studio -> Files -> Open->(click on the directory name where your files/project is stored)
Except using android studio unique method(import), you can also double click .iml file to open corresponding project.
If you using Windows operating system, you could right click .iml file in file explorer, and select studio64.exe to open it, then android studio start the project!
At least in the version I have, like intellij the "android studio project files" are stored in a folder called '.idea' in the root of your workspace (though you can explicitly create one that looks up the tree and have it not be in the root).
If you add this folder to source control, do not add the file "workspace.xml" as that is the state of the window positions on your machine and should remain local, checking it in will cause lots of confusion.
If this directory is present, android studio will give the containing folder an android studio icon in it's open file browser window in the windows version. You can click on the directory with this icon in intellij (android studio) and open the project.
In Windows, Click at projectname.iml under project directory root. If window is not does not have the .iml file association with Android Studio, you need to add it.
When you select File->Open in Android Studio and navigate through folders, you will notice that folders which consist valid Android projects would have the Android Studio icon, clearly indicating that this is all you have to select.
It is unusual approach in terms of normal behavior of programs under Windows, because since very first versions of Windows it's become accustom to be able to open a program by double-clicking on the file associated with such program, but I guess developers of Android Studio decided not to do that.
It is possible that ".iml" file could be associated with Android Studio but it doesn't happen by default and it's not associated on my computer neither.
I ran into this problem, after upgrading Android Studio to 3.0 on Mac. The previous projects I had created were not displayed, in the splash screen, during startup of 3.0, so what I did was:
1. Pick the option to Open a project
2. Navigate to the location where the project was previously saved (~/AndroidStudioProjects/projectFolder)
3. Select the folder (don't double-click it)
4. Click button: Open
5. Result: this opened the project.
So there is no need to select any particular file. I suspect the filer of this problem was double-clicking the project folder and then wondering what to select next, which is what I did, initially. But it turns out that the Open button is required, in order to open the project. Otherwise, Android Studio anticipates that your intention is to open the folder.
.iml file can be used to open the project directly into Android Studio (I am referring to Android Studio 3). Just goto your project folder and then double click on yourProject.iml file.
I know its late but better late then never :-)
Visual Studio uses one solution file. Android Studio does this different. It uses a directory for this purpose, namely the directory .idea in your project. In this directory several files make up how your IDE is configured for that project. The same as in Visual Studio. Those files can be edited and changed, but you will have to know what is what in those files.
I think the answer is .duh
Please see screenshot:
