Create a rolling date list in Excel - excel

I want to create a rolling list of dates in Excel like so:
Day Date
Day 1 01-Jul-19
Day 1 02-Jul-19
Day 1 03-Jul-19
Day 1 04-Jul-19
Day 1 05-Jul-19
Day 1 06-Jul-19
Day 1 07-Jul-19
Day 2 02-Jul-19
Day 2 03-Jul-19
Day 2 04-Jul-19
Day 2 05-Jul-19
Day 2 06-Jul-19
Day 2 07-Jul-19
Day 2 08-Jul-19
Day 3 03-Jul-19
Day 3 04-Jul-19
Day 3 05-Jul-19
Day 3 06-Jul-19
Day 3 07-Jul-19
Day 3 08-Jul-19
Day 3 09-Jul-19
Day 4 04-Jul-19
. .
. .
. .
So essentially what's happening is that the 7-day range moves forward by one day each time, from a specific start date (in the example above, 01-07-19) until it reaches an end date. Is there an automated way of doing this?

#ashvin10 you can do this in vba, but you can also accomplish this with 2 formulas without using vba at all, here's how:
for illustration purposes we'll just assume you are starting with 07/01/2019 on the first row and your information will be displayed in columns A and B.
in A1 enter the string Day 1
in B1 enter your starting date, like 07/01/2019
in A2 enter this formula: ="Day " & IF(MOD(ROW(A2),7)<>0, MID(A2,5,(LEN(A2)-4)), MID(A2,5,(LEN(A2)-4))+1)
in B2 enter this formula: =IF(A2=A1,B1+1,OFFSET(B2,-7,0)+1)
highlight cells A2 and B2
click on the cross that becomes available on the bottom right hand corner of cell B2
drag down the formula till you hit the end date you desire
the cells are populated with the values you requested in the format you requested
If you absolutely have to have it done using vba please let me know and I can show you how to do it that way as well, but this way is much easier.
EDIT: #ashvin10 I'm so sorry, the original formula I instructed you to put into A2 only works for Day 1 through Day 9, if you go into days past 9 it won't display correctly. I've fixed the formula that should be pasted into A2 so now it will work no matter how many days you go down. I'm so sorry for the confusion.

Alternatively, this can also be done in Python.
import datetime
start_date = '01-07-2019'
end_date = '31-01-2020'
output_file_name = 'rolling dates'
output_file_extension = '.CSV'
delimiter = '\t'
with open((output_file_name + output_file_extension.lower()), 'w+') as file:
header = "Day" + delimiter + "Date" + '\n'
start_date_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%d-%m-%Y').date()
end_date_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%d-%m-%Y').date()
number_of_days = abs((end_date_object - start_date_object).days)
next_day = start_date_object
for i in range(1, number_of_days + 2):
for j in range(7):
file.write(("Day {0}" + delimiter + next_day.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') + '\n').format(i))
next_day += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
start_date_object += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
next_day = start_date_object
After running the code above, I simply created a blank Excel file and then imported the data from the CSV file output by this code.
This is arguably more complicated than #gharbad-the-weak's answer but thought I'd include this anyway.


how to calculate the date from the year, week-of-year and day-of-week in EXCEL?

I have the Year, Week-of-Year and Day-of-the-Week as follows:
Year = 2022 (A2) ; Week Year = 35 (B2); Week Day = 4 or Thursday (C2)
and I would like to estimate the Date as, which is highlighted in yellow as it shows in the EXCEL picture.
I tried many formulas, but I am sure there might be an easy one.
I think you are counting the weeks starting from zero because for 9/1/2022 (YYYY/MM/DD format) the corresponding week is 36 as per the result of function WEEKNUM(DATE(2022,9,1)). In order to use the logic to multiply the number of weeks by 7. You need to use as a reference the first day of the year, if it was a Sunday, if not then go back to the previous Sunday, so you can count the entire week. Bottom line use as a reference date, the Sunday of the first week of the year, not the first day of the year (YYYY/1/1)
Here is the approach we use in cell E2:
=LET(y, A2:A6, wk, B2:B6, wDay, C2:C6, fDay, DATE(y,1,1), seq, SEQUENCE(7),
fDay - IF(WEEKDAY(fDay)=1,0, WEEKDAY(fDay,2)) + 7*wk
+ XLOOKUP(wDay, TEXT(seq,"dddd"), seq-1))
We use the LET function to avoid repeating the same calculation. The following expression finds the previous Sunday if the first day of the year (fDay) was not a Sunday:
fDay - IF(WEEKDAY(fDay)=1,0, WEEKDAY(fDay,2))
The XLOOKUP function is used to get the numeric representation of the weekday and use the TEXT function to generate the weekdays in a long format. Since we count the entire week, if the weekday is a Sunday (column C in my screenshot), then we don't need to add any day to our reference date, that is why we use seq-1.
Here is the output for several sample data. Assuming the week count starts with zero, if not the formula needs to be adjusted as also the input data.
Notice that the year 2021 started on a Friday, so if we want to find a day for the first week (0) before Friday it will return a date from the previous year. Like in the case of Monday. If you want an error message instead, then the formula can be modified as follow:
=LET(y, A2:A6, wk, B2:B6, wDay, C2:C6, fDay, DATE(y,1,1), seq, SEQUENCE(7),
result, fDay - IF(WEEKDAY(fDay)=1,0, WEEKDAY(fDay,2)) + 7*wk
+ XLOOKUP(wDay, TEXT(seq,"dddd"), seq-1),
IF(YEAR(result) <> y, "ERROR: Date from previous year", result))
I found the solution:
Year = 2022 (A2) ; Week Year = 35 (B2); Week Day = 4 or Thursday (C2)
=DATE (A2,1,3)-WEEKDAY(DATE(A2,1,3)) + 7 * B2 + C2 - 6
I found this solution, but you need to do further testing if it really works.
I calculate month from week: =+MONTH(DATE(YEAR(A2);1;1)+B2*7-1)
I calculate week day number from week day name: =MATCH(D2;{"Monday";"Tuesday";"Wednesday";"Thursday";"Friday";"Saturday";"Sunday"};0)
And then make date using: =DATE(A2;C2;E2)

Comparing dates in Excel

I'm trying to compare date in excel to return a value.
I want to see...
if date of birth + today() is less than DATE(2021,9,1) years then output 6
if date of birth + today() is less than DATE(2021,9,1) years then output 5
if date of birth + today() is less than DATE(2021,9,1) years then output 4
if date of birth + today() is less than DATE(2021,9,1) years then output 3
This is for a school project. I'm struggling to understand the date concept.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Thanx for reading,
This should work, imagining that cell A1 contains the date of birth:
=IF((A1 + today()) < DATE(2021,9,1), 6)
=IF((A1 + today()) < DATE(2021,9,1), 5)
=IF((A1 + today()) < DATE(2021,9,1), 4)
=IF((A1 + today()) < DATE(2021,9,1), 3)
After going home and sleeping on it, I think I figured it out. I wanted my date to be static and check against pupil date of births to determine their age for a particular year. I already have a version of this which is dynamic and updates itself when the sheet is loaded. Here is what I did, where E3 is equal to a pupils date of birth...
If there is an easier way to accomplish this I would relish feedback.
Thanx again to those of you who replied,
This is my dynamic version
=IF(E3="","",MAX(0,DATEDIF(DATE(YEAR(E3+122),9,1),NOW(),"Y" )-4))
This calculates age
DATEDIF(E3,TODAY(),"Y") & "." &
DATEDIF(E3,TODAY(),"YM") & "." &
In Excel, a date is stored as a number of days since 1/1/1900 (or 1904, not very important), you can subtract date2-date1 and that will return the number of days between the 2 dates.
With that logic, a simple formula to get your age from your birth date stored in E3 would be:
Just for fun, enter a date in a cell, then Clear Formats. You will see the number of days.

Generate "duplicate" row if between a date there is more than one month involved

I'm asked to "automatize" some Excel tasks regarding medical licenses, what I mainly need right now is to identify if a license is longer than a month period, if so, duplicate the entire row data besides the date which needs to be adapted on the "next month" and also generate a period id that includes the year + month (e.g. 201801 for a license started in Jan/2018).
What I did first was checking and displaying if a license is longer than x period (did a loop that counts days and identify if it matches with the month above the cell), so if one started on Jan and ended in Feb it would show like this:
period id member start date end date jan feb
201801 john doe 09/01/2018 07/02/2018 23 7
=SUMAPRODUCTO(--(TEXTO(FILA(INDIRECTO($J9 & ":" & SI($K9="";HOY();$K9)));"MMM")=N$8))
The problem with the table above is that the file becomes humongous with the formula, so instead I'm thinking, for now, just the row duplication:
period id member start date end date
201801 john doe 09/01/2018 31/01/2018
201802 john doe 01/02/2018 07/02/2018
The thing is I can't figure how to compare months and print them the way I have to.
Sub CopyData()
Set hojatst = Sheets(Hoja5)
Dim d
Dim j
d = 1
j = 8
Do Until IsEmpty(hojatst.Range("D" & j))
If hojatst.Range("D" & j) < hojatst.Range("E" & j) Then
d = d + 1
End If
j = j + 1
End Sub
This is a 'sketch' of the code you will need to write. Stackoverflow is not a code request service and so you need to do your best to write it yourself. The community is happy to help you troubleshoot while you learn, but you should be using Google a lot. I wrote out the sketch to get you started because I remember how hard it was to learn the basics of coding. Feel free to ask clarifying questions.
First of all I cannot get Excel to recognize the DD/MM/YYYY format. It might be because mine is a US copy and that is not a standard time format here. You seem to be using a different version of Excel due to the formulas you listed. However be sure to double check that your code is correctly reading the DD/MM/YYYY format as you proceed.
Create a variable cl that is your current line. Create md which is the month difference.
If Month (Start Date) is less than Month(End Date) Then md = Difference of Months, insert that many lines below the current line. Range("E" & cl+md).Value = Range("E" & cl)which pastes your end date to the last slot.
Then for cl < cl+md fill in the periods by add +1 to the value if the last number is not 4 and +97 if it is.
Then fill in the blank cells for the dates with the Start of Month and End of Month dates.
Finally set cl = cl + md + 1 and loop to move on to the next 'original' line.


I'm looking for an excel (Office 2016 packet) formula that count SLA for ticket resolution.
the SLA counter must consider :
1) Monday To Saturday as work day ;
2) Holiday as no working days (must be skipeed as work day);
3) SLA start for ticket generate in workdays during range-time "08:00-20:00" out of this time-range SLA count is "0" ;
4) Output should result as R1= first 24Hours ; R2= from 25 to 48 hours ; R3= from 49 to 72 hours; "Out of Sla" = since 72 hours
Data to count SLA is formatted as below for either for ticket open and closure:
Column N Column O Column P Column Q
28/4/18 13:30 30/4/18 19:20 2 25/04/2018
28/4/18 13:11 29/4/18 13:11 1 01/05/2018
28/4/18 12:57 28/4/18 12:57 1
I solved point 1) & 2) with NETWORKDAYS.INTL formula using the first column as start_date ; the second column as end_date; 11 as third formula's field to exclude Sunday as workdays; fourth formula's value pointing a column where are listed the "holidays" date .
I could not find a solution for point 3).
It will also appreciate a possible solution for point 4) .
Thank you in advance.
Formula example of above fields :
I've needed to do something similar in the past. Please see the formula below. It will give you the amount of time between working days (Monday-Friday), only taking into account times 8:30am to 5:30pm. Try inserting your specific parameters.
H8 = Start Date
I8 = End Date
8:30 = Start Time
17:30 = End Time

Combining formula using and / or in excel

Case 1
I have a set of data which i need to determine if the cell is in Business Hours or Not.
8 - 18 (08:00 - 18:00) Business Hours (BH)
outside the timeframe is Non Business Hours (NBH)
Given Cell value for example is = "7" (which is NBH)
here is the formula i created =if(AND(C2>=8,C2<=18 ),"BH","NBH")
Case 2
I have a set of data for days in a week, i need to determine if the cell is in Weekdays or Weekends.
I have this formula = =if(OR(I2="Saturday", I2="Sunday"), "NBH", "BH")
note : i used the same variable name NBH - Weekends , BH - Weekdays
What I really need to do is to combine those two cases into 1 formula.
I need to output these scenarios correctly, listing below :
Time is 08:00, date is Saturday/Sunday = Combined formula of case 1 and 2 should output "NBH"
Time is 07:00, date is Monday-Friday = Combined formula of case 1 and 2 should output "NBH"
Time is 12:00, date is Monday-Friday = Combined formula of case 1 and 2 should output "BH"
Formulas can be seen in column BH/NBH WEEKDAYS and BH/NBH Weekends, you can browse attached file thanks much!
Click to access the file
If you want to calculate it directly on the initital values:
=IF(OR(H2="Saturday", H2="Sunday", B2>18, B2<8), "NBH", "BH")
p.s. Alternatively you can combine the already calculated columns, if you intend to keep these columns:
=IF(AND((E2="BH"), (D2="BH")), "BH", "NBH")
