how send template from external system (Servicenow) to Docusign - docusignapi

I am currently working Servicenow to Docusign integration where a user raises request from Servicenow and i want to send a template to the requested user. I created my demo docusign instance & template, please help me with the api to trigger an template and send it to the user using integration.
I tried to use below api's to get the template id but i keep reading the documentation but no where i found something to send a template from external system${account_id}/templates
This gives me the template id

Start with the QuickStart in your favorite language. Use workflow 2, Sending a signing request via email.
You'll want to use the JWT grant to obtain an access token for DocuSign since your application will be sending signing requests (envelopes) autonomously.
Ask additional StackOverflow questions when you run into a problem or question.


Power Apps/D365 and DocuSign Integration - Send Envelope on behalf of others

This is my first time posting so apologies if I don't explain things clearly.
I've created a Custom Connector within Power Apps that does an API call to my DocuSign Account. The API call I am currently leveraging is to create DocuSign Envelopes:
Link to DocuSign API Library:
My issue is that I do not know how create Envelopes on behalf of other DocuSign Users while using the API call within my Connector. Since the Custom Connector required me to log into my DocuSign Account, every time I use the Connector the Envelope generated from the API call gets associated to me (I am able to see it within "Drafts" when I log into my DocuSign).
Sorry if this is a bit confusing. My end goal is to use my Custom Connector and its API calls within a Canvas App. However, I want the Envelopes created not to always be associated to my DocuSign account especially if the Canvas App is used by other End Users.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Screenshot of Test call:
Screenshot of Test Call: Response
Screenshot of Envelope within DocuSign Account: Snippet
This is Yara from DocuSign Developer Support.
Since you want to create envelopes on behalf of other DocuSign Users while still using the API call within your connector, you can use the Send On Behalf Of Functionality (SOBO). This functionality allows a single user in an account to authenticate for other members of the account and send fully defined envelopes on their behalf.
Here's a detailed guide on the SOBO functionality:

Injecting data into Docusign Template to create document and capture signature

I created a template and to use that I upload a excel with list of user's name and email. Then docusign send the email to recipients and signature is captured.
I want to automate part of it. Have a link in application that should fetch the document to sign [ parameter for templates - logged in user's name and email ] and then display the document for user to sign. How this can be achieved in java web application... we are using Oracle ADF for application.
This Code Example Launcher should help.
If you are looking to have your end-users sign via email, you can
(1) Utilize Bulk Send functionality to send a DocuSign template to a list of different users. See this guide
If, however, you are hoping to embed Docusign in your app, I would suggest you investigate
(2) Building embedded signing with a template. Specifically, Check out example #13.

Integrating Docusign in our webapp

I am new to Docusign and we have a requirement to integrate Docusign in our web app. I have gone through all the links for integrating docusign into a web app using REST Api calls. After thorough read and watching youtube videos, I came to know that we can integrate docusign in our web app through REST API calls but for the same additionally we need to develop our own UI to upload documents and send it to the recipient. But basically we are looking something where we can be reidrected to docusign from our webapp to perform all the operations of sending document for signing and once document is sent then I will be redirected back to our web app.
Kindly help with the above query and let me know if my understanding is correct for integration of docusign and for the same developing our own UI in our web app. Also please let me know if there is any alternative to fullfill the requirement of directly accessing docusign from our web app and performing all required operations of sending a document to recipient.
Thanks in advance!
So you want a button on your web app that says "Sign with DocuSign" and then what?
Most customers who want to send from their web app already have the documents controlled by their web app.
authenticate the user with DocuSign (OAuth Authorization Code Grant)
Upload the document to DocuSign from their app.
Add tabs (signing fields) to the documents programmatically. (This is not hard and it saves the sender a lot of work.)
Upload the recipients (signers, copy-only recipients, etc)
And then tell DocuSign to send the envelope (the transaction).
Applications can also monitor the progress of the envelope through the signing process and programatically act on the signed documents.
The above is not hard to do and provides a good user experience.
You can also redirect the user of your application to DocuSign to accomplish any/all of the above manually. But the more the user does manually, the less convenient the integration will be for them.
If you want the manual experience, check out the EnvelopeViews::createSender method.

Triggers available in Docusign on document completion

I have a web application integrated with DocuSign API, to pass in recipient details to a DocuSign template and initiate signing process. The template has tags for each recipient to enter relevant information and sign.
Once the document is completed/signed by all recipients, the information available in the document needs to be passed on to another web application bound to a DB. What are the options available in DocuSign to trigger document data(e.g. recipient1 signed date) transferred to a DB/other systems on document completion? Any advice on this is appreciated.
You probably need to provide more specific information but generally, you can use DocuSign Connect and configure your API source to integrate the data. After that, you will be able to use webhooks (or Connect) to send tabs data and signing statuses to your 'other systems'.
Once you get your Connect figured out, you can then have GET request using this
and then have a wrapper class to export desired tabs (ex. Date Signed or other Text Tabs)
OR you can configure a webhook to sync your data between DocuSign and other systems:
Code Example: Using a Webhook to Track Envelope Status

IS there an API option to change who a Docusign envelope is displayed at being sent by?

When using the Docusign API (in my case, via the Sandbox/demo env), in the signing view at the top of the screen it displays the name & company of the user account that was used to authenticate with the API.
However, because this is embedded signing from my app, I would have thought we'd only have one user account - for the app. So I want to change what appears at the top there - the information on the sender of the envelope. Either to be the user account that exists in my app that created the envelope, or just to state what company sent the document.
Are there options on the API to do this? I can't see any reference to anything like this in the envelopeDefinition JSON structure in the REST API docs.
You can use the DocuSign SOBO - Send On Behalf Of Functionality
The Send On Behalf Of feature permits automated sending through the API by one account user on behalf of another account user.
More information here
