Injecting data into Docusign Template to create document and capture signature - docusignapi

I created a template and to use that I upload a excel with list of user's name and email. Then docusign send the email to recipients and signature is captured.
I want to automate part of it. Have a link in application that should fetch the document to sign [ parameter for templates - logged in user's name and email ] and then display the document for user to sign. How this can be achieved in java web application... we are using Oracle ADF for application.

This Code Example Launcher should help.
If you are looking to have your end-users sign via email, you can
(1) Utilize Bulk Send functionality to send a DocuSign template to a list of different users. See this guide
If, however, you are hoping to embed Docusign in your app, I would suggest you investigate
(2) Building embedded signing with a template. Specifically, Check out example #13.


Can I implement an e-signature-only of a PDF provided by the calling application with Docusign?

My use case only requires Docusign for e-signature of pre-filled PDF forms.
The PDF forms will be generated on our application side where some fields will be automatically filled (using xPressions) and the user will fill in the remaining blank fields.
The use case:
In our web application the user is presented with a task/action.
After invoking the task the user is presented with a PDF form.
The user fills in the blank fields of the PDF form and closes it.
The user is then invited to e-sign the document.
The web applications initiates a session with Docusign and transfers the PDF document to Docusign.
The web application hands control over to Docusign (in an IFrame) where the user can add a signature to the document.
Docusign hands control back to the web application.
The user task is complete.
The web application retrieves the e-signed document.
In this use case we don't have a need for Docusign templates or powerforms as the PDF generation solution already exists. This existing PDF generation solution is quite complex and it would not feasible or cost effective re-implement within the Docusign solution.
My question, is the above, e-signature-only, use case feasible within the docusign solution?
You will want to use "embedded signing" to keep the entire flow within your web app. This is accomplished by specifying a "captive recipient" as the signer. In addition to name and email address, you will specify a "clientUserId" for the signer. This should be specific and unique to the actual signer, e.g. a "customer ID", employee ID, etc. In a pinch, you can use the email address.
See (
You can use this API endpoint to create an envelope by passing your pdf.
See guide and section "Attaching documents to an envelope"

Is the Docusign API object library exposed?

I am working with existing Word documents that are currently updated in a mail merge. I would like to be able to (on the high-level) just be able to convert these documents in run-time to a Docusign template with signable fields and automatically send them (without having to upload documents to the Docusign site, etc., etc;). I don't want to change our current workflow, just add a "behind-the-scenes" step that automatically creates and sends the DocuSign envelope(s) to the specified signer. The users won't be signing into Word or DocuSign, they'll be literally clicking a "Generate and Send Document" button. Is the Docusign API object exposed in a way that makes this possible?
Chris Fleetwood
Software Developer
N.C. Partnership for Children, Inc.
One way you can do that is using the DocuSign Connector for Flow and PowerApps.
This does require you to have an account with Microsoft and potentially pay them extra (I'm not sure about that part, you would have to check with them) but it seems to have the functionality you need, without having to write any code.
DocuSign also has a Word Add-In that does support templates, but only through the template-match feature. If the document you are authoring looks like a document stored in your DocuSign account inside a template - you can use this template form Word with one-click.

Triggers available in Docusign on document completion

I have a web application integrated with DocuSign API, to pass in recipient details to a DocuSign template and initiate signing process. The template has tags for each recipient to enter relevant information and sign.
Once the document is completed/signed by all recipients, the information available in the document needs to be passed on to another web application bound to a DB. What are the options available in DocuSign to trigger document data(e.g. recipient1 signed date) transferred to a DB/other systems on document completion? Any advice on this is appreciated.
You probably need to provide more specific information but generally, you can use DocuSign Connect and configure your API source to integrate the data. After that, you will be able to use webhooks (or Connect) to send tabs data and signing statuses to your 'other systems'.
Once you get your Connect figured out, you can then have GET request using this
and then have a wrapper class to export desired tabs (ex. Date Signed or other Text Tabs)
OR you can configure a webhook to sync your data between DocuSign and other systems:
Code Example: Using a Webhook to Track Envelope Status

DocuSign Embedded Signing Workflow

Using this python example from github as an example, I wrote an R package for interacting with the DocuSign embedded signing API.
I don't appear to fully understand the workflow for embedded signing, and I am hoping someone can help.
Here is what I would like:
I have an application with a sign up page. When users sign up I would like them to sign a document. So when they submit the sign up form, I generate an envelope using a template, and use their name and email in the templateRole parameter. I get a URL which I send the user to, which allows them to sign the document.
It appears though that the actual workflow involves sending an email to the signer first, and having them sign from a link in the email. This does not seem very "embedded" so I am a bit confused. Is this because I am using the sandbox API?
I see that that there is an authenticationMethod parameter, which takes values of either email, or HTTPBasicAuth or Password or PaperDocuments. Is this the reason it is using email instead of directly sending the user to a page where they can sign because I am chooseing email as the authenticationMethod?
Have I fundamentally misunderstood embedded signing?
The script you are referencing is for Embedded Sending.
The Embedded Sending view of an envelope allows users to edit the tabs, documents, recipients, and other settings of draft envelopes before sending them out for approval
So you are basically giving the Signer access to potentially modify the envelope(Add more signers, remove documents etc). The sender view should never be presented to the Signer.
If you are looking for Embedded Signing, then see this code
Embedded Signing - or the Recipient View workflow - allows users to sign directly through your app or website. When you embed your recipients you are telling the DocuSign platform your app will generate signing URLs, authenticate your recipients, present the signing request, and re-direct once the transaction is complete.

Docusign - Change Completed Signing Notification Emaill Message/Blurb

I imagine this is something simple and I'm just not looking in the right spot for it.
Is there a way to write a custom email blurb for the completed signing email notification the same way you can generate one for the request for signature notification within the embedded signing API code?
Currently my integration has the first signer embedded, then is emailed to two further recipients. All the requests for signatures have the custom HTML I've created in our application as the "emailBlurb" in the XML request body but I don't see any options to set the message for the completed signing one as well.
Sorry if this is something easy in a FAQ or guide somewhere and I just missed it.
A majority of the Email notifications that DocuSign sends can be customized via modification of the "Email Resource File" (an XML file that contains text strings used in the emails that DocuSign sends). You can access Resource Files via the DocuSign web console (when logged in as an Administrator) by going to Preferences >> Branding >> [Edit Brand] (link) >> Resources (tab).
This guide provides all the information you should need to customize the Resource File:
Note that an Email Resource file applies to a specific "Brand" -- i.e.,all envelopes that use a specific Brand will derive their content from the Email Resource file that's associated with that Brand. It's not currently possible to specify email contents (other than the EmailBlurb in the signing invitation email) via the API. But, depending on the nature of your email customization requirements, you could always create multiple Brands via the DocuSign web console, customize the Email Resource file differently for each Brand, and then set BrandId in each "Create Envelope" API call to affiliate the correct Brand (and therefore email contents) with each envelope.
