SwiftUI: Width of an underline - text

Is there any possibility to change the width of an .underline() in SwiftUI?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Any solution where I don't loose this effect would be absolutely perfect:


Transparent lines in ThreeJS

It doesn't look like LineBasicMaterial has any way that I can assign an alpha to it. But I would really like transparent lines. How do I do that? The whole line will have the same transparency, I guess that means it's a constant alpha?
I've created a CodePen demonstrating opacity in lines. Note that you must include transparency: true in the material properties, otherwise three.js will not consider opacity in its rendering formula.
Thank you #Marquizzo for kindly pointing me to this property, it's exactly what I was looking for.

Wrong Text Placement in GetOrgChart

I've got Wrong Text Placement during rendering of each node in GetOrgChart.Please see the Screenshot
Please Help me to fix it.
I don't know why But I realized that the only way to adjust X or Y Positioning of text node in GetOrgChart is modifying the textPoints OR textPointsNoImages based on whether we have image node or not in related theme Array.

Fabricjs. Text selection doesn't fit to bounding box

When I select text in added to canvas iText2 object, it has some padding at the bottom. But when I do the same on fiddle I don't have such problem.
Please help me to understand because of what it happens.
Istead of
please, check and change coordinate value of "pathOffset" attribute on text object or group object in fabric.js.
If you have question, let me know.

Circle Meter Type UI in android?

As here One static Image is shown inside back. But How could we implement that coloring rounded portion with one end is Starting RED and Ended with Green and after some Time duration.Please Let me know how to implement it.
Glad even u can help a bit.
Thank You in Advance.
You can have a look at these links:-
These will get you started !!

Google Charts API Z-index

Which produces:
I'm having trouble forcing the black dots to the top, does anyone know how I can achieve this?
Move black dots to the end:
EDIT: BTW: There is no z-index for chd based on goolge's documentation
Have you tried debugging using the Chart Wizard? It seems your black data points are located in the middle of your supplied data. Move them to the start/finish and see if that helps.
