Do not terminate an application on IIS - iis

When I put my application on directory and access for first time, the application begins. It's OK, no problem. BUT, after sometime, this application ends end this is normal. Is possible do not terminate by time or extends this time application is running?

Do you mean you want to keep the IIS application pool never stop. I suggest you could try to set the start mode to always running.
You could follow below steps to achieve your requirement.
1.Open IIS management console
2.Select the right application pool
3.Click advanced setting
4.Modify the start mode to always running.
When you set the startMode property of your application pool to AlwaysRunning a worker process is spawned as soon as IIS starts up and does not wait for the first user request. But this does not mean the web application is initialized.
When you set preloadEnabled to true, IIS will simulate a user request to the default page (can be changed with initializationPage metabase setting) of the website/virdir so that the application initializes. The request is not logged in the IIS logs.
More details, you could refer to below steps:
1.Right click your IIS web sites
2.Select manage web site
3.Select advanced settings
4.Set the preload enabled to true


How to restart a single application under a site pool in IIS

I have multiple applications under the "Default Web Site" pool. I can restart the entire pool from IIS Manage Website options but I have many applications under that which I don't want restarted.
How can I restart just the one because we cannot see the options to do so under each application.
IIS does not provide an option to restart the single app in the app pool. So from the IIS user interface it will not be possible to restart the single app.
You could try to test the workaround suggested by Lex Li may work for you.

HTTP error 503. service unavailable when trying to run local host

HTTP error 503. service unavailable when trying to run local host.
Default application pool is getting stopped everytime when trying to run local host.
IIS-->Application pools-->Default application pool-->advancedsettings-->Generate process model log entry-->identity has been set propwerly to corect credentials.
Also tried restarting the IIS.
Tried all solutions suggested in below link.,it%20would%20resolve%20the%20issue.&text=Right%2Dclick%20on%20DefaultAppPool%20to,service%20is%20unavailable%20is%20gone.
can anyone help me on this?
There are many reasons for this error, you can try the following solutions:
Click on application pools under the tree with your machine name, on the right side, click on advanced settings, in Process Model change the "Load User Profile" to false, Start your apllication and restart your IIS.
In IIS go to the Application Pools under the Server, then find the correct application pool for your web site, and click on it. On the advanced settings menu to the right, select Identity and change it and enter new user and password. Click on your application pool again, and select recycle to restart it.

IIS restart during Application Pool Recycles

We have two applications - WebAPI and WCF service. Our WebAPI is consuming WCF service.
We have two different app pools for both applications with different recycle settings:
wcf application recycles every day at 1 am fixed with overlapping sessions.
webapi has default recycle settings.
We are getting wierd IIS restart daily at 1 am.
No event is logged in Event Viewer.
Note: We have grafana setup to monitor server and it sends alert daily at 1 am for server down.
What could be reasons for IIS restart?
have you seen application pool recycle in event log? as you know when recycling happened , all session in iis will destroy and a log wrote in Windows event log. so I need to send deliberate information about what you detect in your monitoring application. this is because of it might a false positive of your monitoring application. as you mentioned it didn't logged in event log, I suspected this problem Is for that. please send practical information to solve your problem.
It might be your application cannot refresh the app pools when you set their app pool refresh to happen at 1am.
I would look at the permissions given to the application pool. It could be the permissions aren't enough to restart it.
Other than that I would also recommend enabling Logging. You will find out your problem with Logging enabled.
Look through the application pool settings under advanced setting and ensure Recycling > Generate Event Log Entry is set to true for all the entries. This will ensure everything related to the application pool will be logged and you will be able to see the reasons for the recycle.

How Do I Prevent An Azure Cloud Service (Classic) From Going To Sleep (In 2018)?

We have a site that keeps falling to sleep, which causes an error due to the time-sensitivity of our sporadic requests.
I've seen how there is an "Always On" setting in the old Azure console, but it doesn't appear to apply to the new interface:
How to prevent an Azure website from going to sleep?
Where is this setting now, or how do I do the equivalent?
Here's what I see:
There's a couple of options. One of those is to use Traffic Manager Endpoint Monitoring which keeps calling your app so it doesn't recycle. Or is automatically started again when it does.
According to the blog post Windows Azure WebSites and Cloud Services Slow on First Request you can "include a script with your package, which is configured to run as a startup script, every time the role is restarted."
REM *** Prevent the IIS app pools from shutting down due to being idle.
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config -section:applicationPools -applicationPoolDefaults.processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00
REM *** Prevent IIS app pool recycles from recycling on the default schedule of 1740 minutes (29 hours).
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config -section:applicationPools -applicationPoolDefaults.recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00
How to proceed with the configuration can be found under "Avoid automatic recycle of Azure Cloud Services Web Role" of that post.
Check the Cloud Service availability on Azure portal.
Ensure that all role instances are in a Ready state. If they are not,
refer to the troubleshooting blade.
RDP into the role instance and check the IIS process (w3wp.exe) in
Task Manager is running.
If the w3wp.exe process does not show in Task Manager, go to IIS
Manager and restart the application.
Check the http response code you get in the browser. 50x errors are
application-related issues, refer to the troubleshooting blade.
Check that the default ports 80 (for http) and 443 (for https) are
accessible. Use TELNET or TCPING to ensure that the w3wp.exe process
is listening on it.
If your web application is accessible locally but not externally, it
could be a network-related issue.
You may want to refer this as well.

Automatic Browse Service.svc file in iis

I have created a WCF service which i have hosted in IIS. When I start the service in IIS, the Service do not started until I browse my Service.svc file.
Application pool gets recycled after a specific interval, then when the Service is restarted I again need to go and browse the Service.svc file.
I have set this Service as Default bt it does not work and results the same.
Is there any way to automatic browse my Service.svc file when the Service is started or restarted.
This is a general annoyance with IIS. It launches worker processes to perform website processing which don't (always) start until the website has been requested. The workaround I've used in the past is to hit a page outside of my web application to launch the IIS worker process so it is available when I need it. Be careful though there are some nuances to the app pools that can make this more complicated than it needs to be.
