How to run many instances of the same process in a resource constraint environment without duplicating memory content - linux

I observe that each ffmpeg instance doing audio decoding takes about 50 mb of memory. If I record 100 stations, that's 5 GB of RAM.
Now, they all more or less use the same amount of RAM, I suspect the contain the same information over and over again because they are spawned as new processes rather than forked.
Is there way to avoid this duplication?
I am using Ubuntu 20.04, x64

Now, they all more or less use the same amount of RAM, I suspect the
contain the same information over and over again because they are
spawned as new processes rather than forked.
Have you considered that the processes may use about the same amount of RAM because they are performing roughly the same computation, with similar parameters?
Have you considered that whatever means you are using to compute memory usage may be insensitive to whether the memory used is attributed uniquely to the process vs. already being shared with other processes?
Is there way to avoid this duplication?
Programs that rely on shared libraries already share those libraries' executable code among them, saving memory.
Of course, each program does need its own copy of any writable data belonging to the library, some of which may turn out to be unused by a particular client program, and programs typically have memory requirements separate from those of any libraries they use, too. Whatever amount of that 50 MB per process is in fact additive across processes is going to be from these sources. Possibly you could reduce the memory load from these by changing program parameters (or by changing programs), but there's no special way to run the same number of instances of the program you're running now, with the same options and inputs, to reduce the amount of memory they use.


How to determine Node --max_old_space_size for a given memory limit?

We run Node processes inside Docker containers with hard memory caps of 1GB, 2GB, or 4GB. Each container generally just runs a single Node process (plus maybe a tiny shell script wrapper). Let's assume for the purposes of this question that the Node process never forks more processes.
For our larger containers, if we don't set --max_old_space_size ourselves, then in the version of Node we use (on a 64-bit machine) it defaults to 1400MB. (This will change to 2048MB in a later version of Node.)
Ideally we want our Node process to use as much of the container as possible without going over and running out of memory. The question is — what number should we use? My understanding is that this particular flag tunes the size of one of the largest pools of memory used by Node, but it's not the only pool — eg, there's a "non-old" part of the heap, there's stack, etc. How much should I subtract from the container's size when setting this flag in order to stay away from the cgroup memory limit but still make maximal use of the amount of memory allowed in this container?
I do note that from the same place where kMaxOldSpaceSizeHugeMemoryDevice is defined, it looks like the default "max semi space" is 16MB and the default "max executable size" is 512MB. So I suspect this means I should subtract at least 528 from the container's memory limit when determining the value for this flag. But surely there are other ways that Node uses memory?
(To be more specific, we are a hosting service that sells containers of particular sizes to our users, most of which use them for Node processes. We'd like to be able to advise our customers as to what flag to set so that they neither are killed by our limits nor pay us for capacity that Node's configuration doesn't let them actually use.)
There is, unfortunately, no particularly satisfactory answer to this question.
The constants you've found control the size of the garbage-collected heap, but as you've already guessed, there are many ways to consume memory that's not part of that heap:
For example, big strings and big TypedArrays are typically managed by the embedder (i.e. node and its modules, not V8 itself), and outside the GC'ed heap.
Node modules, in general, can consume whatever memory they want. Presumably you don't want to restrict what modules your customers can run, but that implies that you also can't predict how much memory those modules are going to require.
V8 also uses temporary memory outside the GC'ed heap for parsing and compilation. Numbers depend on the code that's being run, from a few kilobytes up to a gigabyte or more (e.g. for huge asm.js codebases) anything is possible. These are relatively short-lived memory consumption peaks, so on the one hand you probably don't want to limit long-lived heap memory to account for them, but on the other hand that means they can make your processes run into the system limit.

lock contention in memory allocation - multi-threaded vs. multi-process

We have developed a big C++ application that is running satisfactorily at several sites on big Linux and Solaris boxes (up to 160 CPU cores or even more). It's a heavily multi-threaded (1000+ threads), single-process architecture, consuming huge amounts of memory (200 GB+). We are LD_PRELOADing Google Perftool's tcmalloc (or libumem/mtmalloc on Solaris) to avoid memory allocation performance bottlenecks with generally good results. However, we are starting to see adverse effects of lock contention during memory allocation/deallocation on some bigger installations, especially after the process has been running for a while (which hints to aging/fragmentation effects of the allocator).
We are considering changing to a multi-process/shared memory architecture (the heavy allocation/deallocation will not happen in shared memory, rather on the regular heap).
So, finally, here's our question: can we assume that the virtual memory manager of modern Linux kernels is capable of efficiently handing out memory to hundreds of concurent processes? Or do we have to expect running into the same kind of problems with memory allocation contention that we see in our single-process/multi-threading environment? I tend to hope for a better overall system performance, as we would no longer be limited to a single address space, and that having several independent address spaces would require less locking on the part of the virtual memory manager. Anyone have any actual experience or performance data comparing multi-threaded vs. multi-process memory allocation?
I tend to hope for a better overall system performance, as we would no longer be limited to a single address space, and that having several independent address spaces would require less locking on the part of the virtual memory manager.
There is no reason to expect this. Unless your code is so badly designed that it constantly goes back to the OS to allocate memory, it won't make any significant difference. Your application should only need to go back to the OS's virtual memory manager when it needs more virtual memory, which should not occur significantly once the process reaches its stable size.
If you are constantly allocating and freeing all the way back to the OS, you should stop doing that. If you're not, then you can keep multiple pools of already-allocated memory that can be used by multiple threads without contention. And, as a benefit, your context switches will be cheaper because TLB's don't have to be flushed.
Only if you can't reduce the frequency of address space changes (for example, if you must map and unmap files) or if you have to change other shared resources (like file descriptors) should you look at multiprocess options.

What is coherent memory on GPU?

I have stumbled not once into a term "non coherent" and "coherent" memory in the
tech papers related to graphics programming.I have been searching for a simple and clear explanation,but found mostly 'hardcore' papers of this type.I would be glad to receive layman's style answer on what coherent memory actually is on GPU architectures and how it is compared to other (probably not-coherent) memory types.
Memory is memory. But different things can access that memory. The GPU can access memory, the CPU can access memory, maybe other hardware bits, whatever.
A particular thing has "coherent" access to memory if changes made by others to that memory are visible to the reader. Now, you might think this is foolishness. After all, if the memory has been changed, how could someone possibly be unable to see it?
Simply put, caches.
It turns out that changing memory is expensive. So we do everything possible to avoid changing memory unless we absolutely have to. When you write a single byte from the CPU to a pointer in memory, the CPU doesn't write that byte yet. Or at least, not to memory. It writes it to a local copy of that memory called a "cache."
The reason for this is that, generally speaking, applications do not write (or read) single bytes. They are more likely to write (and read) lots of bytes, in small chunks. So if you're going to perform an expensive operation like a memory load or store, you should load or store a large chunk of memory. So you store all of the changes you're going to make to a chunk of memory in a cache, then make a single write of that cached chunk to actual memory at some point in the future.
But if you have two separate devices that use the same memory, you need some way to be certain that writes one device makes are visible to other devices. Most GPUs can't read the CPU cache. And most CPU languages don't have language-level support to say "hey, that stuff I wrote to memory? I really mean for you to write it to memory now." So you usually need something to ensure visibility of changes.
In Vulkan, memory which is labeled by VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT means that, if you read/write that memory (via a mapped pointer, since that's the only way Vulkan lets you directly write to memory), you don't need to use functions vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges/vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges to make sure the CPU/GPU can see those changes. The visibility of any changes is guaranteed in both directions. If that flag isn't available on the memory, then you must use the aforementioned functions to ensure the coherency of the specific regions of data you want to access.
With coherent memory, one of two things is going on in terms of hardware. Either CPU access to the memory is not cached in any of the CPU's caches, or the GPU has direct access to the CPU's caches (perhaps due to being on the same die as the CPU(s)). You can usually tell that the latter is happening, because on-die GPU implementations of Vulkan don't bother to offer non-coherent memory options.
If memory is coherent then all threads accessing that memory must agree on the state of the memory at all times, e.g.: if thread 0 reads memory location A and thread 1 reads the same location at the same time, both threads should always read the same value.
But if memory is not coherent then threads A and B might read back different values. Thread 0 could think that location A contains a 1, while thread thinks that that location contains a 2. The different threads would have an incoherent view of the memory.
Coherence is hard to achieve with a high number of cores. Often every core must be aware of memory accesses from all other cores. So if you have 4 cores in a quad core CPU, coherence is not that hard to achieve as every core must be informed about the memory accesses addresses of 3 other cores, but in a GPU with 16 cores, every core must be made aware of the memory accesses by 15 other cores. The cores exchange data about the content of their cache using so called "cache coherence protocols".
This is why GPUs often only support limited forms of coherency. If some memory locations are read only or are only accessed by a single thread, then no coherence is required. If caches are small and coherence is not always required but only at specific instructions of the program, then it is possible to achieve correct behavior of the program using cache flushes before or after specific memory accesses.
If your hardware offers both coherent and non-coherent memory types, then you can expect that non-coherent memory will be faster, but if you try to run parallel algorithms using this memory they will fail in really weird ways.

Memory consumption in Racket

Is there a simple way to measure a Racket program's memory use? I'm trying to run many programs in parallel and I want to make sure each gets enough RAM.
There are a few ways to track the memory used by Racket programs from within Racket itself.
current-memory-use Tracks the amount of memory that is reachable.
dump-memory-stats prints a report of your current error port. What it prints out will depend on your installation.
vector-set-performance-stats! takes a mutable vector, and fills it with a bunch of runtime stats for your program, including memory usage. And even memory usage that you can't get from current-memory-usage.
There's also a few options that don't use Racket to track memory. For example, the top command can show you how much memory your racket process uses. If you use this technique, be careful to ensure you are tracking the memory of all of the subprocesses that the racket process may have spawned. Also, this technique will vary greatly based on the OS you are using.

Why are Sempaphores limited in Linux

We just ran out of semaphores on our Linux box, due to the use of too many Websphere Message Broker instances or somesuch.
A colleague and I got to wondering why this is even limited - it's just a bit of memory, right?
I thoroughly googled and found nothing.
Anyone know why this is?
Semaphores, when being used, require frequent access with very, very low overhead.
Having an expandable system where memory for each newly requested semaphore structure is allocated on the fly would introduce complexity that would slow down access to them because it would have to first look up where the particular semaphore in question at the moment is stored, then go fetch the memory where it is stored and check the value. It is easier and faster to keep them in one compact block of fixed memory that is readily at hand.
Having them dispersed throughout memory via dynamic allocation would also make it more difficult to efficiently use memory pages that are locked (that is, not subject to being swapped out when there are high demands on memory). The use of "locked in" memory pages for kernel data is especially important for time-sensitive and/or critical kernel functions.
Having the limit be a tunable parameter (see links in the comments of original question) allows it to be increased at runtime if needed via an "expensive" reallocation and relocation of the block. But typically this is done one time at system initialization before anything much is even using semaphores.
That said, the amount of memory used by a semaphore set is rather tiny. With modern memory available on systems being in the many gigabytes the original default limits on the number of them might seem a bit stingy. But keep in mind that on many systems semaphores are rarely used by user space processes and the linux kernel finds its way into lots of small embedded systems with rather limited memory, so setting the default limit arbitrarily high in case it might be used seems wasteful.
The few software packages, such as Oracle database for example, that do depend on having many semaphores available, typically do recommend in their installation and/or system tuning advice to increase the system limits.
