What is the difference between date transfer object (DTO) and representation object of domain driven design pattern? - domain-driven-design

I know DTO is returned by the server-side and received by the client-side, but I am confused by the representation object in DDD. I think they are almost the same. Can someone tell me their differences?

Can someone tell me their differences?
They solve different problems in different contexts
Data transfer is a boundary concern - how do we move information from here to there (across a remote interface)? Among the issues that you may run into: the transfer of information is slow, or expensive. One way of keeping this under control is to move information in a larger grain.
the main reason for using a Data Transfer Object is to batch up what would be multiple remote calls into a single call -- Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
In other words, a DTO is your programs representation of a fat message.
In DDD, the value object pattern is a modeling concern; it is used to couple immutable representations of information and related computations.
A DTO tends to look like a data structure, with methods that can be used to transform that data structure into a representation (for example: an array of bytes) that can be sent across a boundary.
A value object tends to look like a data structure, with methods that can be used to compute other information that is likely to be interesting in your domain.
DTO tend to be more stable (or at least backwards compatible) out of necessity -- because producer and consumer are remote from one another, coordinating a change to both requires more effort than a single local change.
Value objects, in contrast, are easier to change because they are a domain model concern. IF you want to change the model, that's just one thing, and correspondingly easier to coordinate.
(There's kind of a hedge - for system that need persistence, we need some way to get the information out of the object into a representation that can be stored and retrieved. That's not necessarily a value object concern, especially if you are willing to use general purpose data structures to move information in and out of "the model".)
In the kingdom of nouns, the lines can get blurry - partly because any information that isn't a general purpose data structure/primitive is "an object", and partly because you can often get away with using the same objects for your internal concerns and boundary cnocerns.


Why should repository methods accept domain entity as parameter?

Lets assume we have separate read models so that we use repositories only on write side, not on read side. (and this question is all about write side)
Also, lets assume one of our goals is to have full Aggregate/Entity encapsulation in a way that they expose only behaviour and not state. (meaning, no getters/setters)
Next, lets assume we dont want to use ORMs nor reflection for getting aggregate internals from within repository.
Obviously, one of the solutions left is that aggregate itself exposes its full state as a VO/poco and hand it over to repository. Repository would then know how to map it to DAO and save it.
Now, on many places i read that repositories should accept aggregates themselves.
Question is: why? What is wrong with aggregate expose VO of its state, hand it to repository and let repo do the save based on it?
Benefit is full & clear aggregate encapsulation.
What is wrong with aggregate expose VO of its state, hand it to repository and let repo do the save based on it?
That approach violates some of the other assumptions of the domain modeling idea.
One of those assumptions is that the key business logic and the "plumbing" should be separate. The fact that you need to get a serializable representation of the aggregate is an accident of the fact that you are trying to write state into a stable storage (that step would be completely unnecessary if you were keeping the aggregate cached in memory).
A second assumption is that using "objects" to model the domain is a good idea. If you were using a functional approach, then of course you would be saving values, rather than objects.
It helps, I think, to keep in mind that the context of the solutions we write has changed a lot in the last 15-20 years. Patterns that make sense for a localized application with long sessions that include many interactions don't necessarily make sense for distributed stateless applications, and vice versa.
that pattern cause you to sacrifice aggregate encapsulation
No, it doesn't - asking an object for a copy of some information in a previously agreed upon representation doesn't violate encapsulation. See Kevlin Henney, for example.
What it does do, however, is require interfaces suitable for two different collaborators: your applications, that care about the business rules, and your repository, that cares about persistence of representations.

Showing data on the UI in the Hexagonal architecture

I'm learning DDD and Hexagonal architecture, I think I got the basics. However, there's one thing I'm not sure how to solve: how am I showing data to the user?
So, for example, I got a simple domain with a Worker entity with some functionality (some methods cause the entity to change) and a WorkerRepository so I can persist Workers. I got an application layer with some commands and command bus to manipulate the domain (like creating Workers and updating their work hours, persisting the changes), and an infrastructure layer which has the implementation of the WorkerRepository and a GUI application.
In this application I want to show all workers with some of their data, and be abe to modify them. How do I show the data?
I could give it a reference to the implementation of WorkerRepository.
I think it's not a good solution because this way I could insert new Workers in the repository skipping the command bus. I want all changes going through the command bus.
Okay then, I'd split the WorkerRepository into WorkerQueryRepository and WorkerCommandRepository (as per CQRS), and give reference only to the WorkerQueryRepository. It's still not a good solution because the repo gives back Worker entities which have methods that change them, and how are these changes will be persisted?
Should I create two type of Repositories? One would be used in the domain and application layer, and the other would be used only for providing data to the outside world. The second one wouldn't return full-fledged Worker entities, only WorkerDTOs containing only the data the GUI needs. This way, the GUI has no other way to change Workers, only through the command bus.
Is the third approach the right way? Or am I wrong forcing that the changes must go through the command bus?
Should I create two type of Repositories? One would be used in the domain and application layer, and the other would be used only for providing data to the outside world. The second one wouldn't return full-fledged Worker entities, only WorkerDTOs containing only the data the GUI needs.
That's the CQRS approach; it works pretty well.
Greg Young (2010)
CQRS is simply the creation of two objects where there was previously only one. The separation occurs based upon whether the methods are a command or a query (the same definition that is used by Meyer in Command and Query Separation, a command is any method that mutates state and a query is any method that returns a value).
The current term for the WorkerDTO you propose is "Projection". You'll often have more than one; that is to say, you can have a separate projection for each view of a worker in the GUI. (That has the neat side effect of making the view easier -- it doesn't need to think about the data that it is given, because the data is already formatted usefully).
Another way of thinking of this, is that you have a "write-only" representation (the aggregate) and "read-only" representations (the projections). In both cases, you are reading the current state from the book of record (via the repository), and then using that state to construct the representation you need.
As the read models don't need to be saved, you are probably better off thinking factory, rather than repository, on the read side. (In 2009, Greg Young used "provider", for this same reason.)
Once you've taken the first step of separating the two objects, you can start to address their different use cases independently.
For instance, if you need to scale out read performance, you have the option to replicate the book of record to a bunch of slave copies, and have your projection factory load from the slaves, instead of the master. Or to start exploring whether a different persistence store (key value store, graph database, full text indexer) is more appropriate. Udi Dahan reviews a number of these ideas in CQRS - but different (2015).
"read models don't need to be saved" Is not correct.
It is correct; but it isn't perhaps as clear and specific as it could be.
We don't need to create a durable representation of a read model, because all of the information that describes the variance between instances of the read model has already been captured by our writes.
We will often want to cache the read model (or a representation of it), so that we can amortize the work of creating the read model across many queries. And various trade offs may indicate that the cached representations should be stored durably.
But if a meteor comes along and destroys our cache of read models, we lose a work investment, but we don't lose information.

Value Objects in CQRS - where to use

Let's say we have CQRS-inspired architecture, with components such as Commands, Domain Model, Domain Events, Read Model DTOs.
Of course, we can use Value Objects in our Domain Model. My question is, should they also be used in:
I haven't seen any examples where Value Objects (VO) are used in the components mentioned above. Instead, primitive types are used. Maybe it's just the simplistic examples. After all, my understanding of VOs use in DDD is that they act as a glue for the whole application.
My motivation:
Let's say user submits a form which contains address fields. We have Address Value Object to represent this concept. When constructing command in the client, we should validate user input anyway, and when it is well-formed, we can create Address object right there and initialize Command with it. I see no need to delegate creation of Address object to command handler.
Domain Events.
Domain Model already operates in terms of Value Objects, so by publishing events with VOs instead of converting them to primitive types, we can avoid some mapping code. I'm pretty sure it's alright to use VOs in this case.
If our query-side DTOs can contain Value Objects, this allows for some more flexibility. E.g., if we have Money object, we can choose whether to display it in EUR or USD, no need to change Read Model.
Ok I've changed my mind. I have been trying to deal with VOs a bunch lately and after watching this http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Value-Objects-Dan-Bergh-Johnsson it clarified a couple of things for me.
Commands and Event are messages (and not objects, objects are data + behavior), in some respects much like DTOs, they communicate data about an event and they themselves encapsulate no behavior.
Value Objects are not like DTOs at all. They are a domain representation and they are, generally speaking, rich on behavior like all other domain representations.
Commands and Events communicate information into and out of the domain respectively, but they themselves do not encapsulate any behavior. From that perspective it seems wrong and a possibly a violation context boundaries to pass VOs inside of them.
To paraphrase Oren (though he was referring to nHibernate and WCF) "Don't send your domain across the wire".
If you want to communicate a value object, then I suggest passing the necessary attributes needed to re-construct the VO within them instead.
Original Text (for posterity):
If you are asking if Value Objects can be passed by the domain model to events or passed in by commands, I don't really see a huge problem with the former, though the latter may violate some of the rules of the aggregate root being the "owner" of values.
That said a value object represents concepts like for example a color. You don't have green, you are green or not. There seems to be nothing intrinsically wrong with a command telling you that you are green by passing this.
Reading the chapter from DDD on the Aggregate Root pattern explains Entities and Value Objects quite well and is worth reading over a few times.
I say it's a bad idea.
There's a reason we don't do the same with entities - to avoid coupling other parts of the system to the domain (in the wrong places). The same is true for Value Objects, the only difference between value objects and entities is lifetime and ownership - these differences do not affect how we should and should not couple to them.
Imagine that you make an event contain a VO. A change in your domain requires you to change that VO. You've now boxed yourself into a corner where your event is also forced to change, ditto for any Commands or DTO's it's a part of.
This is to be avoided.
Use DTO's and/or primitives. Map them (AutoMapper makes it a 1-line deal).
Similar to other answers, in SOA this would break encapsulation of the service as the domain is now leaking out.
According to Clean Code your DTOs are data structures (just to add another term), while value objects are objects. The difference that objects can have behavior. Mixing data structures with objects is generally a very bad idea, because it will be hard to maintain the hybrid you get.
I don't feel right to put value objects to DTOs from an architecture perspective as well. The value objects are inside of the domain model while the DTOs you mentioned are defining the interface of the model. We usually build an interface to decouple the outside world from the inside of something. So in the current case we added DTOs to decouple the outside world from the value objects (and other model related stuff). After that adding value objects to the interface is crazy.
So you haven't met this solution yet because it is an anti-pattern.
Value Objects are or at least should be immutable. Once instantiated with a value that value will never change throughout the lifetime of the object. Thus, passing VOs as data to DTOs (such as Events) should not be an issue since all you can do with them is get their value. At the most their value in a differing representation such as toString() as opposed to an original getValue() which might return an integer or whatever the value is.

Are there any good patterns for handling list of entities

In "DDD" what is the best patterns for handling different versions of your entities, e.g. Entities in a list vs the full object. I would like to avoid the overhead of getting properties I do not need when displaying the entities in a list
Would you have a separate entity type used in lists or just fill up your full entity type partially?
Would you use inheritance?
I understand your urge to create "views" of models in the domain, but would recommend against it. Personally, I use the entire entity inside of the domain, regardless of the situation. The entity is the entity, and anything less or more just does not feel clean. That does not mean that I can't use a reference to the entity to help focus my use of the items in the list, though.
The entity does not cross the domain boundary in my implementation. Instead, I return a type of DTO and have application services that can abstract a view from it. This allows, for example, allowing a presenter to generate the correct view model from a DTO and provide it to the view. I don't know if you are talking about operations in the domain services or in the application services, but there are a couple of things you can do that could be applied to either (or both).
You can do certain things to reduce the performance penalty of working with the entire entity in the domain layers, as well. One thing to look at is implementing some sort of cache-aside implementation. When an entity is requested, check to see if it is cached. If it is, return the cached version. If it isn't, pull it and then cache it before returning. When the entity is updated, evict it from the cache and do your update. I have purposely created my concrete repository implementations to be cache-aware to facilitate this. One other thing to consider using an approach like this is that it is beneficial to do as many fine-grained operations as possible. While that seems illogical at first, if entities are commonly "gotten" from your data store, it is easy to set up some logging to measure the number of cache hits to cache misses.
Coming full circle, to your question... Most lists I deal with are small, so I incur the penalty of loading up the entity in its entirety. Assuming that most use cases will involve the user drilling into one or more of the items, they are pre-cached because of the cache-aside implementation. The number of items is fluid, but I generally apply this approach to anything less than twenty five entities in a list.
For larger lists, I just use IDs. Most likely, the use case here is some sort of search result. Search results are commonly paged, for example, and this does not fit into the above pattern. Instead, I use the larger list of IDs as a sliding range window of entities I am interested in that I then pass to a GetRangeById() method that all of my repositories have - written to purposely take a list of identifiers and load them one at a time so they are cached. In essence, this will take a larger lightweight list and zero in just on the area I am interested in at a given point in time.
With an approach like this, the important thing to realize is that it is highly scalable. It might not baseline as fast as a non-cached approach with small sets of data, but will perform better with larger sets of data. There is an implied performance overhead of operation at play here, but it degrades at a slower rate than a standard "load 'em up" pattern, as well.
You can use CQRS pattern to separate query processing and command processing. And you can do it even on a single database. In such a case you would map you view models directly to the tables in databse (via NHibernate for example). Commands (writes) would go through real domain model and would be persisted in the DB. Queries (like get me a list of entities) would bypass the domain a go straight do DB. There is no point in querying domain object because you actually don't invoke any business logic in them, just retrieving some data.
You can also extend this solution to full-featured CQRS by having separate stores for command side and for query side. Query side would be synchronized by means of replication or pub/sub messaging.

Mutable Value Objects / Sharing State (and beer brewing!)

I'm a rusty programmer attempting to become learned in the field again. I've discovered, fitfully, that my self-taught and formal education both induced some bad habits. As such, I'm trying to get my mind around good design patterns, and -- by extension -- when they're wrong. The language is Java, and here's my issue:
I'm attempting to write software to assist in beer brewing. In brewing, sometimes you must substitute a particular variety of hop for what's called for in the recipe. For example, you might have a recipe that calls for 'Amarillo' hops, but all you can get is 'Cascade', which has a similar enough aroma for substitution; hops have an Alpha Acid amount (per a given mass), and the ratio between two hops is part of the substitution formula. I'm attempting to model this (properly) in my program.
My initial go is to have two objects. One a HopVariety, which has general descriptive information about a variety of hop, and one a HopIngredient, which is a particular instantiation of a HopVariety and also includes the amount used in a given recipe. HopIngredient should have knowledge of its variety, and HopVariety should have knowledge of what can be used as a substitute for it (not all substitutions are symmetric). This seems like good OOP.
The problem is this: I'm trying to follow good practice and make my value objects immutable. (In my head, I'm classifying HopVariety and HopIngredient as value objects, not 'actors'.) However, I need the user to be able to update a given HopVariety with new viable substitutions. If I follow immutability, these changes will not propagate to individual ingredients. If choose mutability, I'm Behaving Badly by potentially introducing side-effects by sharing a mutable value object.
So, option B: introduce a VarietyCollection of sorts, and loosely couple the ingredients and the varieties by way of a name or unique identifier. And then a VarietySubstitutionManager, so that varieties don't hold references to other varieties, only to their ids. This goes against what I want to do, because holding a reference to the variety object makes intuitive sense, and now I'm introducing what feels like excessive levels of abstraction, and also separating functions from the data.
So, how do I properly share state amongst what amounts to specific instances? What's the proper, or at least, sanest way to solve the problem?
Are you sure HopVariety should be a value object? It sounds to me like an entity - "Amarillo" hop variety is one and only one, so it should be a uniquely identifiable object. Just like "Tony Wooster" is only one (well not exactly, but you get the point ;) )
I recommend reading about Domain Driven Design and the differences between entities and value objects.
BTW: DDD book has a lot of examples of situations like yours and how to handle them.
I think your choices are either to
have the 'update variety' function walk the existing object graph and create a new one with all of the ingredients updated, or
keep using mutability
With the information at hand, it isn't clear to me which is better for your situation.
How badly do you want to avoid mutation of objects with multiple references?
If you want the recipe collection to reflect the user updates to the variety set, and you want to avoid mutable fields in your objects, then you'll be forcing yourself into using functional object update to handle user input.
At the end of that road lies the I/O monad. How far do you want to go in that direction?
With a functional language that allows mutation side-effects, e.g. S/ML etc., you might opt to keep your variety and ingredient objects pure, and to store functions that return the current variety object from the latest variety collection stored in a single mutable reference cell. This might seem like a reasonable way to split the difference.
