Using clickable links in DialogFlow - dialogflow-es

Is possible to use hyperlinks in the middle of some text with DialogFLow?
Currently the best I can get is to use DialogFlow Messenger with an extra response of type Custom Payload and add there a richContent response of type "info" with the link.
But I want to add the link as a normal "< a href >" element, is that possible somehow?

Did you already try to send raw URL in your message?
It will automatically turn the URL into a link in almost all chat application.
I already try in Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Line Messenger, etc.


Is it possible to create a big text for sending to telegram bot?

I've created a telegram bot. He has one mission to inform in group about new orders. When the customer create new order, telegram bot sends message with information that new order was created.
I use this api: ( Chat id and token are provided as an example)
All works fine, but how can I send not a simple text( with + as a whitespace) but a big text with information about order, and order cart?
I think I should use another method instead of simple call api...
Now, I am using nest js for backend, and yes, I know about telegraf and other npm packages, but because I use this bot only for send information from site, could I avoid additional packages and create a simple api call with big text? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for you suggestion #micael-levi. I have found a method
To put my text into variable
To encode this variable with method encodeURIComponent
To Specify in API params that it is a HTML and it should be parsed as a HTML (parse_mode=HTML)

Disable text input when facebook messenger sends buttons/quick_replies along with message

I am using facebook messenger bot buliding with Nodejs. Can I disable text input using an API when the bot sends a message within a button? Is there any strategy possible when the bot only the message, input remains enabled and disabled when sends buttons/quick_replies?
Let me some add picture below to make my query most clear and
I need text input disabled where placeholder "type a message is written"
Unfortunately, this is not possible with Facebook Messenger. As suggested by Milton, you should validate incoming text and decide if the user meant certain input. You should be aware of typos and case however.
In my experience, when we don't get the user input we repeat the question with explanation and give quick replies again.

IBM hyperlink in watson conversation

I want to have a text in the hyperlink without showing the HTML tag.
Other than editing Watson Conversation
"The link to go to Temasek Poly is: click\">Google."
Other than showing in the web application, can I show in facebook messenger?
I tried in facebook messenger but cannot, why? how can I do this same matter and can apply in facebook messenger
Facebook does not support your example, just paste the URL that you want to send for the user, like:
Search about this on
And then, Facebook will transform in a hyperlink.
Done a lot of research on this...
Facebook doesn't seem to support the usual codes which create
hyperlinked text (e.g. "Click here") that links the clicker to your
specified external website. for now, you can only attach a link in
it's full form (e.g. "")
Reference: Facebook forum here.

Custom Links with Messenger Bot via Microsoft Botframework

Clicking will take you to a bot and continue the conversation, if there was no conversation it'll begin it's 'firstRun' sequence.
Is it possible to create links that will execute a specific dialog and pass in data? It should ignore previous dialog state/stack and start a new stack with the specified data as argument to that dialog.
This is not possible. The url is used to identify the user/bot in messenger. The bot doesn't see the url so it can't read from it.
I would suggest taking a different approach. You could let the user pass in the code instead of adding it to the url.
There is a new functionality in Messenger platform that allows you to send specific messages to a bot:
I haven't tested it yet, but it may help you.

Rich text format for response text in facebook chatbot

I want to format(change font size/text color/apply text style - bold/underline/italic etc) the response text send to user in Facebook chatbot.
I do not see any such support in the messenger API. Just wanted to confirm if its supported or not? Is there any other way/approach to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
You can accomplish something similar to what you want using the web view API:
This allows you to display an HTML page without leaving the chat. If your responses are dynamic you could generate the pages at runtime and link to them using the API.
