Rich text format for response text in facebook chatbot - bots

I want to format(change font size/text color/apply text style - bold/underline/italic etc) the response text send to user in Facebook chatbot.
I do not see any such support in the messenger API. Just wanted to confirm if its supported or not? Is there any other way/approach to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,

You can accomplish something similar to what you want using the web view API:
This allows you to display an HTML page without leaving the chat. If your responses are dynamic you could generate the pages at runtime and link to them using the API.


Using clickable links in DialogFlow

Is possible to use hyperlinks in the middle of some text with DialogFLow?
Currently the best I can get is to use DialogFlow Messenger with an extra response of type Custom Payload and add there a richContent response of type "info" with the link.
But I want to add the link as a normal "< a href >" element, is that possible somehow?
Did you already try to send raw URL in your message?
It will automatically turn the URL into a link in almost all chat application.
I already try in Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Line Messenger, etc.

Is there a way to show video in Dialogflow Messenger

I'm working on a Dialogflow Messenger integration and Im trying to see if there is any way of showing a You Tube video as one of the responses. As far as I can see there are no Rich Response Messages which support video.
The only way which springs to mind is to listen for df-response-received events and then add the embed code on the fly which seems hideous.
Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this?
I basically answered my own question here. I actually needed other UI elements so I built my own chat interface in React as a web component using then I had full control over my UI :)
Any new components I want to display I can send as a custom payload as normal

Dialogflow- chatbot related queries

I've created a basic app with a chatbot that can respond to what I type using DialogFlow and Angular. It is hosted locally. Now I want to have that chatbot respond to what I type with cards, lists and such. Like how Messenger has templates. I want to have a custom payload sent to me in response to what I send. Can anyone please help me? (NOTE: iam using the v2api)
Dialogflow supports rich message response to only certain platforms that it has listed on its website for ex. Facebook, google assistance etc. To display rich message you need to code it out.

Add image as a response in web demo (DialogFlow)

I just want to know if its possible to add images as a response into chatbot web demo. If is not supported, how can I do this? How else can I do it?
As per my knowledge it is not at possible in web demo, you can add images hyperlinks or buttons in your website try exploring custom payload option, where on your website you will have to code by yourself, for the buttons when you send responses as custom payload and divert it to google assistant.
Web demo does not support images or buttons.
You can add some other chat client which supports images, like facebook messenger, slack etc.

IBM hyperlink in watson conversation

I want to have a text in the hyperlink without showing the HTML tag.
Other than editing Watson Conversation
"The link to go to Temasek Poly is: click\">Google."
Other than showing in the web application, can I show in facebook messenger?
I tried in facebook messenger but cannot, why? how can I do this same matter and can apply in facebook messenger
Facebook does not support your example, just paste the URL that you want to send for the user, like:
Search about this on
And then, Facebook will transform in a hyperlink.
Done a lot of research on this...
Facebook doesn't seem to support the usual codes which create
hyperlinked text (e.g. "Click here") that links the clicker to your
specified external website. for now, you can only attach a link in
it's full form (e.g. "")
Reference: Facebook forum here.
