Terminus custom theming issue - sublimetext3

I'm using the package Terminus on Sublime Text 3, and wish o change my default theme. I can't seem to be able to do it. I go to Terminus Utilities: Select Theme and select one, nothing happens. I edited the settings file to use custom colours instead, nothing happened. I used the option to Generate User Theme - no results. Please help.
When I try to open Terminus settings from Preferences > Packages > Terminus > Settings, this message is printed in the console:
Unable to open /C/Users/logic/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Terminus/Terminus.sublime-settings
But the settings file opens anyway.


How to remove code suggestion / help popup in sublime 3

I keep getting this annoying code help popup in sublime 3.
It seems to have only appeared recently. I'm not sure if it's part of sublime or some plugin.
Is there a way to disable this from showing?
Turns out this is to do with the package Naomi. Does anybody know if this is a configurable setting with this package?
you need to do following steps:
Go sublime Menu bar
select preferences
add this following code to user file and save it.
// Controls auto pairing of quotes, brackets etc
"auto_match_enabled": false,
// Enable visualization of the matching tag in HTML and XML
"match_tags": false,
I installed sublime, and disable completions popup by adding
"auto_complete": false
to the preferences.
You get to the preferences by: Menu Preferences -> Settings. There, you are supposed to edit the User Preferences file by adding custom prefs like the above snippet between the existing curly braces.

Change user settings in Sublime Text 3

I'm trying to change my user settings for Sublime Text 3 so that word wrap is disabled by default. However, I'm running into some problems. Sublime Text doesn't let you change the default settings under Preferences -> Settings. I know this and I've read every StackOverflow question that already tells me this. The answer to all of those questions is always
"Go to Preferences -> Settings - User"
"navigate to C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings and modify the file there."
The problem I'm having is that neither of these options seem to work. I have no Preferences -> Settings - User option (only Settings, Settings - Syntax Specific, and Settings - Distraction Free). And when I try to C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings, no such file exists. There isn't even a Sublime Text 3 folder under Roaming.
I'm using Windows 10 by the way.
The user preferences file doesn't exist until you have edited and saved your user preferences or otherwise manually created it.
On older versions of ST, it was in the Preferences menu as Settings - User, it is now Preferences -> Settings, and the pane on the right.

GitGutter ocd Alignment annoyance

Using Sublime text 3 along with GitGutter, I cannot help but feel constantly annoyed that alignment of the deleted item isn't aligned like the addition and change icons. Multiple themes and setting changes later and the issue still shows. Though it seems to be the actual position and not an alignment bug, I cannot help it from bothering me. GitGutter problem image
If you don't like it just change it :)
GitGutter support custom themes:
In Sublime Text open Preferences > Browse Packages...
Create a folder GitGutterThemeAligned
Download the default theme from github and put it into that folder
Rename Default.gitgutter-theme to Default Aligned.gitgutter-theme
Edit the image files deleted_* with an image editor of your choice
Open the GitGutter settings Preferences > Package Settings > GitGutter > Settings
Change the "theme" setting to "theme": "Default Aligned.gitgutter-theme"
Restart Sublime Text

Sublime text editor doesn't auto-refreshes the file if it is modified by another program

Although Sublime is a really powerful text editor but I am facing an issue. I have been using sublime text editor to view logs of my application.Suppose I have already opened file in my editor. After the logs are modified by the app server.
Sublime doesn't give any popup like we get in other editors
NOtepad++ says:
Also it doesn't modify the file. I have to close the file explicitly and then I re-open the file to ready the modified logs.
Only options i get in my sublime preferences are :
Please help..!
You are using an extremely outdated version of sublime (1.4). You can enable this functionality by upgrading and performing a small settings tweak:
Download the new SublimeText
Install it and open it
Go to the preferences menu and select "settings"
This will open the settings files for sublime, scroll down to line 349 on the left panel and copy that line.
Paste in the copied line into the right pane and replace "false" with "true"
Save and restart SublimeText
This should fix your issue entirely while also upgrading you to the awesome new SublimeText :)
Happy coding!
Set the following setting to true.
Menu > Preferences > Settings
// Always prompt before reloading a file, even if the file hasn't been
// modified. The default behavior is to automatically reload a file if it
// hasn't been edited. If a file has unsaved changes, a prompt will always
// be shown.
"always_prompt_for_file_reload": true

Sublime Text strange behaviour

I have a strange behaviour on my Sublime3 editor. I just started using it, having not much experience with.
I add some code like
use Kakuki\Reports\Models\Campaign;
And on save the code is kicked out.
Apparently it seems that PHPTools package caused this issue. How do I configure this Package?
Try disabling PSR mode via the User Preferences.
From the "Preferences" menu, choose "Package Settings", "PHPTools" and then "Settings - User".
Paste { "psr":"False" } into that file. (If that file is not already empty, just add , "psr" : "False" to the last line in that file. )
Save the preferences file and create a new "New View Into File".
Any time you install a new Sublime Text package, it's a good idea to take a look at its configurable options. You can do this from the "Preferences" menu, and then "Package Settings", the name of your package and finally "Settings - Default". Most package developers will pre-populate this file with all of the available options and comments about what they do. Note that you shouldn't edit this file (it will be overwritten every time the package updates), but you can use this to inform your user settings as above.
