Docusign Embedded Signing , How can sender share the “recipient signing URL” with multiple signer? - docusignapi

I am building a customer web portal or a self-service platform, one of the features of the portal is for customer to upload required documents. Customer would have to go through full authentication to access the web portal to upload required documents and perform other functions.
I want to embed DocuSign and use its signature capabilities for customer to fill out forms and provide signatures. Some of the documents requires multiple signatures from legal parties of an organization.
My questions:
How do I send DocuSign to multiple signers?
Would each signer have to authenticate to the portal to sign documents or is there a way DocuSign can route document to the signers without all of them authenticating to the portal?

Each signers/recipient can have their own unique URL which is different based on the recipient involved.
You can have multiple recipients sign the same document/envelope and each of time can sign, either in turn, or whenever based on the routing order.
URLs for signing should not be shared, as they are private for the signer.
Your app can either embed the URL inside, or if you would rather use remote signing, then each recipient would get an email with the link to sign.
There's no need for signers to authenticate, unless you wish them to do so, which is certainly more secure, but not a requirement of DocuSign.
Here is a code example for embedded signing in 7 languages.
Here is a code example for remote signing in 7 languages.


How to add multiple signers on a single document using docusign REST API Embedded Signing

I have a web application developed which we want to sign a sales contract pdf from the end customer. It’s a responsive web application which can be used from desktop/laptop, tablet or mobile phones.
I am trying to implement Embedded Signing with multiple signer using docusign REST API.
So the flow in my app is the following:-
Dealer goes to the sold to party and sold to party will sign.
Dealer goes to the payer and payer will sign.
And finally dealer will do the final signing and all the signer will receive the signed document via mail.
My app status-
I have successfully created signing url for first signer and signing is completed and returning to my web page.
But for the second signer i want to sign on the first signer url.But it is redirecting to web page.
My scenario is -
Is this possible without opening three recipients views - one for the sold to party, one for the payer and one for dealer? Can we achieve this just by opening one view where all recipients can sign the order with mobile verification authentication?
In one signing url all the signer will complete the sign process with mobile verification authentication.
I tried to add a single recipient with three signing boxes with mobile verification authentication. But after complete the first signer it is returning to main web page.
Please check this scenario also-
My question is is there any way this is possible? I am assuming that it isn't since each envelope id can really only relate to a single signer. It doesn't even make sense to me how a second signer could sign the same document with the same envelope id and put in different data and it maintain the integrity of both signers since envelope id seems to be a sort of session for the document.
Please help me Thanks.
No, you have to open separate signing ceremonies for each signer. Each captive recipient (for embedded signing) is defined by their email, name, and clientUserId. ClientUserId needs to be unique to each individual, such as a customerId in your system. If you don't have a unique identifier for each person, then simply use their email address.
You should also consider how you will validate the identity of the person signing and link it to the DocuSign signing, since DocuSign is not sending an email link for validating who was invited in. You can link that data using the additional parameters for the createRecipient Envelope View API call, i.e. assertionId, authenticationInstant, authenticationMethod, and securityDomain.

Docusign - how to integrate docusign for multiple users each having different docusign credentials and multiple customers

I have an app were there are 2 kinds of users.
A builder and an owner.
Now there is a centralized platform that I am building, were each builder who have their own docu sign account with them, will register. And then provide with a docusign URL (I am not sure what that is), and the owner then clicks on the link, once they are logged in to their part of the system. They sign the document using docusign and the builder gets the corresponding response in the centralized system.
Is this approach can be done using docusign? Or the working of this is completely different?
You're likely referring to embedded signing vs remote signing from what I understood from your description.
In embedded signing, your app will take care of authenticating the users on DocuSign's behalf.
Yes. The Builders are the DocuSign senders. As you say, they have the DocuSign accounts that will be integrated into your system.
The owners are DocuSign recipients. More specifically Signer Recipients.
The owners do not sign into DocuSign at all. They may register (and login) themselves with your app, that's a different issue.
When appropriate, the owners click a link on your app to sign documents.
You then have some options: did the builder initiate a signing request for the owner to sign at some point in the future? Or is the signing request initiated when the owner decides that they want a document generated that they will then sign? (Or both?)
When it comes time for signing, if the signing ceremony is presented by your app to the owner, we call that embedded signing.
If the builder initiates a document to be signed by the owner, then the quickest technique is to immediately send a signing request (by email or SMS) directly to the owner. That's called remote signing by DocuSign. (The other way to do it is to wait until the next time the owner logs into your app. I would not recommend this since it would tend to slow down the completion of the signing process.)

Docusign eSignature REST API authentication

I am trying to integrate Docusign in my Web application. The website workflow will be as follows:
Users visit my website and log in.
Users will be given the option to choose Docusign Templates.
After selection, users need to sign that document.
After a successful signing, the signed document is sent to some authority.
My problem is how can I link my users to Docusign to sign. Does every user needs to have an account for embedded signing?? I need some help in understanding the flow of authentication and signing in DocuSign REST API. I have gone through the documentation but didn't understand properly. When I try to use the auth grant GitHub code to understand the flow. After logging in, it throws a null pointer exception. Please, someone, help me.
You can find code example in different languages to do what you're asking (sign from a template). You will want to use embedded signing so that the user sign as part of the app and not remote signing (via email).
As for your authentication question, no, signers never need to be part of the account. The sender can be a single user that is "sending" envelopes that are embedded in the app. So while there's no sending technically, you can think of it this way.
Hope this makes sense, please ask additional questions if not clear
recipientID is a GUID uniquely used to identify a recipient in DocuSign. When you create an envelope, each recipient should have one.
"and If the same name+email combination comes again, will it get the same signature or generate a new one?" It will remember it if they have an account.

Using docusign EnvelopeViews: createSender as preview

createSender creates a URL, which I would like to use to let the sender preview the document before it's send out. Hence the documents are created using templates and and the API.
The link which is created would lead me out of my UI. Does the user need to sign in? Future plan is to have many user's, which have no DocuSign account.
For embedded sending Your app will have to authenticate the user. If you are doing a Service Integration then your Api account will be used as the sender.
Once the sending url is generated using the createSenderView api, there is no authentication required to access the URL.
You also have an option to build a User Application using the docusign Api where your App can support sending from multiple accounts.
The createSenderView requires that the person is a DocuSign user (with their own account and password).
Only DocuSign users can send. We charge for sending, not for signing or receiving.
What exactly do you want to preview? (And why?)
the documents themselves? Use the EnvelopeDocuments resource. You can also preview the thumbnails of the documents.
the documents with the "fields" ("tabs") that indicate where people will sign? I'm not sure that is do-able.
or the recipients and their routing order? Use EnvelopeRecipients: list method.
Another solution is to use a dummy certified delivery "recipient". Add this recipient as the first recipient. This will block the envelope from proceeding on the recipient routing.
Then get the envelope's documents to show as a preview.
Then, if ok, alter the envelope's recipients to remove the certified delivery recipient. The envelope will then continue on with the first "real" recipient.

DocuSign Captive Recipient - XML Signing

We are creating Captive recipients using DocuSign SOAP based API call - CreateAndSendEnvelope in .net web application into our clients' DocuSign accounts.
We are able to create envelopes fine but while requesting tokens for captive recipients, we have to require our clients turn off X509 signing certificate. We have to ask them to enable two options from their DocuSign account.
In Session
Don't Enforce In Session Certificate
At times, it becomes cumbersome for us and for our clients to have these features enabled buy our/their DocuSign account representative.
In order for our captive recipients to sign document with valid X.509 signing certificate, what do we need to do? According to DocuSign's documentation, if we provide DocuSign with signing certificate common name(CN), DocuSign can validate the XML signature and our captive recipients can sign the document without enabling those two options.
If we are creating envelopes using captive recipients, do we need to provide CN for each of the DocuSign account that we are working with? Is there anything that we need to include in the request header?
Please advise..
Juiced Tech:
As mentioned per DocuSign Documentation at link:
Here is a link for signing an xml soap body with an X.509 Certificate using .NET:
As mentioned in the other StackOverflow article link, if it is acceptable you can turn off the requirement, but not advised DocuSign API: "Invalid Signature Credentials" error using Captive (Embedded) Recipients
As an alternative, you could make the REST API call for the recipient view and remove the need for the x.509 and CN all together as the two settings support needs to change are not observed by the REST API. The method is POST {vx}/accounts/{accountid}/views/{viewtype} and you can get the accountid from a REST login_information call to correlate to the accountGUID you have in SOAP. Stays the same for the account, so you only need to call on time per account and cache/persist it.
