DocuSign Captive Recipient - XML Signing - docusignapi

We are creating Captive recipients using DocuSign SOAP based API call - CreateAndSendEnvelope in .net web application into our clients' DocuSign accounts.
We are able to create envelopes fine but while requesting tokens for captive recipients, we have to require our clients turn off X509 signing certificate. We have to ask them to enable two options from their DocuSign account.
In Session
Don't Enforce In Session Certificate
At times, it becomes cumbersome for us and for our clients to have these features enabled buy our/their DocuSign account representative.
In order for our captive recipients to sign document with valid X.509 signing certificate, what do we need to do? According to DocuSign's documentation, if we provide DocuSign with signing certificate common name(CN), DocuSign can validate the XML signature and our captive recipients can sign the document without enabling those two options.
If we are creating envelopes using captive recipients, do we need to provide CN for each of the DocuSign account that we are working with? Is there anything that we need to include in the request header?
Please advise..

Juiced Tech:
As mentioned per DocuSign Documentation at link:
Here is a link for signing an xml soap body with an X.509 Certificate using .NET:
As mentioned in the other StackOverflow article link, if it is acceptable you can turn off the requirement, but not advised DocuSign API: "Invalid Signature Credentials" error using Captive (Embedded) Recipients
As an alternative, you could make the REST API call for the recipient view and remove the need for the x.509 and CN all together as the two settings support needs to change are not observed by the REST API. The method is POST {vx}/accounts/{accountid}/views/{viewtype} and you can get the accountid from a REST login_information call to correlate to the accountGUID you have in SOAP. Stays the same for the account, so you only need to call on time per account and cache/persist it.


Docusign Embedded Signing , How can sender share the “recipient signing URL” with multiple signer?

I am building a customer web portal or a self-service platform, one of the features of the portal is for customer to upload required documents. Customer would have to go through full authentication to access the web portal to upload required documents and perform other functions.
I want to embed DocuSign and use its signature capabilities for customer to fill out forms and provide signatures. Some of the documents requires multiple signatures from legal parties of an organization.
My questions:
How do I send DocuSign to multiple signers?
Would each signer have to authenticate to the portal to sign documents or is there a way DocuSign can route document to the signers without all of them authenticating to the portal?
Each signers/recipient can have their own unique URL which is different based on the recipient involved.
You can have multiple recipients sign the same document/envelope and each of time can sign, either in turn, or whenever based on the routing order.
URLs for signing should not be shared, as they are private for the signer.
Your app can either embed the URL inside, or if you would rather use remote signing, then each recipient would get an email with the link to sign.
There's no need for signers to authenticate, unless you wish them to do so, which is certainly more secure, but not a requirement of DocuSign.
Here is a code example for embedded signing in 7 languages.
Here is a code example for remote signing in 7 languages.

Embedded Signing - Signer didn't receive the completed document

I am trying to implement embedded signing in our application. I followed the steps as mentioned in the guide -
I am able to create the envelope, generate the recipient signing URL, use that URL to sign and complete the document. But I haven't received the completed signed document to the email that I mentioned as the Signer.
Is there any additional properties that I need to specify to receive the document signed via the recipient signing URL?
What is the other way to receive the signed document in this case, Can I use webhook to receive the completed document?
Yes, webhook is the better approach for this.
in Embedded signing there are no emails going to the signer. That's the purpose. Embedding it in your app unlike remote signing where emails are sent.
Your app can receive a webhook notification from connect and retrieve the complete document. provide some examples. There are other resources about how to use DocuSign Connect webhook.
There's an option for this in the esignature admin tool., Send completion emails to embedded signers
That setting is account-wide. So if your application is used by people in multiple accounts, you'll need to set it for each account.

DocuSign - Get Signature URL using eSignature REST API v2.1

For the envelope which has been already created and notification has been sent to the recipients, how do we get the signature URL using eSignature REST API? The signature URL is nothing but the link which is embedded in the DocuSign email to the recipients.
Update: Once the envelopes are created, I am trying to show the signing links in a web portal so that users can view all the signing links and take action.
If you would like to use this URL inside your app, we call this Embedded Signing. You can follow a code example in multiple languages to do that here.
You make an API call to this URL:
POST /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/views/recipient
And you provide something called clientUserId which is a unique string that represents your app/user/envelope.
You can also provide a redirect URI where the user would land after they're done signing.

Generate Signing Link through API

Currently using DocuSign-Powerform which generates signing link to recipient. I need to know if signing link can be generated by envelope ID through DocuSign API for specific project requirement.
In order to use the API to generate a link that can be used to initiate the recipient signing session, the envelope must have been created via the API in the first place. (In the API documentation, this scenario -- creating the envelope via API and then subsequently using the API to generate the link that can be used to initiate the recipient signing session -- is referred to as "embedded" signing or "captive" signing.)
If you're creating the envelope via any other means (e.g., Powerforms or the DocuSign web UI), it's not possible to use the API to generate a link that can be used to initiate the recipient signing session.

Not able to send draft envelope with two roles(Signer, Approver)

We have created a draft envelope using a template with Rest API. That template has 2 roles. Role-1 is assigned Identity as "Email" and "Digital Certificate" and role-2 is assigned with "Email". Role-1 fill the envelop form and sign and Role-2 just sign the form as an approver.
We didn't change anything in the template from many days. Using same template we were able to create envelope till last week. It's look like some recent code checkin to the docusign effected this and we are not able to create an envelope with two roles. Same problem is there in both Production and Demo docusign sites
We have few more templates with single role with Identity as "Email" and "Digital Certificate". We don't have any problems in sending the envelope in this case.
We are trying to reach with docusign support from last 2 days through mails. But no one has responded regarding this("DocuSign Case #: 01999769") This is 3rd issue we are facing from the docusign since last 10days. Our product release is getting delayed because of these issues.
Are you using DocuSign Digital Express, OpenTrust, or SAFE certificates?
Once one signer has signed with a digital certificate, all subsequent signers for the same transaction (envelope) must also use digital certificates.
Docs: See the Limitations section of the DocuSign Digital Certificates Quick Start.
Regarding API support: At this time, DocuSign standard support does not include development assistance with the APIs. (This is common throughout the industry.) If you want paid API support, you need to engage DocuSign Professional Services.
