Azure API management - multiple URLs? - azure

I have deployed multiple apps on azure kubernetes and have azure API management in front.
As I have deployed multiple apps that spans across various portfolios, would it be possible to configure the Azure API management with multiple URLs, ideally per application?

Yes you can add multiple custom domains to APIM.
Reference :
This feature also depends on the Tier of your APIM. Consumption, Basic and Standard Tier do not have this feature.
Reference :


Azure kubernetes - register services in Azure API management?

I am planning to deploy multiple applications on Azure kubernetes and each application will have multiple services.
I will have Azure API management in front of the kubernetes services.
As each application will have multiple services, how do I register those services in Azure API management? Would it be one by one? Is there a way to generate swagger document for the kubernetes services and register at once?
If you want to register them as a different services, yes you need to do one by one. But there is a way You can create a single API in API Management that points to multiple different backend APIs. Use the set-backend-service policy to change the backend API for certain operations.

How can I add static HTML pages in the Azure Developer Portal to display some documentation text?

I need to add pages (kind of static web pages) in Azure APIM Developer Portal to display documentation. Is there any tutorial to explain how to achieve it?
Is there a way I can read the text content from REST API calls and populate the pages in Dev portal?
I believe the issue is more or less similar to this where you are trying to update documentation properly at Azure Api Managment developer portal.
In that case, as mentioned in the thread, you can try with swagger but in APIM portal it might not work immediately. Microsoft product team has confirmed that they working on improvig support for OpenAPIv3. The ETA is about end of September.
However, you may also check the self-hosted gateway feature
The self-hosted gateway feature expands API Management support for hybrid and multi-cloud environments and enables organizations to efficiently and securely manage APIs hosted on-premises and across clouds from a single API Management service in Azure.

Alternative to using Azure Cloud service in a CSP subscription

I have a complete running cloud service application upgraded to latest Azure SDK version and unfortunately need to dump this into a CSP subscription. But I came to know that Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, the cloud service is a classic deployment model. So we cannot create a cloud service within a CSP subscription.
Is there any other alternative within Azure CSP to using "cloud service" so that we can migrate with minimal changes. Please help
Firstly, here are some good reads on Microsoft Docs to help comparing the options available and make decisions based on your requirements:
(I mean requirements like Hosting features, Service Limits, 3rd party software installation and RDP access is required or not, Network isolation to a separate VNET is required or not, Cost considerations, minimum SLA, Regions available, instant deployment and auto-scaling, state management etc.):
Azure App Service, Virtual Machines, Service Fabric, and Cloud Services comparison
Decision tree for Azure compute services (This one covers a big spectrum.. simple virtual machines, Batch, Functions, Containers, AKS, ServiceFabric)
Criteria for choosing an Azure Compute Service
Also know that when looking for alternatives, it's not uncommon to make use of multiple compute or other Azure service options by breaking up an older solution into parts at the time of such migration (for e.g. A serverless compute option like Azure Function + Service Fabric + something else if needed).
Generally speaking (and without knowing much about your application from your question currently), Azure App Service and Service Fabric could be considerations IMHO when migrating from an existing Cloud Service, but this is exactly where detailed requirements help you in decision making.
On a side note, here is a list of Azure Services available in CSP - Available Azure services in Azure CSP

Api Apps Vs Api Management

I am looking for scalable hosting for an API but I am getting a little confused with Azure. Ideally I want something that means I don't have to manage OS updates and security, just deploy my API code.
Is this possible with Azure? What do I need to sign up for?
In general, you are looking for the Platform as a service offer. Check What is PaaS?. For the API deployment you should check the Azure App Services. Azure API Management is for advanced API management or when you want to expose multiple APIs using a single gateway.

Multiple azure cloud services in a single solution

I'm in the process of implementing a series of web api services that must be separated and isolated from each other when running. For this, each service is a different Asp.NET Web Api project, but for simplicity and cohesion, we have it all in the same solution.
We plan on deploying the services using Azure Cloud Services but I can't find a way to set up the projects so each one is published on a different CloudService.
