Link to download the submitted Powerform - docusignapi

How to get the link to download the submitted powerform. The PDF file will be sent to the email and it is downloadable from the docuSign admin also. But I need to provide a link to download the submitted file for an admin user on my website. is it possible?

Yes, it's possible, but you will have to build a web app.
The web app you built will have and endpoint that takes an envelopeID and returns back a PDF. It will call the DocuSign eSignature REST API every time someone is requesting to download an envelope and will provide it.
You can use JWT to authenticate your web app impersonating the administrator of this account so you always have access to download any envelope.
Note that if you build something like this, you're exposing the envelopes in your account to anyone that knows the URLs , so it's not recommended to do so unless you know your account is only used for non-sensitive documents.


How to get the URLs of sign document link of Docusign in our app?

Is there any way to display all the documents/envelopes which are needed to be signed by the user in our app? or list all the links of these envelopes in our app so that when the user clicks it will take to Docusign UI same as how it works with email
enter image description here
Yes, you can, but there are some things to consider.
First, you will need to make API calls to find all the envelopes that needed to be signed by the user.
From the Java SDK use the ListStatusChanges method to do that.
Then, for each envelope you found in the right status, you will want to generate a URL using the embedded signing feature.
However, don't do that when the page loads! These URLs expire after 2 min and so what you want is to generate them when the user clicks and redirect to the generated URL dynamically, or you'll have issues with the app.

Sign document from own site using docusign

I am developing one application and successfully integrated it with DocuSign.
I am sending an envelope to the user using docusign API, the email sent from docusign host, when the user clicks the email it navigates to DocuSign website. Is it possible to edit the email sent link and sign from my own website?
Note: Still ok, if this functionality available any other third party instead of DocuSign.
Yes, please have a look at our embedded signing page:
More specifically, review createRecipient API:
Let us know if you still run into issues implementing this.

Are there immutable direct access URLs to DocuSign Home or Management page?

My team is working on an integration between a Web Application and DocuSign, where the user may send files to signing from our App to DocuSign (creating an envelope with the files).
In the envelope info inside our app, the user should have a link to be redirected to DocuSign (preferably to the Management page, but Home one is also acceptable).
Since there isn't an endpoint on DocuSign eSignature API for getting a redirect URL (such as EnvelopeViews), and I couldn't find a document mentioning direct access to DocuSign eSignature (such as the one existing for DocuSign eSignature Admin), my question is...
Is there a known redirect URL to DocuSign eSignature that I could trust it won't change, so I can use it on our application?
I found out (looking at the authentication process) that the following URLs work for what I want... (Sandbox) (Prod) (Sandbox) (Prod)
But can I trust they won't change (since they aren't documented) and use them on my app?
For the management/web app for users, there's a way to do that with the API, you get back a URL that is pre-authenticated and is the recommended way to do that.
See here for code examples in different languages.
As for the administration/settings part, you would have to do it the way you indicated. We cannot guarantee this URL would never change, but it's not something that happen often if at all. However, users would have to log in (authenticate) when they are redirected unless in the same browser and already logged in.

DocuSign API integration in Node.js and handlebars

I am making a node application with handlebars.
The website contains normal signup and login functionality. After that, User has to fill a Form which contains his/her basic information. There he/she has to do a digital signature on it.
I want to do this by DocuSign.
I want that each time any new user signup, then he/she can do sign on the form.
I see the DocuSign docs but I am not clear about how to do dynamically with different users. I am able to do the sign manually by creating an account on DocuSign website. Then write the integration key on code and creating a template of form.
But I am unable to do all these by the code in nodejs.
If I understand correctly, you want:
Someone visits your web app
They use forms to add data to your web app
Your web app will create a document based on the data entered.
The visitor will then sign the document using DocuSign.
Very do-able:
Your web app can create the document to be signed in multiple ways. Your app can create a PDF, or many other document types. I suggest that you start with an HTML document. Note that an HTML doc can't include external content such as links to a css file or graphics. See example 2 of eg-03-node-auth-code grant for an example of this technique.
An alternative is to use a PDF of a form as a DocuSign template. Then your envelope will fill in values for the template. See example 16 of eg-03-node-auth-code grant
Next, your web app needs to create an envelope in DocuSign and present it for embedded signing to the web app visitor. First, get a DocuSign access token by using the JWT Grant flow. Use this flow since the signer doesn't have their own account on DocuSign. If the envelopes are "from" the HR department then use a generic HR department user id. Example of using JWT Grant in Node.JS: eg-01-node-jwt
Use the access token to create the envelope and then open an embedded signing ceremony for your web app visitor. See example 1 of eg-03-node-auth-code grant for this part.

Integrating Docusign in our webapp

I am new to Docusign and we have a requirement to integrate Docusign in our web app. I have gone through all the links for integrating docusign into a web app using REST Api calls. After thorough read and watching youtube videos, I came to know that we can integrate docusign in our web app through REST API calls but for the same additionally we need to develop our own UI to upload documents and send it to the recipient. But basically we are looking something where we can be reidrected to docusign from our webapp to perform all the operations of sending document for signing and once document is sent then I will be redirected back to our web app.
Kindly help with the above query and let me know if my understanding is correct for integration of docusign and for the same developing our own UI in our web app. Also please let me know if there is any alternative to fullfill the requirement of directly accessing docusign from our web app and performing all required operations of sending a document to recipient.
Thanks in advance!
So you want a button on your web app that says "Sign with DocuSign" and then what?
Most customers who want to send from their web app already have the documents controlled by their web app.
authenticate the user with DocuSign (OAuth Authorization Code Grant)
Upload the document to DocuSign from their app.
Add tabs (signing fields) to the documents programmatically. (This is not hard and it saves the sender a lot of work.)
Upload the recipients (signers, copy-only recipients, etc)
And then tell DocuSign to send the envelope (the transaction).
Applications can also monitor the progress of the envelope through the signing process and programatically act on the signed documents.
The above is not hard to do and provides a good user experience.
You can also redirect the user of your application to DocuSign to accomplish any/all of the above manually. But the more the user does manually, the less convenient the integration will be for them.
If you want the manual experience, check out the EnvelopeViews::createSender method.
