Meaning of the read permission for binary executable? - linux

I am interested in the full impact of the read permission for binary executables. Indeed, I have encountered some behaviors that I wish to understand.
Let's say I have a C program that just call sleep(300). When the binary has the read permission, I am able to inspect the /proc/$PID folder associated with the running program. But when I removed this permission, I cannot access said folder : it does not exist.
Similarly, If I have a more clever program that copies str from one pointer to another, calling strace on this executable while yield better results if the binary is "readable". (For example, strace will show what every pointer points to)
Since strace relies on ptrace to analyze the running program internals, I don't understand the impact of the read permission. Indeed, I believe the read permission would only be relevant for statical analysis which rely on reading the binary.
Given the observed impact of the read permission, does that mean it is a good practice the remove the read permission of all the binaries on servers where security is critical?

It's certainly possible on Linux to have a binary with only execute permissions, as you've discovered. Doing this has the potential to cause problems with troubleshooting, as you've also discovered, because it makes the process harder to instrument.
I've certainly seen installations where the administrators have systematically removed read permissions from all their own binaries. I've sometimes felt that doing this has caused problems, although the installations where this kind of thing was done were so complex that it was difficult to be certain.
I guess you have to weigh up the benefit of a small increase in security, with a small decrease in serviceability. My experience is that, whatever the merits of removing read permissions, it doesn't seem to be a common practice in the Linux world.


How can a program change a directory without using chdir()?

I can find a lot of documentation on using chdir() to change a directory in a program (a command shell, for instance). I was wondering if it is possible to somehow do the same thing without the use of chdir(). Yet, I can't find any documentation or examples of code where a person is changing directories without using chdir() to some capacity. Is this possible?
In Linux, chdir() is a syscall. That means it's not something a program does in its own memory, but it's a request for the OS kernel to do something on the program's behalf.
Granted, it's one of two syscalls that can change directories -- the other one is fchdir(). Theoretically you could use the other one, though whether that's what your professor actually wants is very much open to interpretation.
In terms of why chdir() and fchdir() can't be reimplemented by an application but need to be leveraged: The current working directory is among the process state maintained by the kernel on a program's behalf; the program itself can't access kernel memory without asking the kernel to operate on its behalf.
Things are syscalls because they need to be syscalls -- if something could be done in-process, it would be done that way (crossing the boundary between userspace and kernelspace involves a context-switch penalty; it's not without performance impact). In this case, letting the kernel do accurate bookkeeping as to what a process's working directory is ensures that the working directory is maintained when a new executable is loaded (with execve()), and helps to ensure the integrity of the kernel's records (making sure a program can't pretend to have its current working directory be a directory it doesn't actually have access to).

How do I open a file in a kernel module if calling process is in user space?

I am trying to create a character device driver that dumps /etc/shadow when read from as a non-privileged user. This is for purely academic purposes of course.
I was reading about how reading/writing files in kernel space opens a system to possible exploits. I am trying to implement this in practice.
Please spare me the "don't touch the filesystem in kernel mode" talk. I am precisely trying to exploit the nuances of doing so.
Problem is that the only way I have found so far that works to open a file in kernel mode is filp_open, which is currently producing EACCESS when I read from the device file as a non-privileged user. This was confounding at first as I assumed that I can do anything in kernel space.
For example, when I cat the device file I have created as a non-root user, filp_open produces EACCESS in kernel space???
Further investigation has led me to believe that filp_open checks the capabilities of the calling process. This would make sense as it is used internally by open(), but I am in kernel mode here! There must be a way!
I am very new to programming in kernel space. I have extensive application C experience, but I am finding it difficult to navigate the kernel documentation for precisely what I am looking for. Additionally, it seems that more and more symbols within the kernel are not exported for use in modules. As I am developing an exploit proof of concept, I would like it to work without recompiling the kernel. I am finding a lot of code (vfs and syscalls) that is deprecated as the symbols are no longer exported to kernel modules.
Is what I am trying to do a thing that is specifically engineered against? Loading a kernel module requires root to begin with, so I would see this more in the lens of a persistence focused attack rather than an access one.
Also, I got the proof of concept working by just reading from the file when the module is loaded, but this is no fun! Any pointers here are much appreciated.
After some rethinking and digging I have found two solutions to my problem. Thank you to Tsyvarev and stark for the pointers.
Solution 1
The first solution is to elevate the privileges of the calling process before making a call of filp_open. This is also basically making a rootkit, so not as interesting.
Here is a link to the guide that I found on the subject.
Solution 2
The module will have an init function that by nature must be run with elevated privs when the module is loaded. So you can open the file pointer there and just close it when the module is unloaded. Caveats are that you have the file pointer open the whole time, so all of the gotchas there are still present. Better to only read, writing is where things can get a bit tricky. This is the solution I chose in the interim, as I didn't want this thing to be a full rootkit.
Another direction is workqueue or to spawn a thread. Probably the most tricky but also the most inline with what my original vision of this demo was. I did not test this direction but it probably is the best solution.

Why many Linux distros use setuid instead of capabilities?

capabilities(7) are a great way for not giving all root privileges to a process and AFAIK can be used instead of setuid(2). According to this and many others,
"Unfortunately, still many binaries have the setuid bit set, while they should be replaced with capabilities instead."
As a simple example, on Ubuntu,
$ ls -l `which ping`
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 44168 May 8 2014 /bin/ping
As you know, setting suid/guid on a file, changes the effective user ID to root. So if there the suid-enabled program contains a flaw, the non-privileged user can break-out and become the equivalent of the root user.
My question is why many Linux distributions still use setuid method while setting capabilities can be used instead with less security concerns?
This may not give the reason why some dudes somewhere decided one way or another, but some auditing tools and interfaces may not yet know about capabilities.
An example is the proc_connector netlink interface and the programs based on it (like forkstat): there are events for a process changing its credentials, but not for it changing its capabilities.
FWIW, the cause why you may not get eg a net_raw+ep ping(8) instead of a setuid one on a Debian-like distro is because that depends on the setcap(8) utility from the libcap2-bin package already existing before you install ping. From iputils-ping.postinst:
if command -v setcap > /dev/null; then
if setcap cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping; then
chmod u-s /bin/ping
echo "Setcap failed on /bin/ping, falling back to setuid" >&2
chmod u+s /bin/ping
echo "Setcap is not installed, falling back to setuid" >&2
chmod u+s /bin/ping
Also notice that ping itself will drop any setuid privileges and switch to use capabilities on Linux upon starting, so your concerns about it may be a bit exagerated. From ping.c:
main(int argc, char **argv)
struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_protocol = IPPROTO
_UDP, .ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM, .ai_flags = getaddrinfo_flags };
struct addrinfo *result, *ai;
int status;
int ch;
socket_st sock4 = { .fd = -1 };
socket_st sock6 = { .fd = -1 };
char *target;
From ping_common.c
void limit_capabilities(void)
if (setuid(getuid()) < 0) {
Consider a different planet were capabilites patches were rejected, the submitter had to try harder to make a neighborly improvement, and came up with this:
filesystems can be mounted suid, nosuid, or capsuid.
if mounted capsuid, setuid bits on ${file} don't count unless .${file}.suid_capability also exists, is setuid, and is either 0-length or parseable in some standardized format:
-r-sr-xr-x. 1 carton carton 3812 Dec 27 15:39 t1
-r-Sr--r--. 1 carton carton 0 Dec 27 15:39 .t1.suid_capability
if the file is empty, setuid bit works as normal. If it has parseable contents, it works as partial-root capabilities.
if desired the .t1.suid_capability files can be annotated with fields for:
binding to a hash of their matching 't1' file
binding to an absolute path, so for example a setuid file within a chroot does not become "hot" until you chroot into it.
binding to a public key or hash nonce loaded at boot identifying the installed system like a uuid. If the private key or nonce is hidden from a backup server, traditional password resets would still work but some forms of rootkit persistence would become more difficult. It also lets you work with images of other systems in subdirectories, automatically making them effectively "nosuid"-mounted even if you are undisciplined about mount options and elect not to use the absolute path feature.
Now answer some questions about this planet relative to our own:
any missing functionality compared to our native planet?
which system works better with 'ls', 'tar', 'rsync', 'cpio', 'find', 'pax', 'mtree'? with gentoo's ebuild sandbox? with LXC?
which system works better with diskless or guest systems running on NFS or 9p roots?
which system works better with tripwire?
Now repeat those questions considering three systems instead of two:
our planet: mysterious capabilities metadata in filesystems
alternate planet using civilized Unix approach
mosvy's 'ping' example, where the binary drops privileges right after it starts
With the third system are finally starting to lose features relative to status quo: Someone could write a hypothetical capabilities-aware tripwire that works less well in the 'ping' example. Has anyone done that, though? . . . anyone outside NSA---have the people forcing this complexity on us done that work to deliver (relatively small) value from the complexity? And if that's the feature-hill we want to die on (as opposed to reducing attack surface), is there maybe a better way to get it, like dm-verity, that once again moots the complexity?
Now let's make a slight refinement to mosvy's 'ping':
crt.o or some early runtime startup code reads the sidecar file and /etc/suid_capability_hash_nonce. It drops suid if /etc/suid_capability_hash_nonce exists but the sidecar file does not (in "alternate planet" terms, the existence of /etc/suid_capability_hash_nonce makes the whole system '-o capsuid'-mounted). The early runtime startup code handles parsing the sidecars and dropping to the enumerated capabilities so that logic doesn't have to be coded into main.c one-by-one.
Honestly, I think the 'ping' example is superior because programs know what capabilities they need, and the need changes only when the program's source code changes. By setting them in a drop_privileges()-style function the need will never get out of sync. Fanned-out distributions won't have to scramble to update capability sets.
If you disagree and want the sidecar/capabilities-style system, something equivalent could have been implemented without tampering with kernel, mount options, bootup, any of it: old dracut-nfsroot initrds would keep working. It is just a matter of style.
This is all a Socratic way of saying capabilities offers nothing beyond dm-verity + 'ping'-style privileges-dropping. There is nothing "unfortunate" about eschewing complexity that's not pulling its weight.
Every few years CADT developers invent some new form of metadata to cram into filesystem directories: Finder metadata, POSIX ACLs, SELinux contexts, NFS ACLs. What will they think of next? How long will it take to update all the filesystems, all the network protocols, all the fileutils tools, all the non-Linux storage operating systems, all the fancy licensed "enterprise" tape backup suites? Will anyone ever get around to updating all that stuff, or will we just limp along with substandard tools? Will even the core feature be documented usefully, or will it be the undocumented plaything of a few annoying "distributions"? Will the feature work most of the time, but stop systems from booting unexpectedly and create chicken-and-egg recovery problems? Will the feature actually stop any attacks?
Is it fair to all the people who have to clean up after them and tolerate complexity in their own systems that made different, simpler choices, just to unbreak interop that their new feature broke?
The value delivered is particularly low in this case, but we have enough experience to set the value bar high on this type of proposal. I think it was a mistake to accept the feature into Linux and applaud any distribution that avoids it.
Capability support was really enabled in 2008 when file capabilities were added to the kernel. So, that's 13 years and counting to replace setuid. Your question is very valid.
If capability support wasn't implemented in a backwardly compatible way in Linux, it would either have been rejected at birth, or things would have surely changed by now! I suspect it all comes down to the fact that there is no economic incentive to adopt them when their benefit is only evident temporarily when a bug in some code is found to be exploitable.
I think that people are resigned to all the ways that setuid binaries seem to be exploitable and the point fixes that people quickly roll out when another vulnerability surfaces. Buffer overflow -> launch shell -> root exploit -> code fix -> start over. They are comfortable with the idea that user identity = privilege (ie., root). This spills into how people want to describe the futility of breaking down all powerful root into independent capabilities, when a chain of exploits can yield all privilege. Clearly, the pervasive idea that privilege and identity should be equivalent is why Ambient capabilities even exist.
Capabilities, however, when used as they were intended to be used are not identity = privilege. They are capable binaries = privilege - where the privilege is reduced relative to a user identity executing arbitrary code, by the combination of those capability bits and the code in the actual program that has them.
If you write code that edits files, it is clear it shouldn't need to worry about being directly abused for raw ethernet packet formation, or loading kernel modules. Exploiting a bug in that code may well allow a malicious edit of a file but, unlike setuid, it won't allow strange packets to be sent on the network. At least not without tricking the code of some independently capable executable into doing it by proxy.
However, no one intentionally writes buggy code, so I think the answer to your question comes down to another question: "where exactly is the benefit of limiting how exploitable an exploit is?".
I suspect that if some distribution were to figure out how to restructure their code base to eliminate setuid-root binaries, in favor of file capabilities, it would fare better (certainly no worse) over time as code exploits are found vs. other distributions clinging to setuid-root. But, until such a distribution comes into being, I can't fault the idea that that is just an opinion.

Linux: How to prevent a file backed memory mapping from causing access errors (SIGBUS etc.)?

I want to write a wrapper for memory mapped file io, that either fails to map a file or returns a mapping that is valid until it is unmapped. With plain mmap, problems arise, if the underlying file is truncated or deleted while being mapped, for example. According to the linux man page of mmap SIGBUS is received if memory beyond the new end of the file is accessed after a truncate. It is no option to catch this signal and handle the error this way.
My idea was to create a copy of the file and map the copy. On a cow capable file system, this would impose little overhead.
But the problem is: how do I protect the copy from being manipulated by another process? A tempfile is no real option, because in theory a malicious process could still mutate it. I know that there are file locks on Linux, but as far as I understood they're either optional or don't prevent others from deleting the file.
I'm asking for two kinds of answers: Either a way to mmap a file in a rock solid way or a mechanism to protect a tempfile fully from other processes. But maybe my whole way of approaching the problem is wrong, so feel free to suggest radical solutions ;)
You can't prevent a skilled and determined user from intentionally shooting themselves in the foot. Just take reasonable precautions so it doesn't happen accidentally.
Most programs assume the input file won't change and that's usually fine
Programs that want to process files shared with cooperative programs use file locking
Programs that want a private file will create a temp file, snapshot or otherwise -- and if they unlink it for auto-cleanup, it's also inaccessible via the fs
Programs that want to protect their data from all regular user actions will run as a dedicated system account, in which case chmod is protection enough.
Anyone with access to the same account (or root) can interfere with the program with a simple kill -BUS, chmod/truncate, or any of the fancier foot-guns like copying and patching the binary, cloning its FDs, or attaching a debugger. If that's what they want to do, it's not your place to stop them.

Can regular file reading benefited from nonblocking-IO?

It seems not to me and I found a link that supports my opinion. What do you think?
The content of the link you posted is correct. A regular file socket, opened in non-blocking mode, will always be "ready" for reading; when you actually try to read it, blocking (or more accurately as your source points out, sleeping) will occur until the operation can succeed.
In any case, I think your source needs some sedatives. One angry person, that is.
I've been digging into this quite heavily for the past few hours and can attest that the author of the link you cited is correct. However, the appears to be "better" (using that term very loosely) support for non-blocking IO against regular files in native Linux Kernel for v2.6+. The "libaio" package contains a library that exposes the functionality offered by the kernel, but it has some caveats about the different types of file systems which are supported and it's not portable to anything outside of Linux 2.6+.
And here's another good article on the subject.
You're correct that nonblocking mode has no benefit for regular files, and is not allowed to. It would be nice if there were a secondary flag that could be set, along with O_NONBLOCK, to change this, but due to the way cache and virtual memory work, it's actually not an easy task to define what correct "non-blocking" behavior for ordinary files would mean. Certainly there would be race conditions unless you allowed programs to lock memory associated with the file. (In fact, one way to implement a sort of non-sleeping IO for ordinary files would be to mmap the file and mlock the map. After that, on any reasonable implementation, read and write would never sleep as long as the file offset and buffer size remained within the bounds of the mapped region.)
