installing python3 additional to python 2.7 on rhel server - python-3.x

we have rhel 7.6 servers with python 2.7
now we want additionally to python 2.7 to install the python 3.x
so both python versions will be installed
the question is about the pip version
as I understand pip latest version for python 2.7 is 20.2.3
but in case we also install python 3.x
then how to know which pip version is relevant here ?
dose pip version support both python versions?


Can't install miniconda for python 3.8 because python 3.9 not found

I just downloaded miniconda Windows installer from official website. While installing got an error:
I use Windows 7 and found python 3.8 should work. Earlier I worked on Anaconda with python 3.7. Should I install Miniconda for python 3.7 though?

latest python 3 not compatible in ubuntu

I installed python 3.8.4 in ubuntu 18.04 but still the
python3 --version
shows the version as 3.6.9
The python3.8.4 I installed was installed as python3.8 it did not replace the existing python3
how to do so?

upgrading python in Conda environment

I have python 2.7 installed on my Mac. I installed python 3.8.3 in an anaconda environment. However, when I type the command:
python --version
in the environment I still get python 2.7. how can I make my main python version 3.8.3 in this environment without completely getting rid of python 2.7

How to install python3.5 or 3.6 in linux that has python 3.4

I want to install python 3.5 in linux that has python 3.4
via virtualenv or any other mean.
since the system version is 3.4 ,I don't want to upgrade it so the system don't crash .
Using sudo apt-get install package python3 should install the latest version of Python, and remove the older one.

how can I install lpsolve55 and openturns for python 3.6 in windows 10?

I want to use the packages lpsolve55 and openturns but they are not working on python 3.6, is there any way to install them for this version of python?
lpsolve is available for python 3.x as well on conda-forge:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install openturns lpsolve55
