upgrading python in Conda environment - python-3.x

I have python 2.7 installed on my Mac. I installed python 3.8.3 in an anaconda environment. However, when I type the command:
python --version
in the environment I still get python 2.7. how can I make my main python version 3.8.3 in this environment without completely getting rid of python 2.7


Can't install miniconda for python 3.8 because python 3.9 not found

I just downloaded miniconda Windows installer from official website. While installing got an error:
I use Windows 7 and found python 3.8 should work. Earlier I worked on Anaconda with python 3.7. Should I install Miniconda for python 3.7 though?

Can't downgrade python 3.9.6 to 3.7.12 on MacOS 12.2.1?

I am working on a single project and got my Mac with Python 3.9.6.
For all the relevant packages I need to use I need to use Python 3.7 to make them work (Stellargraph, Tensorflow... )
I have installed pyenv and installed python 3.7.12 and set it to global but when I am checking the version python3 --version I still get 3.9.6.
Please advise how can I safely downgrade Python to lower version.

How to install Spyder-terminal in Python 3.8 or 3.9 with Spyder v4.3.x or Spyder 5.0.x

Spyder-terminal does not install with Anaconda Navigator running Python v3.8 or v3.9 or v3.10.
My question is "Is there a way to install the Spyder-Terminal Plugin using Anaconda Navigator running Python 3.8 or 3.9 or 3.10, and use Spyder v5.x " ?
Is there a hack for this to run inside Spyder 5.0.x on Python 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10, WITHOUT creating a new virtual environment?
My Software Versions
Spyder-Terminal Version: spyder-terminal-0.5.0 (spyder-ide/win-64)
Python Version: 3.8 or 3.9
Anaconda v2.0.1
Operating system: Windows 10
What I tried:
I tried installing 'conda install -c spyder-ide spyder-terminal' from Anaconda Command Prompt. I did several trials with MANY errors to learn that Spyder-terminal only works with Spyder v4.2 and NOT Spyder v5.0.3.
Spyder-terminal is (nominally) supposed to work in Python 3.9. So I tried upgrading Anaconda base environment to Python 3.9. However, that BROKE the Anaconda base environment, which required uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Anaconda distribution. (What a hassle. Good thing this was on someone else's computer! 8^))
I finally got it to work in a separate conda virtual environment running Python 3.6. Just to be conservative, I used Python 3.6 instead of Python 3.7. (I later installed Spyder-Terminal in a Python 3.7-based virtual environment and it worked fine.)
The steps that finally worked were to Create a new conda environment with Python 3.6 and install spyder-terminal and spyder-notebook there.
I used the following commands...
conda create -n python36 -c conda-forge python=3.6
conda install spyder-terminal -c conda-forge spyder-ide
conda install spyder-notebook -c conda-forge spyder-ide
The correct version of Spyder (for Python 3.6) was installed along with all of its correct dependencies.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
try installing into an Anaconda distribution with Python 3.8 or Python 3.9 kernels
Wait a long time and get many errors.
Rip out a few locks of hair (preferably someone else's)
**What is the expected output?
Spyder-Terminal plugin installs and is available for use.
What do you see instead?
A bunch of errors. The exact errors were lost when I closed the installation console.
The Spyder-terminal plugin failed repeatedly in Anaconda "base" running v3.8.x or a new environment running v3.9.x. I used a new conda virtual environment, running Python 3.6 runtime kernel and install spyder-terminal there.
The Spyder-terminal installer should do version checks for Python and Spyder FIRST, warn the user, and stop if they are not using Python 3.6 or Python 3.7.
Clearer documentation for Spyder-Terminal plugin installation on the Github.com home page (or built into Spyder Menu "Help" will help the "HELP" system. These docs should state WHICH version(s) of Spyder and Python that Spyder-Terminal v0.5.x requires. A dependency table would also be useful.

installing python3 additional to python 2.7 on rhel server

we have rhel 7.6 servers with python 2.7
now we want additionally to python 2.7 to install the python 3.x
so both python versions will be installed
the question is about the pip version
as I understand pip latest version for python 2.7 is 20.2.3
but in case we also install python 3.x
then how to know which pip version is relevant here ?
dose pip version support both python versions?

Python virtualenv with Anaconda and python.org python 3.5

I have both anaconda Python 3.5 and Python 3.5 from python.org (on windows)
python -V
Python 3.5.1 :: Anaconda 4.0.0 (64-bit)
python3 -V
Python 3.5.1
py -V
Python 2.7.12
I want to create a virtualenv with only python 3.5.1 and not the anaconda version.
When I run
python3 c:\Python35\Tools\scripts\pyvenv.py venv
python -V still shows Python 3.5.1 :: Anaconda 4.0.0 (64-bit) after activating the environment
Is there anyway to get it to use the native 3.5 version?
You can use command line option -p during venv creation to force a particular interpreter to be used with it.
python3 c:\Python35\Tools\scripts\pyvenv.py -p python3 venv
My bad, wrong virtual environment. As I can see you use venv from standard library and it's impossible to choose particular interpreter during virtual environment creation. On the other hand python3 -m venv venv command should use python3 interpreter for virtual environment which is one without anaconda in your case.
Edited 2:
I've just checked on windows:
C:\Users\usr>where python
C:\Users\usr>C:\Users\usr\Anaconda3\python.exe --version
Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda 4.1.1 (32-bit)
C:\Users\usr>C:\Users\usr\Anaconda3\python.exe -m venv myanacondavenv
(myanacondavenv) C:\Users\usr>python --version
Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda 4.1.1 (32-bit)
(myanacondavenv) C:\Users\usr>deactivate
C:\Users\usr>C:\Python35\python.exe -m venv myvanilaenv
(myvanilaenv) C:\Users\usr>python --version
Python 3.5.1
(myvanilaenv) C:\Users\usr>deactivate
