Installing KAA (python console editor) on Windows - python-3.x

I'm trying to install Kaa editor on Windows (it runs great on Linux).
It depends on Curses_ex, which must be compiled in Windows.
But I don't have a Visual Studio,
The only curses precompiled I found on the web is for Python 3.2 -
Kaa requires Python 3.3+
Is there a solution to install kaa (or compile curses) without installing VS?

I'm an author of kaa.
I haven't try kaa in Windows yet, but I'm afraid kaa doesn't work in Windows out of box. PDCurses lacks some functionaries used by kaa(e.g, key_defined()), and console window doesn't support unicode character.
I expect we can run kaa in Cygwin version of Python on mintty, but Cygwin doesn't ship Python 3.3 yet.
I'll look into these issues later. So, for the meantime, please play kaa on Ubuntu or Mac.


How can i use a pre installed Intellij Idea that was installed on Windows 7 now on linux?

I have a pre-installed IntelliJ IDEA 2018 with all my code running on it on Windows 7.
I want to somehow use the same version of the installation instead of reinstalling the software again on linux and setting up all the libraries and the paths to my code again.
Is there a way that i can use that installation of IntelliJ on Windows in linux, too?
I have the software installed in D: Drive.
As suggested in the comment, i had to go through a separate installation for linux and then import settings by using setting sync plugin

Missing mfc140u.dll when trying to run windows application using Wine in Ubuntu

I want to run a c++ application written in vs2017 in Ubuntu 16.04. I've installed Wine version 3.0.3 as well as Winetricks version 20140817. When trying to run the application using 'wine app_name.exe' command, i get an error saying
002e:err:module:import_dll Library mfc140u.dll (which is needed by L"path_to_my_application_library") not found
I tried to install mfc140u via Winetrichs GUI using 'Install a Windows DLL or component' option but it seems not to be listed anywhere on the list of the available packages. Does anyone know how to make it available?
Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of Wine (currently Wine 4). You can check by running:
wine --version
If you need to upgrade Wine, check out the instructions here.
That dll is a part of Visual C++ redistributable. You'll need to install it so the application will work. Instructions are here.
I don't use Wine, so there could be additional steps, but in the interest of helping:
I believe you need the appropriate version of the VC++ redistributable (Visual Studio C++ runtime). You need to install the version that the application you try to run was compiled with. Just start with the latest one and install and then install older versions if need be. MSDN Forums.
from console run
wine uninstaller
uninstall any existing runtime version, then select "install" and browse for the vc_redist.x64.exe file, accept. Execute your Windows appplication

Haxe 3.4.0 installer used 'haxelib version' still reflects 3.3.0

I wanted to use Visual Studio Code for HaxeFlixel development and the Haxe extension noted that I needed Haxe 3.4.0. I went ahead and downloaded the new installer from the website and installed it on my laptop running Windows 10. However after installing it turned out that calling 'haxelib version' in the command prompt it still returned 3.3.0.
I tried rebooting. Uninstalling then rebooting and installing again. I could find nothing in the system environmental variables that could cause it. Tried updating the Haxe on my Desktop, and had the same issue. Which is running windows 8.1 on it.
Does someone know what might be the cause? Thank you for your time in advance.
To check the Haxe version, use haxe -version. haxelib is a separate application and can have a version number that's different from the compiler's version.
Haxelib 3.3.0 appears to be the version shipped with Haxe 3.4.0-rc.1.

Install MonoDevelop IDE for Redhat Linux

I am trying to install and configure MonoDevelop on my Oracle VM Virtual Box. The Operating System that running on the VM is RedHat Linux.
With the help of the below link, I have installed the mono-2.10.8 and also I was able to compile and run the sample c# source code on Linux through the shell.
Now, I am trying to install or configure the IDE, please advise me for the good IDEs.
Thanks for your help
Installed Monodeveloper from the below link. I chose the Operating System as CentOS
This will also install mono-opt from the home:tpokorra repo
mono-opt is the latest stable version (3.6) on mono available from Mono Project
I found this way much easier for installing mono on redhat / centos 6

What is the best approach to distribute a project in both windows and linux?

So there is this particular jython project that needs a couple of dependencies, such as Jenkins, some kind of subversion, and this needs to be done on windows.
Would it be sane of me to consider using pip to help install all of these items, or should I look elsewhere, such as NSIS?
I really should've rephrase this - my fault for asking the question late at night.
There's an automated testing project that has the following dependencies:
Java JDK
Robot Framework
I personally prefer to run on Linux, but people that need to use this are typically Windows users. I'm confident enough to write a script to install all of this on Linux, but what I want is to have a script / installer that would install the relevent tools.
I would prefer to have a single script to do all of this - it's easy on Ubuntu with apt-get; but on windows, this quickly becomes non-trivial.
What is the best way to try and do this? Should I create separate installers for separate OS
pip is the acronym for pip install packages, python packages, and it only install Python packages.
Since Jenkins and Subversion are not Python packages, as far as I know, you can't install them, and it is not "sane".
Unfortunately there is no single established tool to install everything in every platform.
Use pip to install all your python packages, and prefer to use virtualenv to create isolated Python environments to manage your projects.
Since pip only installs python packages and Jenkins isn't a python package (it's written in Java), you cannot use it to install those packages.
You should totally take a look to virtualenv, but if you need to do a "double click" installer for your project in Windows i think that NSIS is the way to go.
I am successfully using install4j to create an executable installer for Windows, Linux and OSX. The application is Java and it bundles JRE. Install4j creates installer for each specified platform using respective JRE. So far it worked great on Windows and it somewhat works on Linux and OSX (e.g. in new version of install4j, JRE for Java 1.8 is not bundled properly for linu, so the JRE is preinstalled, but it could be automated). It also allows you to run non-interactive installer.
