How can i create a terminal like design using tkinter - python-3.x

I want to create a terminal like design using tkinter. I also want to include terminal like function where once you hit enter, you would not be able to change your previous lines of sentences. Is it even possible to create such UI design using tkinter?
An example of a terminal design may look like this:

According to my research, i have found an answer and link that may help you out
Firstly i would like you to try this code, this code takes the command "ipconfig" and displays the result in a new window, you can modify this code:-
import tkinter
import os
def get_info(arg):
x = Tkinter.StringVar()
x = tfield.get("linestart", "lineend") # gives an error 'bad text index "linestart"'
print (x)
root = tkinter.Tk()
tfield = tkinter.Text(root)
for line in os.popen("ipconfig", 'r'):
tfield.insert("end", line)
tfield.bind("<Return>", get_info)
And i have found a similar question on quora take a look at this

After asking for additional help by breaking down certain parts, I was able to get a solution from j_4321 post. Link:


No displayed text when calling Checkbutton()

I am running tkinter for Python 3 on MacOS and I've run into a problem that I can't solve through google searches. When I call Checkbutton() and add a text parameter, no text is apparent in the window. This is true in even the most sterile of contexts:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
test = IntVar()
Checkbutton(root, text = 'test', variable = test).pack()
The resulting window looks like this:
I am not sure if I'm just missing something blatantly obvious, but every example I have found online looks more or less like the code above and they have no problems displaying the text. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

searching for tags in Tkinter Text widget

i am using a tkinter Text widget to display the content of gerber-code files.
the program runs on a raspberry pi and send code over serial to a machine one line of text at at time.
i set the current active line as follows:
class TextEditor(tkinter.Text):
def __init__(self, tkRoot):
self.tag_configure("activeLine", background="#87e8ed")# set the colour used for activeLine
def setLine(self, lineNumber):
self.tag_remove("activeLine", "1.0", "end")
self.tag_add("activeLine", str(lineNumber)+".0 linestart", str(lineNumber)+".0 lineend+1c")
def getLine(self):
pass # need to return the activeLine line number
there should only ever be one line at a time highlighted with "activeLine" so the first instance would be fine.
i could store a variable in the call to setLine and read it back in getLine but i would prefer not to as any edits to the text it could go out of sink
i notice using IDLE that the debugger uses what looks the same principle as i am trying to achieve here to set breakpoints, is it possible and if so where would i start looking for the IDLE source code to look into how it is achieved there, i am currently writing this on a Ubuntu 18.04 desktop i would like to no best ways to search IDLE source from
any help would be greatly appreciated, i am quite new to python and tkinter as i am generally a windows programmer but i am now learning to use Linux
i have now found an answer to my own question
listing all the functions of the text widget that start with "tag_" like this:
d = dir(self.tkRoot.text)
for dv in d:
s = str(dv)
if s.startswith("tag_"):
i found the method "tag_ranges(name)" that returns me this
(<textindex object: '5.0'>, <textindex object: '6.0'>)
at the time of calling the current line was 5

how to colored and ouput code in jupyter?

For a presentation I want to show internal code inside packages in Jupyter notebook, I could manage to get the code, but it's plain text (image[1]), Is it exist a way to color the output like image[2]?
here's my code:
import inspect
def printSource(obj):
print(''.join(str(x) for x in inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[0]))
I guess should be there a way, because when there's an error, shows colors like image[3]
You coud use %psource, but also you need to tell jupyter where to print, try this
from IPython.core import page = print
then, one per cell the function you want to show
%psource printSource
Prefacing a function with ?? will show its source code with some highlighting (along with some other things). Define a function in a cell like this:
def foo():
print('Hello there: {}'.format(3))
And then in another cell:

How to copy-paste data from an OS-running application with Python?

I need to write an application that basically focuses on a given Windows window title and copy-pastes data in a notepad. I've managed to achieve it with pygetwindow and pyautogui, but it's buggy:
import pygetwindow as gw
import pyautogui
# extract all titles and filter to specific one
all_titles = gw.getAllTitles()
titles = [title for title in all_titles if 'title' in title]
window = gw.getWindowsWithTitle(titles[0])[0].activate()
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'a')
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c')
Using Spyder, I ocasionally get the following error when activating:
PyGetWindowException: Error code from Windows: 126 - The specified module could not be found.
Additionally, I would be interested in doing this process without affecting the user working on the machine. Activate basically makes the window pop to front. Moreover, it would be better to not be OS dependant, but I haven't found anything yet.
I've tried pywinauto but the SetFocus() method doesn't work (it's buggy, documented).
Is there any other method which would make the whole process invisible and easier?
Not sure if this will help
I am using pywinauto to set_focus
import pywinauto
import pygetwindow as gw
def focus_to_window(window_title=None):
window = gw.getWindowsWithTitle(window_title)[0]
if not window.isActive:

Print Current Time In Tkinter

I have written some code in python for a live time in tkinter.
Whenever I run the code it comes up with some numbers on the tkinter window like 14342816time. Is there a way to fix this?
import tkinter
import datetime
window = tkinter.Tk()
def time():
datetime.time(17, 3,)
tkinter.Label(window, text = time).pack()
After some fixes to your code, I came up with the following, which should at least get you started toward what you want:
import datetime
import tkinter
def get_time():
root = tkinter.Tk()
tkinter.Label(root, text = get_time()).pack()
The imports are needed so that your program knows about the contents of the datetime and tkinter modules - you may be importing them already, however, I can't tell that for certain from what you posted. You need to create a window into which you put your label, which wasn't happening; following convention, I called that parent (and only) window "root". Then I put the Label into root. I changed the name of your time() function to get_time(), since it's best to avoid confusing fellow programmers (and maybe yourself) with a function that shares its name with another (the time() function in time). I removed two lines in get_time() that don't actually accomplish anything. Finally, I changed the print you had to a return, so that the value can be used by the code calling the function.
There are other improvements possible here. If you're content with the time as it is, you could eliminate the get_time function and just use instead of calling get_time(). However, I suspect you might want to do something to clean up that time before it is displayed, so I left it there. You might want to research the datetime and time modules some more, to see how to clean things up.
