Transfer funds to and from Plaid Sandbox Bank Account with Stripe ACH - stripe-payments

I'm building a demo app where I want to transfer money to and from the test bank account provided in plaid sandbox (the app is just for proof of product so I would like to avoid using live credentials). I use plaid to validate bank account details and a stripe integration to handle ACH charges. I have everything working from a code perspective and end up getting a bank account token which I charge, however the charge is on the stripe test bank account and not the plaid sandbox test bank account. I see in the docs this is expected behavior (not sure why), but I want to be able to make an ach charge on the plaid test bank account. I know this may not be the best place to ask this, but if I spend another second talking with Ethan the Stripe AI Bot, I might lose it. Hoping a stripe/plaid expert can help me out, thanks!


Plaid + Stripe ACH (Developer Mode): Do I need to use a stripe production key

Short story, I am able to successfully use the Plaid API (connected to my stripe account) to get a stripe bank token in sandbox mode.
From there, I can add that bank token to a customers profile in my stripe account (again in test mode).
Now I'm trying to use the plaid developer key instead of sandbox. I'm able to verify my real world bank account via plaid and get a bank token back, but when i try to add that token to my stripe account I get the following error:
Invalid Request: No such token: 'btok_xxxxxxxxxxxDequ'; a similar object exists in live mode, but a test mode key was used to make this request.
This seems to indicate when calling the Stripe API I need to use the production stripe key instead of the test key.
Since stripe doesn't have a "developer" mode like plaid, my question is what happens if I do this? Does the bank account get added to a real customer account (I assume it does).
AND if I attempt to make a charge using this bank token I got back from plaid via developer mode, will this make an actual charge in stripe? or does stripe know the difference and not make an actual charge (withdrawal) for my bank account?
I tried to go through plaid documentation, but there is very little information I could extract about the developer mode.
Thank you for any help you guys can provide.

Plaid + Stripe transfer from my account to the authenticated bank account from Plaid

Is there a way to like do a transfer from Stripe to a authenticated Plaid account?
In the Stripe docs there's a transfer object but it has a destination property which would be another Stripe account (correct me if I'm wrong).
I wonder if I could use the bank_account_token that would be generated in Plaid (when doing an ACH transfer) to be the destination to make my bank account linked in Stripe transfer to the other bank account that is authenticated by Plaid.
So it's like doing an ACH transfer but the other way around (from my account to the customers account)
Sorry for my bad english and thank you for anyone that can help me.
Stripe has pretty comprehensive docs on how to integrate with Plaid:
It seems like you can't do the ACH Transfer the other way around (from Stripe to Plaid)

Stripe to collect recurring ACH payments with Plaid verification

I am currently able to collect single ACH payment using Plaid and Stripe. Users on the app make their payments using the bank login models provided by the plaid.
However, I could not find any resources regarding storage of plaid authorized bank tokens so that it can be used later for automated recurring payments.
Looks like Plaid has documentation on this available here:
Specifically, step 4 details the endpoint used to exchange the Plaid token and account ID from a Stripe bank account token.

stripe bank to bank direct transfers

OK, I am a little confused on the best way to setup Stripe for customer to customer direct bank transfer. Here's what I want to do.
I am building a rental platform where a tenant and landlord can enter their bank information (routing and account) and then on a monthly basis transfer money from the tenant to pay the landlord directly (ie, bank to bank transfer) for that months rent.
I think Stripe Connected account makes the most sense to make this happen. But I guess I am not fully understanding the flow, even after reading the docs. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
You need to use Stripe Connect to accept payments on behalf of others. In your scenario, you'd create customers for the tenants and connected accounts for the landlords, then create charges to move funds from a tenant to a landlord, with your platform optionally taking a cut out of the transaction.
Since you want the tenant to pay via bank transfer, you'd need to use ACH rather than cards.

How to pay out to a bank account using Stripe?

I have a site where I am using Stripe API to collect payments. I would like to send some amount of the money I collect to a user's bank account. How would I go about doing this?
You can't simply send funds to any bank account from your own Stripe account.
You can use Stripe Connect to accept payments on behalf of others (and optionally take a fee for yourself), then send funds to their bank account. But there a lot of things to consider when using Connect and it's quite a lot more complex than simply using Stripe for yourself.
If it sounds like Connect is a good fit for you, I greatly recommend you spend some time to read the docs as well as this article.
