Is there a way to write 2 data items into the one input box in Blue Prism - blueprism

I need to write 2 email address into one input field in blue prism. Using the write stage I can write one email address in, however after I write the second one in, it overwrites the first one. Is there a way to space them out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

As you've come to figure out, a Write stage will generally replace the contents of the form control it is interacting with.
To counter this when writing, first read the current contents using a Read stage. Subsequently, use a Write stage to write the concatenation of the previous value as well as the content you want to append.
Your Write stage expression would look something like [Current Field Value] & [Email Address to Add].

There can be two ways to achieve this :
Write Stage :
Use a calculation stage before and appened both the valies.
Then use a write stage to textbox.
Send keys & event
Use send keys to write one text.
click on textbox again and pass "End key" and write second value.


NetSuite Phone Number Formatting

I am trying to implement automatic phone number formatting into NetSuite I am having some issues getting my script to work. Basically if someone enters a phone number into a customer record, "1234567890" for example, it will automatically format to "(123) 456-7890". You can see my script below along with the error message I receive when creating a new script record.
Fail to evaluate script:
{"type":"error.SuiteScriptModuleLoaderError","name":"UNEXPECTED_ERROR","message":"missing ; before statement (SS_SCRIPT_FOR_METADATA#21)","stack":[]}
Why do you need a script for this? NetSuite already does this, based on the Phone Number Format setting at Setup > Company General Preferences. Check you have this field set correctly according to your preference.
If for whatever reason it turns out you do need a script for this, there are several issues with the script you posted:
There is a syntax error - mismatched parentheses/braces. Your code editor is trying to show you that with the red brace on line 8 and the red squiggly underline on the last parenthesis (line 23).
NetSuite record level client scripts must implement an entry point function. For formatting phone numbers this would be a fieldChanged() entry point. You would need to wrap the logic contained in lines 10 to 20 inside a function, and then reference that in the return statement at the bottom. EG: If you called the function phone() your return statement would be return {fieldChanged: phone}.
You are using SuiteScript 1.0 API functions (nlapiGetRecordId() and nlapiLoadRecord()) in a SuiteScript 2.0 script. Under some circumstances these functions may be available so it might work, but even if it does, it certainly isn't best practice.
Loading the record isn't necessary. When you implement an entry point function, the function is passed a context parameter. IE: function fieldChanged(context). That context parameter contains a reference to the current record (context.currentRecord). Work with that instead of attempting to load the record separately.

Microsoft Flow Execution Order

I have created a bunch of short flows that act on a single SharePoint list item to reduce complexity, but I've run into a problem with the order in which they execute. I think I could best explain this with an example, so please see below:
Let's say there are three flows, SetTitle, SetPermissions, and SendEmail (sends an email based on the new value after a column changes). Ideally, SetPermissions would run first, then SendEmail, and finally SetTitle since it modifies the item. That modification is a problem because it adds a version to Version History, which I am checking in the SendEmail flow to see if the value of a column changed.
Currently, however, SetTitle sometimes runs first, which breaks SendEmail because now the most recently displaced version does not contain a record of the column change that happened two versions ago.
I would like to avoid creating additional columns in the item to track column changes or emails sent, because we're creating these flows to avoid that messy complexity.
I'm hoping that there is some hidden execution order option somewhere, because as I said, I don't really want to create extra columns or trigger flows based on HTTP calls. Of course, what I'm doing now isn't working, so I understand that I may have to compromise.
I do not think what you are looking for is possible tbh.
I know you said you do not want to create more columns, but the only solution that I can think of requires only 1 extra column to be created. Use that to run the flows in the right order.
For example, if there are two flows: f1 and f2, set the default value of the new column(let's call it 'stage') to 0. Then, add a condition to f1 so it only runs when the stage is 0 and also updates the column to 1. Then f2 also has an initial condition check and runs only when 'Stage' is '1' and also sets 'Stage' to '2'.
Hope this helps.

How to refer same DataTable across different features in cucumber-jvm?

In one of step definitions I have created a function say “someFunction” that takes a DataTable, which has been defined in my feature file Feature1.
Given: User enters the following data
#Given(“^User enters the following data$”)
public void someFunction(DataTable input){
Now in another feature file “Feature2.feature”, one of my scenario needs to use same step i.e. call someFunction. I know I can use the same step definition but does that mean that I would have to redefine same DataTable input in Feature2 file.
If not, how would I do it?
Please note that I understand the Backgound keyword and its use, but if I say I need to keep these scenarios in different feature files, how should this be done?
You'll have to duplicate the common background. Since duplication is unwanted, you should consider giving a name/title to the resulting state that is represented by that common background and create a single given step that can be re-used. Something like "Given: the user has entered valid contact data" or "Given: the shopping cart has 3 items" (where any 3 will do).

Saving textbox value from a test execution in Ranorex

I am automating Sharepoint list testing, filling up some field with values,
and like to save data I supplied to the field after.
Is there a way to automate saving the field value in a excel or csv?
In order to keep it simple, I would create two recordings and write to a text file (csv).
The first one would get the text values from the desired fields and return them in bound variables using Ranorex GetValue action.
The second recording would write the content of the bound variables to a text file, separating fields with ',' (or any other character that is suitable for the kind of data that is present in the fields) in a user code function.
If you have no idea how to write to a file in .NET, take a look at System.IO.File.AppendAllLines or similar functions.
You could also combine the 2 recordings in one, but then, re-useability would be limited the scope of the SharePoint page you are testing.
Do not forget that since Ranorex is using the .NET framework, you have access to all the functions provided by the framework in user code. With Ranorex, the usual question is not ask if something is possible. The real question is "how can it be done" and is the solution simple enough for testers to be able to use it!
Hope this helps!

msproject - creating an indicator that more than one resource is allocated to the task

I'm fairly new to MSProject and i believe my request is pretty simple:
I would like that an indicator show an icon when a task has more than one resource allocated to it.
is it possible?
p.s my goal is that people wont be able to add more than one resources per task. if there is a way to enforce it the indicator is not necessary
The basic formula is something like that: InStr([Resource Initials],","). Please pay attention that "," is a list separator in my locale. For other people that could be ";" and so on. There is a property of Application object: Application.ListSeparator but it isn't available in plain formula definition - you can create your VBA function which will just return the value and use your function.
Variation of the formula depends on what field are you going to use for it. If you plan to use one of Flag fields - just add > 0 at the end, for Number field you can just define a graphical indicator with greater than 0 condition.
Another option is to write your handler for event Application.ProjectBeforeAssignmentNew and check if there are any assignments defined for the task already
