PyQt4 tooltip for overlap rect items - pyqt

In my view, I have 2 rect items , which one of them included in the other.
I want to set a tooltip for both of them, so when mouse is on the common area I'll get the inner tooltip, else, I'll get the outer.
I already saw it's impossible to add 2 tooltips on the same area, but this case is different, because the rects are overlap by one direction ..
rect_item_inner = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem()
rect_item_outer = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem()
rect_item_inner.setToolTip("inner data")
rect_item_outer.setToolTip("outer data")


AndroidPlot - Labels and text

I am a non-developer product manager for an application built in both Android and iOS. We have a bar graph in iOS that provides text for the content of the graph. It displays Totals for each bar, and percentages for each segment of each bar.
In Android, using AndroidPlot (so I understand) we just display the bars with different color segments and no percent totals or totals. I am told by the developer that we can't show more.
I would display the images here, but stackoverflow tells me I don't have enough reputation points to do this. I have created a link to my dropbox with the images
Is it possible to use AndroidPlot to emulate this iOS chart or at least represent to same information to the end user?
Your developer is more or less correct but you have options. Androidplot's BarRenderer by default provides only an optional label at the top of each bar, which in your iOS images is occupied by the "available", "new", "used" and "rent" label. That label appears to be unused in your Android screenshot so one option would be to utilize those labels do display your totals.
As far as exactly matching the iOS implementation with Androidplot, the missing piece is the ability to add additional labels horizontally and vertically along the side of each bar. You can extend BarRenderer to do this by overriding it's onRender(...) method. Here's a link for your developer that shows where in the code he'll want to modify onRender(...).
I'd suggest these modifications to add the vertical labels:
Invoke to store the default orientation of the Canvas.
Use Canvas.translate(leftX, bottom) to center on the bottom left point of the bar
Rotate the Canvas 90 degrees using Canvas.rotate(90) to enable vertical text drawing
Draw whatever text is needed along the side of the plot; 0,0 now corresponds to the bottom left corner of the bar so start there when invoking canvas.drawText(x,y).
Invoke Canvas.restore() to restore the canvas' original orientation.
After implementing the above, adding horizontal "%" labels should be self evident but if you run into trouble feel free to ask more questions along the way.
Here's a very basic implementation of the above. First the drawVerticalText method:
* #param canvas
* #param paint paint used to draw the text
* #param text the text to be drawn
* #param x x-coord of where the text should be drawn
* #param y y-coord of where the text should be drawn
protected void drawVerticalText(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, String text, float x, float y) {
// record the state of the canvas before the draw:;
// center the canvas on our drawing coords:
canvas.translate(x, y);
// rotate into the desired "vertical" orientation:
// draw the text; note that we are drawing at 0, 0 and *not* x, y.
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 0, paint);
// restore the canvas state:
All that's left is to invoke this method where necessary. In your case it should be done once per BarGroup and should maintain a consistent position on the y axis. I added the following code to the STACKED case in BarRenderer.onRender(...), immediately above the break:
// needed some paint to draw with so I'll just create it here for now:
Paint paint = new Paint();
basePositionY - PixelUtils.dpToPix(50)); // offset so the text doesnt intersect with the origin
Here's a screenshot of the result...sorry it's so huge:
Personally, I don't care for the fixed y-position of these vertical labels and would prefer them to float along the upper part of the bars. To accomplish this I modify my invocation of drawVerticalText(...) to look like this:
// needed some paint to draw with so I'll just create it here for now:
Paint paint = new Paint();
// right-justify the text so it doesnt extend beyond the top of the bar
Which produces this result:

why check box does not move when stack is resized?

I made a stack that displays lines of text that change their width when the stack is resized.
The Category columns is changing its position on resizing but the check box does not.
What am I missing in the code? What changes have to be made?
See the code in the stack that can be downloaded here:
Thanks in advance.
If I understand what you are trying to achieve here then in your LayoutControl handler make the following change:
-- put the rect of btn "btnCheck" of me into theFieldRect
-- put item 3 of pControlRect - 5 into item 3 of theFieldRect
-- set the rect of btn "btnCheck" of me to theFieldRect
set the left of btn "btnCheck" of me to the right of fld "cat" of me
However I think the resizing of the Cat field is wrong too. Try something like:
on LayoutControl pControlRect
set the right of btn "btnCheck" of me to item 3 of pControlRect-4
set the right of fld "Cat" of me to the left of btn "btnCheck" of me
get the rect of fld "Line" of me
put the left of fld "Cat" of me into item 3 of it
set the rect of fld "Line" of me to it
put the formattedHeight of fld "Line" of me + item 2 of it into item 4 of it
set the rect of fld "Line" of me to it
put item 4 of it into item 4 of pControlRect
set the rect of graphic "Background" of me to pControlRect
end LayoutControl
To edit the LayoutControl script you need to open the datagrid property inspector and click on the Row Behavior... button. This will present the script editor for the behavior of the row template.
Because the DataGrid doesn't have this feature. If you would use the Geometry manager, the GM propeties are not copied from the checkbox in the template to the checkboxes in the actual DG. So, the GM won't work. Perhaps you could write a script of your own that sets the right of all checkboxes to a position relative to the width of the card:
on resizeStack
lock screen
repeat with x = 1 to number of buttons
if the style of btn x is "checkbox" then
set the right of btn x to the width of this cd - 100
end if
end repeat
unlock screen
end resizeStack
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with the datagrid either, because the DG also does some (or a lot) resizing of its own.
It would be much easier to create your own.

Efficient way of scaling hundreds of QGraphicItems

I have a zoomable QGraphicsView with scene that contains hundreds (and even thousands) of datapoints. The points are represented by QGraphicsEllipseItems and collected into a QGraphicsItemGroup. When the view is zoomed in to I want datapoints to stay at a constant size (i.e., the distances between neigbouring points increase but the sizes stay the same). Right now I achieve this by running this code every time the user zooms in:
#get all the QGraphicsEllipseItems that make up the QGraphicsItemGroup
children = graphics_item_group.childItems()
for c in children:
#base_size_x and base_size_y are the sizes of the
#untrasformed ellipse (on the scene) when zoom factor is 1
#New width and height are obtained from the original sizes and
#the new zoom factors (h_scale, v_scale)
new_width = base_size_x/h_scale
new_height = base_size_y/v_scale
#The top-left corner of the new rectangle for the item has to be recalculated
#when scaling in order to keep the center at a constant position
#For this, the center of the item has to be stored first
old_center_x = c.rect().center().x()
old_center_y = c.rect().center().y()
#New coordinates of the rectangle top left point are calculated
new_topleft_x = old_center_x - new_width/2.
new_topleft_y = old_center_y - new_height/2.
#Finally a new rectangle is set for the ellipse
c.setRect(new_topleft_x, new_topleft_y, new_width, new_height)
This code works. The problem is that it is quite slow (without the compensatory scaling zooming in/out works very smoothly). I tried turning off antialiasing for the view but it makes things look pretty ugly. Is there anything else that I can do to make the processing/redrawing faster?
In the constructor of the QGraphicsItem:
When you zoom, the item will remain the same size, and you won't have to manually scale it.

Display UIMenuController in UIBarButton Click

I am trying to display a UIMenuController in a Toolbar button. I have the code below but I am unsure as to what should be in the "SetTargetRect" method.
What should I put in the SetTargetRect method to display the Menu?
Is there anything else that is missing from this code?
ToolbarItems = new UIBarButtonItem[] {
new UIBarButtonItem ("Sort", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered, (sender, e) => {
var menu = UIMenuController.SharedMenuController;
menu.MenuItems = new UIMenuItem[] {
new UIMenuItem ("Current", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants")),
new UIMenuItem ("Movers", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants")),
new UIMenuItem ("Opening", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants")),
new UIMenuItem ("Number", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants"))
//menu.SetTargetRect ();
menu.SetMenuVisible (true, true);
UIBarButtonItem inherits from UIBarItem and NSObject, so finding a frame for them is not easy if not impossible. UINavigationBar inherits from UIView and thus is a view (go figure) and has a frame, etc.
What I do is point to a rect inside that view where the UIBarButtonItem should be.
For example:
[myMenu setTargetRect:CGRectMake(10, 10, 20, 25)
This will make the UIMenuController 'point' at the leftBarButtonItem.
The same technique can be used for the toolbar.
In your case something like:
[menu setTargetRect:CGRectMake(0,0,40,40)
would point to the center of the toolBar and thus the center button in the toolBar
According to the API docs, the target rect defines the area that you want to display the menu relative to - iOS will either show the menu above or below the area defined by TargetRect.
When you make this menu visible, UIMenuController positions it
relative to a target rectangle on the screen; this rectangle usually
defines a selection. The menu appears above the target rectangle or,
if there is not enough space for it, below it. The menu’s pointer is
placed at the center of the top or bottom of the target rectangle, as
appropriate. Be sure to set the tracking rectangle before you make the
menu visible. You are also responsible for detecting, tracking, and
displaying selections.
This target rectangle (targetRect) is usually the bounding rectangle
of a selection. UIMenuController positions the editing menu above this
rectangle; if there is not enough space for the menu there, it
positions it below the rectangle. The menu’s pointer is placed at the
center of the top or bottom of the target rectangle as appropriate.
Note that if you make the width or height of the target rectangle
zero, UIMenuController treats the target area as a line or point for
positioning (for example, an insertion caret or a single point).
Once it is set, the target rectangle does not track the view; if the
view moves (such as would happen in a scroll view), you must update
the target rectangle accordingly.

Flot pie charts - externally selecting slices

I found this solution.
If type of chart is pie, how specify parameters (x,y) of highlight(x, y)?
Sorry for my bad English.
Unfortunately, flot doesn't expose the pie highlighting code to the user. So we are pretty much out of luck, but what may work for you is synthesizing a click event at the appropriate place on the page:
$("#highligher").click(function () {
var e = jQuery.Event('click');
e.pageX = 250; //add a made up x/y coordinate to the click event
e.pageY = 250;
$('#plot canvas:first').trigger(e); //trigger the click event on the canvas
Here it is in action:
The problem is you have to know where the slice you want to highlight is already. This would be easy enough to set if the graph is static. If it's a dynamic graph, you'd have to dig into the source of the pie code to figure out how to calculate where the pie slice is. It might be easier in that case to just have a copy of all the pie functions and manually draw on the pie overlay.
Just got this working by altering a few things...
I changed highlight and unhighlight in jquery.flot.pie.js to pieHighlight and pieUnhighlight.
Then, after these two lines in jquery.flot.pie.js...
plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function(plot, options) {
if ( {
I added...
plot.highlight = pieHighlight;
plot.unhighlight = pieUnhighlight;
We're maintaining selection state outside of the chart (as a backbone model). When a selection event (click) occurs, we set the selected slice in the model. When selection changes, we refresh the chart using a selection color for the pie slices that are selected.
var data = [];
var color = slice.index == selected ? '#FF0000' : '#0000FF';
The snippet above uses blue for all non-selected slices, red for the selected slice. Your color logic will be more sophisticated.
NOTE: You can also use rgba CSS for the colors, which gives a really nice effect. For example:
var color = slice.index == selected ? 'rgba(0,0,255,1)' : 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)';
