How to connect Azure DevOps Pipeline to new app service? - azure

I've got an app service on Microsoft Azure. I use Azure DevOps to deploy code. This has been working for a while.
Now I need a Beta version of the app. So I've created a new app service in Azure inside a new Resource Group. That was easy to set up and I'm up and running.
But I'm struggling with deployment in DevOps. I've created a new project for my Beta service in DevOps, but I can't figure out how I connect to my new Beta app service.
In DevOps I have created a Service Connection that is linked to my Azure Beta Resource. But I don't see how my new pipelines linkes to this sercvice connection.
Pipeline looks like this (YAML export)
name: Azure Pipelines
demands: npm
- task: Npm#1
displayName: 'npm install'
verbose: false
- task: Npm#1
displayName: 'npm build'
command: custom
verbose: false
customCommand: 'run build --scripts-prepend-node-path=auto '
- task: ArchiveFiles#2
displayName: 'Archive files'
rootFolderOrFile: dist
includeRootFolder: false
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
displayName: 'Publish artifacts: drop'
The strange thing is that the pipeline runs without errors, but nor the Beta site or Prod site gets any of the code changes. What I'm I missing?

To deploy your app to an Azure resource (to an app service or to a virtual machine), you will need an Azure Resource Manager service connection first.
Go to project setting of the new Project-->Service connections under Pipelines-->new Service Connection--> Select Azure Resource Manager. See here for more information.
Then you need to create a new pipeline to build the Beta service in the new project. You can check what tasks are used in the pipeline for the other app service. And add the same tasks in this new pipeline. Here is an example of creating a yaml pipeline. You can also create a Classic UI pipeline.
If you deployed the other app service in a release pipeline. You can create a new release pipeline for the Beta service.
The tasks used in the build and release pipeline can be the same with your other app service. You might need to change the tasks' configurations a little bit according to the Beta service project. For example, if you use Azure Web App task to deploy your service to azure app. You need to set the azureSubscription field to the Azure Resource Manager service connection created in the very first step. And set appName field to the new azure app service. See below tutorials for more information.
Deploy an Azure Web App (Yaml Pipeline)
Deploy a web app to Azure App Services (Classic Pipeline)

As I understand the question, you want to setup Azure DevOps pipeline for your new App Service deployment. For this, you can follow this tutorial. Also, note that it is the same process you did with your previous Service.


Can't Deploy Image to Azure App Service via GitHub Actions

I've tried so many different things here, so i'm super excited to see what the issue is :) (but, im assuming it's something silly on my end)
Here's the pertinent bit of my GitHub actions YML:
name: Update Azure App Service
needs: [tests]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Deploy to Azure
uses: azure/webapps-deploy#v2
images: $IMAGE_NAME
publish-profile: ${{ secrets.AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE }}
GitHub actions logs (debug mode):
##[debug]Evaluating condition for step: 'Deploy to Azure'
##[debug]Evaluating: success()
##[debug]Evaluating success:
##[debug]=> true
##[debug]Result: true
##[debug]Starting: Deploy to Azure
##[debug]Loading inputs
##[debug]Evaluating: secrets.AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE
##[debug]Evaluating Index:
##[debug]..Evaluating secrets:
##[debug]..=> Object
##[debug]..Evaluating String:
##[debug]=> '***'
##[debug]Result: '***'
##[debug]Loading env
Run azure/webapps-deploy#v2
##[debug]loaded affinity cookie ["ARRAffinity=SNIP;Path=/;HttpOnly;Secure;","ARRAffinitySameSite=SNIP;Path=/;HttpOnly;SameSite=None;Secure;"]
##[debug]getAppRuntime. Data: {"statusCode":200,"statusMessage":"OK","headers":{"connection":"close","content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","date":"Fri, 22 Jul 2022 06:27:05 GMT","server":"Kestrel","set-cookie":["ARRAffinity=SNIP;Path=/;HttpOnly;Secure;","ARRAffinitySameSite=SNIP;Path=/;HttpOnly;SameSite=None;Secure;"],"transfer-encoding":"chunked"},"body":{"nodejs":[],"system":{"os_name":"Unix","os_build_lab_ex":"","cores":2}}}
##[debug]App Runtime OS: Unix
Error: Deployment Failed with Error: Error: Publish profile is invalid for app-name and slot-name provided. Provide correct publish profile credentials for app.
##[debug]Deployment failed
##[debug]Node Action run completed with exit code 1
##[debug]Finishing: Deploy to Azure
The obvious solution here is what the error says: secret is wrong. It's not. I've added secret to GitHub repository, with the value of the Azure App Service. Done this twice, to make sure i've downloaded it correct, and copied as is.
Other things i've tried:
Tried setting WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM to true in the App Service configuration.
Tried setting slot-name to Production in the GitHu action step (even though, there is no slots here)
Other things, that might help solve my problem:
I'm building a .NET image as a Docker image, and pushing this to Azure Containr Registry. I'm then trying to 'update' this, in Azure App Service
The Azure App Service is running Linux, not Windows
"Deployment Center" in App Service still has "Source: Container Registry", pinned to a static image. This is because this was required when i setup App Service. But i assume that my GitHub actions builds will override this?
Any help would be great. :) Thanks in advance!
I know i can:
Push to a constant tag, e.g latest
Set the image name to latest in Azure App Service
Set continuous deployment to "on" in Azure App Service
And this will automatically update App Service, because of the webhook.
But this will not help production scenarios, as i need to create different image tags, for different versions i can rollback. Since the version is different, i can't "pin" to a constant tag. Therefore, i need some kind of task to update Azure App Service with a specific tag. I'd prefer to have the same CI for dev/prod.

How to trigger an AzureML Pipeline from Azure DevOps?

If we have an AzureML Pipeline published, how can we trigger it from Azure DevOps without using Python Script Step or Azure CLI Step?
The AzureML Steps supported natively in Azure DevOps include Model_Deployment and Model_Profiling.
Is there any step in Azure DevOps which can be used to directly trigger a published Azure Machine Learning Pipeline while maintaining capabilities like using Service Connections and passing environmental variables, Gated Release (Deployment)?
This process can then be used to run as an agentless job.
I am afraid there is no other steps available in Azure Devops which can directly trigger a published azure ml pipeline. You have to use Python Script Step or Azure CLI Step in azure devops pipeline to trigger azure ml pipeline.
To trigger azure ml pipeline using azure cli task in azure devops pipeline. You can check out below steps.
1, Create an azure pipeline. See example here.
2, Create an azure Resource Manager service connection to connect your Azure subscription to Azure devops. See this thread for an example
3, Add Az cli task in your yaml pipeline. Run below scripts as inline scripts. See document here for more information.
- task: AzureCLI#2
displayName: 'Azure CLI '
azureSubscription: 'azure Resource Manager service connection'
scriptType: ps
scriptLocation: inlineScript
inlineScript: |
#To install the Machine Learning CLI extension
az extension add -n azure-cli-ml
az ml run submit-pipeline --pipeline-id "{id}"
If you want to avoid using build agents. You can run the invoke rest api task in an agentless job. See below steps:
1, Create a Generic service connection in azure devops. See here for creating service connection.
2, Add below url as the Server URL of the generic service connection. See here for more information about below url.
3, Add a agentless job(server job) in your pipeline. Add invoke rest api task in this agentless job. So that, the pipeline will execute the invoke rest api task to trigger the azureml pipeline without using a build agent.
You can also setup an azure logic app in your azure subscription.
You can set the logic app trigger as azure devops events. Or you can set a http request as the trigger events(You can the use invoke rest api task or azure devops web hook to call this http request to trigger this logic app).
And then add a HTTP action with the url as above url screenshot. Please see here for more information.
An AzureML Pipeline is published and the REST endpoint is ready- To be referred to in this answer as <AML_PIPELINE_REST_URI>. And Published Pipeline ID is also ready- To be referred to in this answer as <AML_PIPELINE_ID>
You have the Azure Machine Learning Extension installed: Azure Machine Learning Extension
To Invoke the Azure Machine Learning Pipeline we use the Invoke ML Pipeline step available in Azure DevOps. It is available when running an Agentless Job.
To trigger it the workflow is as follows:
Create a New Pipeline. Using the Classic Editor, delete the default Agent Job 1 stage.
Add an agentless job:
Add a task to this Agentless Job:
Use AzureML Published Pipeline Task:
Use the Service Connection Mapped to the AML Workspace. You can find more on this at the official documentation
Choose the Pipeline to trigger using the <AML_PIPELINE_ID>:
Give The experiment name and Pipeline Parameters if any:
That's it, you can Save and Queue:
Alternatively, you can simply use the following jobs:
- job: Job_2
displayName: Agentless job
pool: server
- task: MLPublishedPipelineRestAPITask#0
displayName: Invoke ML pipeline
connectedServiceName: <REDACTED-AML-WS-Level-Service_Connection-ID>
ExperimentName: experimentname
PipelineParameters: ''

Security hole in Azure Pipelines?

I've been researching Azure DevOps and I've come across what looks like a pretty obvious security hole in Azure pipelines.
So, I'm creating my pipeline as YAML and defining 2 stages: a build stage, and a deployment stage. The deployment stage looks like this:
- stage: deployApiProdStage
displayName: 'Deploy API to PROD'
dependsOn: buildTestApiStage
- deployment: deployApiProdJob
displayName: 'Deploy API to PROD'
timeoutInMinutes: 10
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.isRelease, true))
environment: PROD
- task: AzureWebApp#1
displayName: 'Deploy Azure web app'
azureSubscription: '(service connection to production web app)'
appType: 'webAppLinux'
appName: 'my-web-app'
package: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/$(artifactName)/**/*.zip'
runtimeStack: 'DOTNETCORE|3.1'
startUpCommand: 'dotnet My.Api.dll'
The Microsoft documentation talks about securing this by adding approvals and checks to an environment; in the above case, the PROD environment. This would be fine if the protected resource here that allows publishing to my PROD web app - the service connection in azureSubscription - were pulled from the PROD environment. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, it's not. It's associated instead with the pipeline itself.
This means that when the pipeline is first run, the Azure DevOps UI prompts me to permit the pipeline access to the service connection, which is needed for any deployment to happen. Once access is permitted, that pipeline has access to that service connection for evermore. This means that from then on, that service connection can be used no matter which environment is specified for the job. Worse still, any environment name specified that is not recognized does not cause an error, but causes a blank environment to be created by default!
So even if I setup a manual approval for the PROD environment, if someone in the organization manages to slip a change through our code review (which is possible, with regular large code reviews) that changes the environment name to 'NewPROD' in the azure-pipelines.yml file, the CI/CD will create that new environment, and go ahead and deploy immediately to PROD because the new environment has no checks or approvals!
Surely it would make sense for the service connection to be associated with the environment instead. It would also make sense to have an option to ban the auto-creation of new environments - I don't really see how that's particularly useful anyway. Right now, as far as I can tell, this is a huge security hole that could allow deployments to critical environments by anyone who has commit access to the repo or manages to slip a change to the azure-pipelines.yml file through the approval process, introducing a major single point of failure/weakness. What happened to the much-acclaimed incremental approach to securing your pipelines? Am I missing something here, or is this security hole as bad as I think it is?
In your example, it seemed you created/used an empty environment, there is no deployment target. Currently, only the Kubernetes resource and virtual machine resource types are supported in an environment.
The resource in your example is a service connection, so you need to go the service connection and define checks for this service connection.

Is it possible to do continuous deployment CI/CD of an Azure Function through a Linux Environment via Azure DevOps?

When creating a function in Azure through a Linux environment it seems CI/CD is completely missing from it's capabilities as I can't see any actual files. My VS code tells me this
Error: This plan does not support viewing files.
and when I try to deploy my files to the server through the Azure pipeline everything works except for the
Azure App Service Deploy
Which tells me this.
2020-04-21T19:48:37.6676043Z ##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
2020-04-21T19:48:37.6689536Z ##[error]Error: Error: Failed to deploy web package to App Service. Conflict (CODE: 409)
I did get it working directly through VS Code with a windows environment and didn't notice any of those issues.
Can you confirm this is not possible through Linux or perhaps there is a solution for what I am looking for.
is it possible to do continuous deployment CI/CD of an Azure Function through a Linux Environment via Azure DevOps?
The answer is Yes.
To deploy a Azure Function, you should use Azure Function App task instead of Azure App Service Deploy task. For below example.
- task: AzureFunctionApp#1
azureSubscription: '<Azure service connection>'
appType: functionAppLinux
appName: '<Name of function app>'
#Uncomment the next lines to deploy to a deployment slot
#Note that deployment slots is not supported for Linux Dynamic SKU
#deployToSlotOrASE: true
#resourceGroupName: '<Resource Group Name>'
#slotName: '<Slot name>'
Please check out this document Continuous delivery by using Azure DevOps for detailed examples.

Defining which project should be deployed to an Azure Functions app from source control

We have a collection of Azure Function Apps in c# net core. Each App contains a small number of Azure Functions. All Function Apps reside in a single git repository.
We would like some of our environments to deploy automatically from source (e.g. bitBucket or gitHub).
How do we configure the project so that Azure knows which project in source relates to which created Function App?
I have searched around this problem for a number of days and have not seen any results that sit outside of "it just works" so can only assume that we are missing something fundamental.
I'd recommend using Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) to deploy to Azure, you use YAML to define a build pipeline which can publish an artifact from each of your function apps. The artifacts then get picked up by a release pipeline and can be deployed to Azure.
The basic building blocks of this are, firstly some YAML like this in your build pipeline for each project:
# a script task that let's you use any CLI available on the DevOps build agent, also uses a variable for the build config
- script: dotnet build MyFirstProjectWithinSolution\MyFirstProject.csproj --configuration $(buildConfiguration)
displayName: 'dotnet build MyFirstProject'
# other steps removed, e.g. run and publish tests
- script: dotnet publish MyFirstProjectWithinSolution\MyFirstProject.csproj --configuration $(buildConfiguration) --output MyFirstArtifact
displayName: 'dotnet publish MyFirstProject'
# a DevOps named task called CopyFiles (which is version 2 = #2), DevOps supplies lots of standard tasks you can make use of
- task: CopyFiles#2
contents: 'MyFirstProjectWithinSolution\MyFirstArtifact\**'
targetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
# now publish the artifact which makes it available to the release pipeline, doing so into a sub folder allows multiple artifacts to be dealt with
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
displayName: 'publish MyFirstArtifact artifact'
pathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\MyFirstProjectWithinSolution\MyFirstArtifact'
artifactName: MyFirstArtifact
# now repeat the above for every project you need to deploy, each in their own artifact sub-folder
Next you create a release, which in its simplest form picks up the artifacts and does one or more deployment, here's a simple one which deploys two function app projects:
Within a deployment stage (right hand side above), you can define your release process, again in its simplest form you can just deploy straight to production or to a slot, although until function slots are out of preview you could also spin up another function app and deploy and test there.
This screenshot shows a simple deployment which uses a standard Azure Function App deployment from Azure DevOps:
Within your deployment stage you can define which artifact is deployed and after running your build pipeline for the first time you'll get to see all the available artifacts that it created.
All or parts of the above can be automated from pushing a branch (or other triggers such as on a schedule). Notifications and "gates" can be added as well if you want manual intervention before release or between release stages.
There are also other ways to cut this up, eg with multiple build pipelines, it’s basically completely flexible but the above are the elements you can use to deploy one or more function apps at a time.
