Excel2016: Generate ID based on multiple criteria (no VBA) - excel

I am trying to generate Batch ID based on Course, Date, & Time. All the rows which have the same Course+Date+Time combination should have the same Batch ID. All subsequent combinations should have incremental IDs
Batch ID = LEFT(C2,3)&TEXT(<code formula>,"000")
No VBA, only Excel 2016 formula, please.
Sample data snapshot

Bit of a stretch but try in F2:
Enter through CtrlShiftEnter

It would be easier and more readable to meet your requirement in three steps, rather than a single formula.
Create a unique ID based on the Course, Date and Time.
LEFT($C3,3) - take the first three characters of the Course
UPPER() = make the first three characters of the Course uppercase
TEXT($D3,"ddmmyy") = take the date, turn it into text and apply a format
TEXT($E3,"hhmm") = take the time, turn it into text and apply a format
Create a lookup table of the unique ID and Batch ID
Copy all the unique Ids that have been created in step 1
Paste them into a new column separate to your data
On the Data menu tab, select Remove Duplicates in the data tools
Add the Batch ID to lookup.
This way the Batch ID can be generate via formula if the Unique Id's are sorted using Sort A to Z.
See the attached image.
Lookup the unique ID to get the Batch ID


Excel data tables: Multiple outputs with only one input column

I am trying to create a data table with multiple outputs across periods, but for the same scenarios.
Is it possible to create that without inserting an extra column between each output column to deliver input for the data table (i.e. input column = index 50-110).
Is this in any way possible? See picture of what I would usually mark to create the data table (this does only cover one period/output though). But if I were to make the scenario for FY23, then I would need to insert a column between FY22 and FY23 where I copy the index 50-110 again. I would like to not have to do that.

How to create a number field with prefix (ex: 00001) that increments whenever a document is added in SharePoint Online?

I created a calculated column and concatenated the id with a prefix, but it didn't work as expected.
The reason was that whenever i upload a file, the formula in calculated field that contains the ID with the prefix is executed, then SharePoint creates the ID.
So, the ID is being calculated as empty and only the prefix is showing.
What I used:
What i would like to create is a number field with a prefix (ex: 00001) that increments whenever a document is added in SharePoint Online.
In other words, it's like the ID column in a list but with a prefix of five digits.
Therefore, is there any solution for this problem?
Thank you 😁.
Using the calculate column formula, when creating an new item, the ID column and the calculate column are created at the same time, so the value of the ID column cannot be obtained, so the calculate column will be displayed as 0.
But you can solve this problem by creating a flow.
Please refer to the screenshot below:

Delete bottom two rows in Azure Data Flow

I would like to delete the bottom two rows of an excel file in ADF, but I don't know how to do it.
The flow I am thinking of is this.
enter image description here
*I intend to filter -> delete the rows to be deleted in yellow.
The file has over 40,000 rows of data and is updated once a month. (The number of rows changes with each update, so the condition must be specified with a function.)
The contents of the file are also shown here.
The bottom two lines contain spaces and asterisks.
enter image description here
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm new to Azure and having trouble.
I need your help.
Add a surrogate key transformation to put a row number on each row. Add a new branch to duplicate the stream and in that new branch, add an aggregate.
Use the aggregate transformation to find the max() value of the surrogate key counter.
Then subtract 2 from that max number and filter for just the rows up to that max-2.
Let me provide a more detailed answer here ... I think I can get it in here without writing a separate blog.
The simplest way to filter out the final 2 rows is a pattern depicted in the screenshot here. Instead of the new branch, I just created 2 sources both pointing to the same data source. The 2nd stream is there just to get a row count and store it in a cached sink. For the aggregation expression I used this: "count(1)" as the row count aggregator.
In the first stream, that is the primary data processing stream, I add a Surrogate Key transformation so that I can have a row number for each row. I called my key column "sk".
Finally, set the Filter transformation to only allow rows with a row number <= the max row count from the cached sink minus 2.
The Filter expression looks like this: sk <= cachedSink#output().rowcount-2

Trying to create a NetSuite saved search where the result is a single row, single column containing the actual result Internal IDs

Let's say I create a saved search where the criteria returns 10 records. Is there any way that what I can manipulate the results so I receive a single row, and a single column,containing an array or list of the Internal IDs of that search?
It sounds like what you want is NS_CONCAT()
Add a Formula(text) to your search results. Set Summary Type to Minimum or Maximum. Use the formula NS_CONCAT({internalid}). Remove any other columns (rows in the Results tab).

Excel Pivot Table - Uneven group interval

I have around about 12,000 individual accounts with balances ranging from .01 to over 5mm. I want to group them in a column header so that I know the number of accounts that fall into each range as well as the summed up value of those accounts. I know how to create my pivot table to do this except for the grouping. I can only get one group to work (0-100,000 and >100,000). What I need is:
0-100,000; 100,000-1,000,000; 1,000,000-5,000,000; 5,000,000+
Can this be done? Manually grouping them isn't very viable given that I have 12,000 different account balances....and I wouldn't really want to do that manually anyway.
Can you add a calculated column to the source of the data with a formula to return the categories you want? A nested "If" statement should handle it with ease. Something along the line of:
Just add in the rest of the IF(AND(X,Y),"Display text") to generate your categories.
You could skip the Pivot table entirely and use COUNTIFS
And so on
For the last category you can use a COUNTIF
(My formulas assume the data is in Range A1:A10)
