Excel Pivot Table - Uneven group interval - excel

I have around about 12,000 individual accounts with balances ranging from .01 to over 5mm. I want to group them in a column header so that I know the number of accounts that fall into each range as well as the summed up value of those accounts. I know how to create my pivot table to do this except for the grouping. I can only get one group to work (0-100,000 and >100,000). What I need is:
0-100,000; 100,000-1,000,000; 1,000,000-5,000,000; 5,000,000+
Can this be done? Manually grouping them isn't very viable given that I have 12,000 different account balances....and I wouldn't really want to do that manually anyway.

Can you add a calculated column to the source of the data with a formula to return the categories you want? A nested "If" statement should handle it with ease. Something along the line of:
Just add in the rest of the IF(AND(X,Y),"Display text") to generate your categories.

You could skip the Pivot table entirely and use COUNTIFS
And so on
For the last category you can use a COUNTIF
(My formulas assume the data is in Range A1:A10)


How to add multiple measures into a pivot table?

I'm quite new to using pivot tables and data models, so I don't even know if what I want to do is possible. I have a pivot table (PivotTable1) and its source (Table 25) and I would like to add a hundred or so measures which are listed in the TableCombinations.
For example, I entered the two first measure in orange, but they are not linked to TableCombination and entering them all one by one would be quite long. Each measure is for a distinct Sum wfn column that sums all other rows multiplied by a coefficient. The TableCombinations table simply states the coefficient to be used for each column. For the first three rows, these are my measure formulas :
sum wf1=1.4*Table25[Sum of wD]+0*Table25[Sum of wL]+0*Table25[Sum of wS]+0*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
sum wf2=1.25*Table25[Sum of wD]+1.5*Table25[Sum of wL]+1*Table25[Sum of wS]+0*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
sum wf3=1.25*Table25[Sum of wD]+1.5*Table25[Sum of wL]+0*Table25[Sum of wS]+0.4*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
Two questions :
Is there a way to link the tables so that any change made to TableCombination would then be updated in the pivot table measures?
Is there a way to generate all the of the measures without typing them in one by one.
You should be able to use just one DAX measure to do this, using the CROSSJOIN function.
Don't set up a relationship between the Tables, and drag # to the Columns area of the PivotTable. Then create this Measure:
That should give you the exact answer you need.
Here's how it looks using some sample data:
...and here's the sample data I'm using:
You could certainly use VBA to add measures, and to update them when the Table changes. I might have a crack at writing up an answer along that approach shortly. But here's another way to achieve what you want.
I've previously written some code to slave a Table to a PivotTable, so that any change in the PivotTable's dimensions or placement will be reflected in the shadowing Table's dimensions and placement. This effectively gives us a way to add a calculated field to a PivotTable that can refer to something outside of that PivotTable. If the PivotTable grows, the Calculated Table will grow. If the PivotTable shrinks, the Calculated Table will shrink, and any redundant formulas in it will be deleted.
You can easily use this approach to perform your calculations in a 2nd table alongside your PivotTable, and each column x in that 2nd table could easily reference row x in your 'parameters' table.
See Select Newest Record and Create New Table of Unique Values in Excel

Excel: Create lookup based on list of criteria

I have a little bit of an Excel problem and would be happy about any suggestions.
Long version: I have a dataset with raw data representing journal entries. The structure of this dataset can be seen here:
Now, what I want to achieve is to assign each row/each journal entry to a cost category (marketing, personnel, IT, depreciation, …) based on the values in the account number, type, and cost center rows, and, in a second step, break down the categories once more, eg. for labour costs, distinguish between direct and indirect labour costs.
The way my company does this right now is using an Excel sheet with several macros where the criteria are hardcoded in the VBA code to loop through the whole list, check if a row matches the criteria for a certain cost category, and if it does, copy the row to a new sheet (having one new sheet for each category), then using a second macro to break down the categories, assigning values to the “description”-column which is empty initially based on another set of criteria. Then, pivot tables are used on each of the new sub-datasets to calculate sums for each sub-category. These sums are finally used as input data for a management report (as seen in the image above) which is the ultimate goal of this whole ordeal.
Now, not only does this seem overly complicated to me and running the macros and manually adjusting the input ranges for the pivot tables takes forever, but also the criteria for allocating the costs can change quite often, and opening the VBA editor and changing the code is not really user-friendly.The initial idea was to maybe include some helper columns (one for each cost category) and somehow create an indicator variable being one of the entry falls in the respective category, and zero otherwise, and then use these columns for further calculations (e.g. for Sumifs and such).
The problem is that a) combinations of account number and type are not unique, so that one account number can go along with various types, and one type can go along with various account numbers, so the criteria can be something like C6 = 544300 OR 544700 AND D6<>110246, etc. And b) criteria can change, meaning sometimes a new account number or type is added that also has to be assigned to an already existing category such as labor costs, which would make it necessary to include that criterion in all the formulas for that particular cost category. So, is it possible to somehow create a criteria table for each category that serves as input for some sort of IF/SUMIF or lookup function?
Short version: I have a data set (can range from 5000 to up to 100000 rows, 8 columns) where I want to perform a lookup, but based on various criteria. And, in addition to that, it would be nice if the criteria could somehow be drawn from a separate list so that they can be modified fairly easily without having to change the formula itself. Is there a way to do so? Or do you think using the advanced filter might be the most suitable option?

SSAS Calculated member that knows if the user is using the report filter

I am trying to write a calculated member which acts differently depending on whether the user is filtering by that member or has it dragged down as rows or columns on their pivot table (using Excel).
The rules are:
1. If the user is using the date dimensin as a Report Filter in Excel, then the calculated member should get the maximum date out of all dates that they are filtered by.
2. If they have the date dimension as rows on the pivot table, then I need to apply ClosingPeriod and some other logic.
Please try this. The idea came from here.
Basically the dynamic named set represents what's in the report filters. And the EXISTING keyword trims the list of days down to the filter context of the current cell letting you detect say if one month is on rows. Compare counts and you can detect what the user did.
WHEN SelectedDays.Count > {existing [Date].[Date].[Date].Members}.Count
THEN Tail({existing [Date].[Date].[Date].Members},1).Item(0).Item(0).Name
WHEN SelectedDays.Count < [Date].[Date].[Date].Members.Count
THEN Tail(SelectedDays,1).Item(0).Item(0).Name
Performance is going to not be good. And I suspect users will be confused with the results of your calc. If you want to describe the business scenario more I can maybe recommend a better approach.

Pivot Table with multiple rows all having the same level hierarchy

I have imported a bunch of data using PowerQuery into a single table and am building dashboard reporting. I have been using Pivot Tables to build my reports, which has worked fine so far.
However, I've come to a point though where I want to simply show the count of multiple columns (calculated fields). So I have column A,B,C,D, and want to show the count each of each. But, I don't want them to be subsets (or children) of one another, and I don't want to build a bunch of Pivot Tables (file is already getting pretty big, and I want them row by row for easy viewing). Any suggestions?
Also, I am using the "Columns" field already to show the counts by certain weeks (week one, week two, etc.).
Thanks for the follow-up. Within PowerPivot, I have four calculated fields/columns that are True/False for each column. I want to know how many times each of those columns were marked "True" (I can rename the "True" field to distinguish between which field it's referencing). But I don't want four pivot tables. Right now I can only think of making four pivot tables, filtering out the false for each one, then hiding the rows so the "True" values stack on top of one another. If I put all the four fields together in the same Pivot, the three below the first become subsets. I don't want subsets, just occurrence counts.
Does this help provide clarification?
If I understand you correctly, here's an example that shows what you're trying to achieve:
The table on the left has the TRUE/FALSE entries and the PivotTable on the right just shows the number of true items in each of those columns.
The format of the DAX measure to produce these count totals is:
[Count of A]=CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(PetFacts),PetFacts[A]=TRUE)
(Apologies to any parrot owners who may get upset that I have inadvertently re-classified their pets as cold-blooded!)

How do I SUMIF one PowerPivot table according to the rows of a second PowerPivot table?

I have two tables: one of customers ("Donor"), and one of transactions ("Trans"). In Donor, I want a "Total" column that sums all the transactions by a particular Donor ID, which I would calculate in a standard Excel table thus:
=SUMIF(Trans[Donor ID],[#ID],Trans[Amt])
Simple! How do I do the same thing with a DAX formula? I thought
=CALCULATE(SUM(Trans[Amt]),Trans[Donor ID]=[ID])
would do it, but I get the error
Column "ID" cannot be found or may not be used in this expression.
Strangely, when I use
=CALCULATE(SUM(Trans[Amt]),Trans[Donor ID]=3893)
I do get the total for ID 3893.
Eschewing CALCULATE, I did find that this works:
=SUMX(FILTER(Trans, Trans[Donor ID]=[ID]),[Amt])
...but it only allows the one filter, and I'll need to be able to add more filters, but:
=SUMX(CALCULATETABLE(Trans, Trans[Donor ID]=[ID]),[Amt])
...(which I understand is like FILTER but allows for multiples) does not work.
Can you identify what I'm doing wrong?
After putting together a quick model that looks like this:
I've confirmed that this DAX forumla works as a Calculated Column in the Donor table:
=CALCULATE(SUM(Trans[Amt]), FILTER(Trans, Trans[Donor] = Donor[DonorKey]))
The key here is to make sure that the relationship between the two tables is correctly configured, and then make sure to use the combination of CALCULATE() and FILTER() -- filtering the trans table based on the current donor context.
