how to use redis and sequelize together - node.js

im using redis for caching and sequelize as my orm.
i want to cache every query as key and it's result as value.
let me give you an example of how i'm trying to do it
imagine user request for all blogs that are created by himself, normally we would write something like this
when i want to cache something like this i add an attribute named as model and for this example model would be equal to blog after that i will stringify this object and use it as key. this way i can easily create the key and check whether user response is cached or not, but i don't want to rewrite code for every request for checking redis and deciding to make query to database or not and i have 2 models now so i write this piece of code
for (m in models) {
models[m].myFindAll = function (options = {}) {
return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
try {
const key = Object.assign({}, options);
key.model = m;
key.method = "findAll";
var result = await redis.get(JSON.stringify(key));
if (result) {
result = await models[m].findAll(options);
redis.set(JSON.stringify(key), JSON.stringify(result));
} catch (err) {
as you can see i have an object that contains every model that i have and it is named models.
firstly i added User and after that i added Blog.
my problem is that when i try to use myFindAll function on User Model it won't work becuse it tries to set key.model with value of variable m which will be Blog in the run time, i solved it when i passed the model name an argument to my function but i don't want it that way and i think there should be a better way be i can't find it, isn't there some way of accessing right model through this object?
another thing that i tried to used libraries like sequelize-redis-cache and ... but i wanted to do it my way and i don't want to use this library


Multiple MongoDB database Connections in NodeJS

I have always created a single connection with one connection string. My question is, how to make multiple connections(MongoDB instances) if an array of connection strings are given in NodeJs get API?
Let’s say multiple connection strings will have the same type of database. e.g., my database name is “University” and this database is available in all different locations. And I wanted to write one common API which will provide me with an array of universities from different connections, how to do it?
connectionString1 = mongodb://localhost:27017
connectionString2 = mongodb://localhost:27018
connectionString3 = mongodb://localhost:27019
Now I wanted to connect with all three connection strings and fetch all records from them and send them
in response to one common API, how can I do it in an efficient manner? Also after retrieval of each query, I need to close the corresponding database instances.
Your input will help me to understand this structure in a better way
Execute your query against each database using example function named exec, and await the returned promise array by Promise.allSettled. Once settled, parse (e.g., reduce, maybe sort) for proper merging.
// each db with client.db(name)
const dbArr = [db1, db2, ...];
// execute query for given collection across each db, return promise array
function exec(coll, query) {
let p = [];
for (let db of dbArr) {
return p;
// main
async function fetchUniversitiesBy(filter) {
try {
// make mongo filter doc
const query = filter
const results = await Promise.allSettled(exec('university', query));
reduce, or execute any other manipulation here to merge results.
Can check `status` of settled objects here
return results.reduce((acc, c) => [...acc, ...c], []);
} catch(e) {
} finally {
// client `close()` here
In terms of 'API', invoke fetchUniversitiesBy where you defined your api/universities/get (or however defined) route. Imagine your request params can be passed as filter.

Meteor Client calling findOne in Server Method

I have a client-side form that can create a document upon submission. I want to see if one of the input fields already exists on a Document in the DB though. This would then alert the user and ask them if they want to continue creating the record.
Client-side event{
'click button[type=submit]'(e, template) {
//This particular example is checking to see if a Doc with its `name` property set to `value` already exists
const value = $('#name');
const fieldName = 'name';
const exists ='checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc', fieldName, value);
if (exists) {
if (confirm(`Doc with ${value} as its ${fieldName} already exists. Are you sure you want to continue creating Doc?`) {
Server-side Meteor Method
'checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc'(field, val) {
if (this.isServer) {
check(field, String);
check(val, String);
if (!this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized', 'You are not authorized.');
const findObj = {};
findObj[field] = val;
const fieldsObj = {};
fieldsObj[fieldsObj] = 1;
const doc = Docs.findOne(findObj, {fields: fieldsObj});
return doc;
My issue is that the client-side code always gets undefined back when calling the Server method. I now understand why, however, I'm not keen on wrapping all of my subsequent client-code into a callback yet.
So - any other ideas on how I can attempt to do this simple feature?
Also - I was thinking of having the client-side page's onCreated do a 1-time server call to get ALL names for all Docs, storing this in memory, and then doing the check upon form submission using this. Obviously, this is inefficient and not-scalable, although it would work in the client side is always an async call. Then you need implement a callback.
See docs:'checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc', fieldName, value, function(error, result) {
if (result) {
if (confirm(`Doc with ${value} as its ${fieldName} already exists. Are you sure you want to continue creating Doc?`) {
On the client, you can wrap any with a Promise and then use it with async/await. There are some packages on Atmosphere that do this for you to.
I've used this package for years:
On the client I often just use await Meteor.callPromise() which returns a response nicely.
Here are a couple of the best write-ups on the many options available to you:

Using node.js and promise to fetch paginated data

Please keep in mind that I am new to node.js and I am used with android development.
My scenario is like this:
Run a query against the database that returns either null or a value
Call a web service with that database value, that offers info paginated, meaning that on a call I get a parameter to pass for the next call if there is more info to fetch.
After all the items are retrieved, store them in a database table
If everything is well, for each item received previously, I need to make another web call and store the retrieved info in another table
if fetching any of the data set fails, all data must be reverted from the database
So far, I've tried this:
getAllData: function(){
//get secondary data for each result row and insert it into database
getMainWebData: function(nextPage){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
module.getWebData(nextPage, function(errorReturned, response, values) {
if (errorReturned) {
nextPage = response.nextPageValue;
}).then(function(result) {
//here I need to insert the returned values in database
//there's a new page, so fetch the next set of data
if (nextPage) {
//call again getMainWebData?
There are a few things missing, from what I've tested, getAllData.then fires only one for the first set of items and not for others, so clearly handling the returned data in not right.
LATER EDIT: I've edited the scenario. Given some more research my feeling is that I could use a chain or .then() to perform the operations in a sequence.
Yes it is happening as you are resolving the promise on the first call itself. You should put resolve(value) inside an if statement which checks if more data is needed to be fetched. You will also need to restructure the logic as node is asynchronous. And the above code will not work unless you do change the logic.
Solution 1:
You can either append the paginated response to another variable outside the context of the calls you are making. And later use that value after you are done with the response.
getAllData: function(){
// make your database transaction if result is not an error
function getList(nextpage, result, callback){
module.getWebData(nextPage, function(errorReturned, response, values) {
nextPage = response.nextPageValue;
getList(nextPage, result, callback);
callback(null, result);
getMainWebData: function(nextPage){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var result = [];
getList(nextpage, result, function(err, results){
// Here all the items are retrieved, you can store them in a database table
// for each item received make your web call and store it into another variable or result set
// suggestion is to make the database transaction only after you have retrieved all your data
// other wise it will include database rollback which will depend on the database which you are using
// after all this is done resolve the promise with the returning value
I have not tested it but something like this should work. If problem persists let me know in comments.
Solution 2:
You can remove promises and try the same thing with callback as they are easier to follow and will make sense to the programmers who are familiar with structural languages.
Looking at your problem, I have created a code that would loop through promises.
and would only procede if there is more data to be fetched, the stored data would still be available in an array.
I hope this help. Dont forget to mark if it helps.
let fetchData = (offset = 0, limit= 10) => {
let addresses = [...Array(100).keys()];
return Promise.resolve(addresses.slice(offset, offset + limit))
// o => offset & l => limit
let o = 0, l = 10;
let results = [];
let process = p => {
if (!p) return p;
return p.then(data => {
// Process with data here;
// increment the pagination
o += l;
results = results.concat(data);
// while there is data equal to limit set then fetch next page
// otherwise return the collected result
return (data.length == l)? process(fetchAddress(o, l)).then(data => data) : results;
process(fetchAddress(o, l))
.then(data => {
// All the fetched data will be here
}).catch(err => {
// Handle Error here.
// All the retrieved data from database will be available in "results" array
if You want to do it more often I have also created a gist for reference.
If You dont want to use any global variable, and want to do it in very functional way. You can check this example. However it requires little more complication.

Pass DB context between Node.js module functions

I'm running Express on Node.js and am wondering how I can effectively pass a single database connection context object between distinct Node modules (think of them sort of like application models).
I'd like to do this to be able to start a database transaction in one model and preserve it across calls to other affected models, for the duration of a single HTTP request.
I've seen people attempt to solve this using per-request database connections exposed as middleware before my route is run (taking from a connection pool, then running another piece of middleware after the routes to return the connection to the pool). That unfortunately means explicitly passing around a context object to all the affected functions, which is inelegant and clunky.
I've also seen people talking about the continuation-local-storage and AsyncWrap modules, but I'm unclear how they can solve my particular problem. I tried working with continuation-local-storage briefly but because I primarily use promises and generators in my code, it wasn't able to pass state back from the run method (it simply returns the context object passed into its callback).
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
// player-routes.js'/items/upgrade', wrap(function *(req, res) {
const result = yield playerItem.upgrade(req.body.itemId);
// player-item.js
const playerItem = {
upgrade: Promise.coroutine(function *(user, itemId) {
return db.withTransaction(function *(conn) {
yield db.queryAsync('UPDATE player_items SET level = level + 1 WHERE id = ?', [itemId]);
yield player.update(user);
return true;
module.exports = playerItem;
// player.js
const player = {
update(user) {
return db.queryAsync('UPDATE players SET last_updated_at = NOW() WHERE id = ?', []);
module.exports = player;
// db.js
db.withTransaction = function(genFn) {
return Promise.using(getTransactionConnection(), conn => {
return conn.beginTransactionAsync().then(() => {
const cr = Promise.coroutine(genFn);
return Promise
.try(() => cr(conn))
.then(res => {
return conn.commitAsync().thenReturn(res);
}, err => {
return conn.rollbackAsync()
.then(() =>'Transaction successfully rolled back'))
.catch(e => logger.error(e))
A couple of notes here:
The wrap function is just a little piece of wrapper middleware that allows me to use generators/yield in my routes.
The db module is also just a small wrapper around the popular mysql module, that has been promisified.
What I'd like to do, probably in db.queryAsync, is check if there's a conn object set on the current context (which I'd set around the return Promise... call in db.withTransaction). If so, use that connection to do all subsequent database calls until the context goes out of scope.
Unfortunately, wrapping the return Promise... call in the CLS namespace code didn't allow me to actually return the promise -- it just returned the context object, which is incorrect in my case. It looks like most usages of CLS rely on not actually returning anything from inside the run callback. I also looked at cls-bluebird, but that didn't seem to do what I need it to do, either.
Any ideas? I feel like I'm close, but it's just not all hooking up exactly how I need it to.

How to cache a mongoose query in memory?

I have the following queries, which starts with the GetById method firing up, once that fires up and extracts data from another document, it saves into the race document.
I want to be able to cache the data after I save it for ten minutes. I have taken a look at cacheman library and not sure if it is the right tool for the job. what would be the best way to approach this ?
getById: function(opts,callback) {
var id = opts.action;
var raceData = { };
var self = this;
this.getService().findById(id,function(err,resp) {
else {
raceData = resp;
self.getService().getPositions(id, function(err,positions) {
savePositions: function(positions,raceData,callback) {
var race = [];
_.each(positions,function(item) {
_.each(item.position,function(el) {
raceData.positions = race;
this.getService().modelClass.update({'_id' : raceData._id },{ 'positions' : raceData.positions },callback(raceData));
I have recently coded and published a module called Monc. You could find the source code over here. You could find several useful methods to store, delete and retrieve data stored into the memory.
You may use it to cache Mongoose queries using simple nesting as
test.find({}).lean().cache().exec(function(err, docs) {
//docs are fetched into the cache.
Otherwise you may need to take a look at the core of Mongoose and override the prototype in order to provide a way to use cacheman as you original suggested.
Create a node module and force it to extend Mongoose as:
monc.hellocache(mongoose, {});
Inside your module you should extend the Mongoose.Query.prototype
exports.hellocache = module.exports.hellocache = function(mongoose, options, Aggregate) {
//require cacheman
var CachemanMemory = require('cacheman-memory');
var cache = new CachemanMemory();
var m = mongoose;
m.execAlter = function(caller, args) {
//do your stuff here
m.Query.prototype.exec = function(arg1, arg2) {
return, 'exec', arguments);
Take a look at Monc's source code as it may be a good reference on how you may extend and chain Mongoose methods
I will explain with npm redis package which stores key/value pairs in the cache server. keys are queries and redis stores only strings.
we have to make sure that keys are unique and consistent. So key value should store query and also name of the model that you are applying the query.
when you query, inside the mongoose library, there is
function Query(conditions, options, model, collection) {} //constructor function
responsible for query. inside this constructor,
Query.prototype.exec = function exec(op, callback) {}
this function is responsible executing the queries. so we have to manipulate this function and have it execute those tasks:
first check if we have any cached data related to the query
if yes respond to request right away and return
if no we need to respond to request and update our cache and then respond
const redis = require("client");
const redisUrl = "redis://";
const client = redis.createClient(redisUrl);
const util = require("util");
//client.get does not return promise
client.get = util.promisify(client.get);
const exec = mongoose.Query.prototype.exec;
//mongoose code is written using classical prototype inheritance for setting up objects and classes inside the library.
mongoose.Query.prototype.exec = async function() {
//crate a unique and consistent key
const key = JSON.stringify(
Object.assign({}, this.getQuery(), {
//see if we have value for key in redis
const cachedValue = await redis.get(key);
//if we do return that as a mongoose model.
//the exec function expects us to return mongoose documents
if (cachedValue) {
const doc = JSON.parse(cacheValue);
return Array.isArray(doc)
? => new this.model(d))
: new this.model(doc);
const result = await exec.apply(this, arguments); //now exec function's original task.
client.set(key, JSON.stringify(result),"EX",6000);//it is saved to cache server make sure capital letters EX and time as seconds
if we store values as array of objects we need to make sure that each object is individullay converted to mongoose document.
this.model is a method inside the Query constructor and converts object to a mongoose document.
note that if you are storing nested values instead of client.get and client.set, use client.hset and client.hget
Now we monkey patched
so you do not need to export this function. wherever you have a query operation inside your code, mongoose will execute above code
