Convert Nodejs API to MongoDB - node.js

I have created a NodeJS project where I have saved the data in a file data.js. It is saved in a server in a local host and I can use it as an API call.
Now I would like to convert this project using MongoDB as the backend to make it more dynamic. I have fetched data using React Hooks in the HomeScreen Page.
Do I need to change the React Hook and Fetching data(axios) Code??

You do not need to change your React code if you ensure your Nodejs API still provides same data in same format as before. Just need to update backend nodejs code to store and fetch details from mongodb instead of the data.js file.

Just Use MongoDB Queries to fetch details and send it in the response like as you were sending before from data.js. The difference would be now is you will be storing your data in MongoDB collections and read it from collections according to your requirements.


How to return JSON response when an Item changes in MongoDB using NodeJs

I have a NodeJS server and mongoDB where I have get and post API for the data. And I was wondering if I want to change something for example in my Users collection and have the changes directly send to my frontend react project. I was reading about socket-io, and can't find how to send the data as I am sending it in the API.
Is there any resources or examples on this ?

Monitoring api with reactjs

I have a backend application built with node.js. Every time there is a change in the database I want to reflect it in my ReactJs interface. (Like listing products or updating posts). I use mongodb as database and mongoose as ORM. How can I do that?
You need to use something that's call WebHook. Webhook Article

Creating an Express API from MongoDB server automatically

I have a pretty large MongoDB server running on my local machine, I know how to create an API using Express & Node.js and know how to use routes, etc. But I only know how to add new data to a route using the POST method. My database has tens of thousands of entries in different collections and so it would be impossible to add them all manually.
I wanted to know if there was a way to quickly convert my entire mongodb local database into an API with Express so I can access it client-side from my React.js application.

Do I need to create another connection for client side Mongo DB in React Next.js?

So, I have followed with-mongodb github example and the article from official mongodb website that is about this repo. I successfully connect with DB client and I am able to read the data from DB with getServerSideProps and getStaticProps.
But I am having issue using the already made DB connection inside components (for example using insert function) because Node.js code can be used only in /pages directory and it doesn't work in /components directory.
So, what's the better approach for Next.js? Use MongoDB Realm SDK or create API endpoints in /pages? Can anyone please give me short example of such API endpoint with some very simple example of insert function?
Now I finally understand it. I am using /api/* paths as bridge between mongo and next and using axios calls on front ends to retrieve those data.
I first thought I will have to use Mongo Realm's authentication but building my own users DB with hashed passwords wasn't that hard.

Hooks in reactjs for getting data from firestore

How do you get data from firestore using reactjs hooks?
I am working on an app where firestore is used as a database, so I have to fetch inserted data on an insert query using hooks in reactjs.
How can this be done?
Take a look on useEffect() hook. This hook is used for making asynchronous calls. So, you have to put the fetch inside this hook.
