Monitoring api with reactjs - node.js

I have a backend application built with node.js. Every time there is a change in the database I want to reflect it in my ReactJs interface. (Like listing products or updating posts). I use mongodb as database and mongoose as ORM. How can I do that?

You need to use something that's call WebHook. Webhook Article


React Native/Firebase: How to use a realtime database without having private keys surfacing on client-side?

I'm currently using a RealTime database to implement a chat for my react native application. In prepping it for production, I'm trying to secure the connection. I know that is it best to have all connections in the backend so it's not available on client-side. However, to use the onValue function from Firebase, it needs the ref details. I tried to make the backend return the ref, but it only returns the URL to the table. Is there a way to have the frontend auto update the chat with onValue calls in the backend? I'm using NodeJS as my backend. Thank you!
I've tried passing the db/ref. I know socket is a possible implementation, but that would require a larger rewrite. Trying to avoid that if possible.

how to get my front-end updated when I add to my database?

I'm designing a real-estate website and I was wondering can I link my front-end webpage that shows the available properties for sale that a new property icon is added when I add to my MongoDB ? to elaborate more, I have a template for each single property which includes picture and some other info about the property, what i want to do is when i add a new collection to my database to appear on my webpage with this template. Thanks in advance
MongoDB can be watched, since your question has 'node.js' tag so assume you use node.js in the server side, I check the doc and there's a watch API returning a ChangeStream object which you may use, just for your reference
If you want to use angular for retrieving and showing data.
You can refer to these sites :
This one tells how to populate data in angular.
To get a crisp of doing it with mongo db
What you actually need is server side event system updating your frontend, Changestream that #user1108069 mentioned can be useful in detecting new changes or you can literally identify that when a request is being made to add a new property.
The task here is to update the frontend's current connections to update their view to get the new (load) changes, you can do this in multiple ways.
Use something like firebase realtime DB on the side Firebase Realtime DB
Use any other server side events broker for you This should work too
You can create your own full duplex system, using something like but do remember that concurrent connections needs to be handled properly. You cannot keep them connected to your server all the time.

Convert Nodejs API to MongoDB

I have created a NodeJS project where I have saved the data in a file data.js. It is saved in a server in a local host and I can use it as an API call.
Now I would like to convert this project using MongoDB as the backend to make it more dynamic. I have fetched data using React Hooks in the HomeScreen Page.
Do I need to change the React Hook and Fetching data(axios) Code??
You do not need to change your React code if you ensure your Nodejs API still provides same data in same format as before. Just need to update backend nodejs code to store and fetch details from mongodb instead of the data.js file.
Just Use MongoDB Queries to fetch details and send it in the response like as you were sending before from data.js. The difference would be now is you will be storing your data in MongoDB collections and read it from collections according to your requirements.

Hooks in reactjs for getting data from firestore

How do you get data from firestore using reactjs hooks?
I am working on an app where firestore is used as a database, so I have to fetch inserted data on an insert query using hooks in reactjs.
How can this be done?
Take a look on useEffect() hook. This hook is used for making asynchronous calls. So, you have to put the fetch inside this hook.

Connect multiple application with one mongo database using Mongoose (ORM)

I am using mongo database with mongoose (ORM). I have a database that is working well with Express framework Application. Now I want to connect to this database with another Express Application.
Now here is the question,
should I make all mongoose models again in new project with Mongoose ? if not then what will be best option for this that we can use still use existing database mongoose.
I am assuming you are not serving the data via a REST API then. If you create a REST API for the mongoose models and then serve that data through URL's you won't have to create new models, rather you could just request the data via HTTP through GET, POST, DELETE, etc requests from the new express application.
If you want me to elaborate further, I can certainty do so.
