Using jMeter to test IIS web garden - requests are using the same worker thread - web

I am using an IIS web garden for long running requests with 15 worker processes.
With, for example, 3 browsers, typically multiple worker processes are used.
With Apache jMeter, all requests are using the same worker process.
Is there a way to force the use of multiple worker processes?

This may have at least 2 explanations:
You have some hard coded ID or session ID in your test plan. Check for their presence and remove them, add Cookie Manager to your test
You have a load balancer that work in Source IP mode, in this case you need to either change policy to Round Robin or add 2 other machines
If you are using 1 thread with X iterations and expecting different workers then check that:
Cookie Manager is configured this way:
And Thread Group this way (notice "Same User on each iteration is unchecked"):
If issue persists, then please share you plan and check that you don't have somewhere in Header Manager a hardcoded id leading to using 1 worker

Well-behaved JMeter script should produce the same network footprint as the real browser do so if you're observing inconsistencies most probably your JMeter configuration is not matching requests which are being sent by the real browser.
Make sure that your JMeter test is doing what it is supposed to be doing by inspecting requests/responses details using View Results Tree listener
Use a 3rd-party tool like Wireshark or Fiddler to capture the requests originating from browser/JMeter, detect the differences and amend your JMeter configuration to eliminate them
More information: How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser
In the absolute majority of cases JMeter script is not working as expected due to missing or improperly implemented correlation of the dynamic values


Load test on Azure

I am running a load test using JMeter on my Azure web services.
I scale my services on S2 with 4 instances and run JMeter 4 instances with 500 threads on each.
It starts perfectly fine but after a while calls start failing and giving Timeout error (HTTP status:500).
I have checked HTTP request queue on azure and found that on 2nd instance it is very high and two instances it is very low.
Please help me to success my load test.
I assume you are using Azure App Service. If you check the settings of your App, you will notice ARR’s Instance Affinity will be enabled by default. A brief explanation:
ARR cleverly keeps track of connecting users by giving them a special cookie (known as an affinity cookie), which allows it to know, upon subsequent requests, to which server instance they were talking to. This way, we can be sure that once a client establishes a session with a specific server instance, it will keep talking to the same server as long as his session is active.
This is an important feature for session-sensitive applications, but if it's not your case then you can safely disable it to improve the load balance between your instances and avoid situations like the one you've described.
Disabling ARR’s Instance Affinity in Windows Azure Web Sites
It might be due to caching of network names resolution on JVM or OS level so all your requests are hitting only one server. If it is the case - add DNS Cache Manager to your Test Plan and it should resolve your issue.
See The DNS Cache Manager: The Right Way To Test Load Balanced Apps article for more detailed explanation and configuration instructions.

jmeter: NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond

I have an application in nodejs, which I am testing against thousands of users. For 1000 users (when server is deployed at local), Jmeter fails for most test cases providing this:
org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.AbstractHttpClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.ManagedClientConnectionImpl.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.MeasuringConnectionManager$MeasuredConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.doReceiveResponse(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.tryExecute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.executeRequest(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerProxy.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.process_sampler(
Sometimes, I get this as well: Connection reset
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.AbstractHttpClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.ManagedClientConnectionImpl.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.MeasuringConnectionManager$MeasuredConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.doReceiveResponse(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.tryExecute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.executeRequest(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerProxy.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.process_sampler(
I tried all the steps in this link:
None of them worked. (I am using Jmeter 2.13)
If you are running your app server locally (I assume with moderate level of HW i.e. dual/quad core CPU, 4/8 GB RAM etc.) and running Jmeter instance on same server then you should understand below things,
As a rule of thumb you can assume Jmeter alone (with all tuning settings applied and enough rampup)can create 500-1000 threads with that hw.
You are running your app server on same machine with Jmeter. This means your app server is getting less resources to use. From errors it looks like that target server/app server is unable to handle that load.
This behavior is obvious because of many reasons like insufficient memory, over CPU utilization, IO issues, Jmeter is not coping with server.
What you can do is,
Try to deploy app server on separate machine with equal or better hw.
Follow all Jmeter best practices mentioned in above link.
Run the test and monitor resource utilization on both servers just to correlate the values with results.
Check if your test passes or not. (Even if it doesn't then at least you know that its not because of Jmeter :) and with the help of resource util logs, Jmeter logs you can find out the bottleneck.)
Similar question I found was Why am I receiving Response code: Non HTTP response code:
when running maximum number of user, i hope you had taken care about various aspects of the run
user ramp up time
proper timers ( decent amount of think time must be provided)
and most of all , the server that is being utilized should have capability to respond
for a given simple server ( which does not support multi-threading), when we send concurrent requests continuously, at a given point of time, we must analyse and conclude a healthy load , at a point when there are more number of requests being sent, the usual behavior is the script would make you run in errors ;)
Please recheck and post additional info.

JMeter Load Test on online purchasing

I would like to talk some issues that I facing. Currently using JMeter to test the purchase train ticket on website. My question is how should I test the website. Example like, user will require to fill in quantity and information in order to purchase train ticket. After fill in, there is the "confirm" button to click and link to the payment gateway. I want to test, whether server able to hold 100 times on confirm button in 1second without slow down the performance. I would like to view the result of latency,ms of server when user press the confirm button. I have try to use HTTPS test recorder, but it seem like is a wrong way to test the server. Can anyone provide solution or guide me? Thank You very much.
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is good for building test scenario "skeleton" - it basically speeds up the process of initial test plan draft creation. In other case you would have to use a sniffer tool to capture browser requests and manually create relevant HTTP Request samplers.
The first thing you need to do is verify how does recorded (or developed) script works for a single user. Add View Results Tree listener and inspect responses. If everything is fine - you're good to go. If not (i.e. if there are errors or you hitting one page instead of performing transaction) - you'll need to look into the requests a little bit deeper and may have to do some correlation - the process of extracting some response bit with a JMeter PostProcessor, converting it into a JMeter Variable and adding as a parameter to the next request.
Once you're happy with how your scenario behaves don't forget to disable View Results Tree listener. Now it's time to define a load pattern. JMeter works as follows:
it kicks off threads (each thread represents a virtual user) within the time frame defined by ramp-up time.
each thread starts executing samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
if there are no more samplers to execute or loops to iterate - thread is being shut down.
So make sure that you provide enough loops so your threads have enough job to do, otherwise you may run into a situation when half of threads have already finished their jobs and half of them haven't even started. Ultimate Thread Group available via JMeter Plugins is extremely helpful
If your aim is to see whether your server is capable of serving 100 concurrent "Confirm" in a reasonable time frame and without errors - use Synchronizing Timer
Use non-GUI mode to run your test. After test completion you can open JMeter GUI again, add i.e. Aggregate Report listener which will calculate and visualise metrics like response time, connect time, latency, etc.

Node script - Failover from one server to another server

I have a nodejs script - lets call it "process1" on server1, and same script is running on server2 - "process2" (just with flag=false).
Process1 will be preforming actions and will be in "running" state at the beginning. process2 will be running but in "block" state with flag programmed within it.
What i want to acomplish is to, implement failover/fallback for this process. If process1 goes down flag on process2 will change, and process2 will take over all tasks from process1 (and vice versa when process1 cames back - fallback).
What is the best approach to do this? TCP connection between those?
NOTE: Even its not too much relevant, but i want to mention that these processes are going to work internally, establishing tcp connection with third server and parsing data we are getting from that server. Both of the processes will be running on both of the servers, but only ONE process at the time can be providing services - running with flag true (and not both of them)
Update: As per discussions bellow and internal research/test and monitoring of solution, using reverse proxy will save you a lot of time. Programming fail-over based on 2 servers only will cover 70% of the cases related with the internal process which is used on the both machines - but you will not be able to detect others 30% of the issues caused because of the issues with the network (especially if you are having a lot of traffic towards DATA RECEIVER).
This is more of an infrastructure problem than it is a Node one, and the same situation can be applied to almost any server.
What you basically need is some service that monitors Server 1 and determines whether it's "healthy" or "alive" and if so continue to direct traffic to it. If the service determines that the server is no longer in a stable condition (e.g. it takes too long to respond, returns an error) it will redirect any incoming traffic to Server 2. When it's happy Server 1 has returned to normal operating conditions it will redirect the traffic back onto it.
In most cases, the "service" in this scenario is a reverse proxy like Nginx or CloudFlare. In your situation, this server would act as a buffer between Data Reciever and your network (Server 1 / Server 2) and route the incoming traffic to the relevant server.
That looks like a classical use case for a reverse proxy. Using a well tested server such as nginx should provide plenty reliability the proxy won't fail (other than hardware failure) and you could put that infront of whatever cluster size you want. You'd even get the benefit of load-balancing if that is applicable and configured properly.
Alternatively and also leaning towards a load-balancing solution, you could have a front server push requests into a queue (ZMQ for example) and either push from the queue to the app server(s) or have your app-server(s) pull tasks from the queue independently.
In both solutions, if it's a requirement not to "push" 2 simultaneous results to your data receiver, you could use an outbound queue that all app-servers push into.

Weird Tomcat outage, possibly related to maxConnections

In my company we experienced a serious problem today: our production server went down. Most people accessing our software via a browser were unable to get a connection, however people who had already been using the software were able to continue using it. Even our hot standby server was unable to communicate with the production server, which it does using HTTP, not even going out to the broader internet. The whole time the server was accessible via ping and ssh, and in fact was quite underloaded - it's normally running at 5% CPU load and it was even lower at this time. We do almost no disk i/o.
A few days after the problem started we have a new variation: port 443 (HTTPS) is responding but port 80 stopped responding. The server load is very low. Immediately after restarting tomcat, port 80 started responding again.
We're using tomcat7, with maxThreads="200", and using maxConnections=10000. We serve all data out of main memory, so each HTTP request completes very quickly, but we have a large number of users doing very simple interactions (this is high school subject selection). But it seems very unlikely we would have 10,000 users all with their browser open on our page at the same time.
My question has several parts:
Is it likely that the "maxConnections" parameter is the cause of our woes?
Is there any reason not to set "maxConnections" to a ridiculously high value e.g. 100,000? (i.e. what's the cost of doing so?)
Does tomcat output a warning message anywhere once it hits the "maxConnections" message? (We didn't notice anything).
Is it possible there's an OS limit we're hitting? We're using CentOS 6.4 (Linux) and "ulimit -f" says "unlimited". (Do firewalls understand the concept of Tcp/Ip connections? Could there be a limit elsewhere?)
What happens when tomcat hits the "maxConnections" limit? Does it try to close down some inactive connections? If not, why not? I don't like the idea that our server can be held to ransom by people having their browsers on it, sending the keep-alive's to keep the connection open.
But the main question is, "How do we fix our server?"
More info as requested by Stefan and Sharpy:
Our clients communicate directly with this server
TCP connections were in some cases immediately refused and in other cases timed out
The problem is evident even connecting my browser to the server within the network, or with the hot standby server - also in the same network - unable to do database replication messages which normally happens over HTTP
IPTables - yes, IPTables6 - I don't think so. Anyway, there's nothing between my browser and the server when I test after noticing the problem.
More info:
It really looked like we had solved the problem when we realised we were using the default Tomcat7 setting of BIO, which has one thread per connection, and we had maxThreads=200. In fact 'netstat -an' showed about 297 connections, which matches 200 + queue of 100. So we changed this to NIO and restarted tomcat. Unfortunately the same problem occurred the following day. It's possible we misconfigured the server.xml.
The server.xml and extract from catalina.out is available here:
More info:
I did a load test. I'm able to create 500 connections from my development laptop, and do an HTTP GET 3 times on each, without any problem. Unless my load test is invalid (the Java class is also in the above link).
It's hard to tell for sure without hands-on debugging but one of the first things I would check would be the file descriptor limit (that's ulimit -n). TCP connections consume file descriptors, and depending on which implementation is in use, nio connections that do polling using SelectableChannel may eat several file descriptors per open socket.
To check if this is the cause:
Find Tomcat PIDs using ps
Check the ulimit the process runs with: cat /proc/<PID>/limits | fgrep 'open files'
Check how many descriptors are actually in use: ls /proc/<PID>/fd | wc -l
If the number of used descriptors is significantly lower than the limit, something else is the cause of your problem. But if it is equal or very close to the limit, it's this limit which is causing issues. In this case you should increase the limit in /etc/security/limits.conf for the user with whose account Tomcat is running and restart the process from a newly opened shell, check using /proc/<PID>/limits if the new limit is actually used, and see if Tomcat's behavior is improved.
While I don't have a direct answer to solve your problem, I'd like to offer my methods to find what's wrong.
Intuitively there are 3 assumptions:
If your clients hold their connections and never release, it is quite possible your server hits the max connection limit even there is no communications.
The non-responding state can also be reached via various ways such as bugs in the server-side code.
The hardware conditions should not be ignored.
To locate the cause of this problem, you'd better try to replay the scenario in a testing environment. Perform more comprehensive tests and record more detailed logs, including but not limited:
Unit tests, esp. logic blocks using transactions, threading and synchronizations.
Stress-oriented tests. Try to simulate all the user behaviors you can come up with and their combinations and test them in a massive batch mode. (ref)
More specified Logging. Trace client behaviors and analysis what happened exactly before the server stopped responding.
Replace a server machine and see if it will still happen.
The short answer:
Use the NIO connector instead of the default BIO connector
Set "maxConnections" to something suitable e.g. 10,000
Encourage users to use HTTPS so that intermediate proxy servers can't turn 100 page requests into 100 tcp connections.
Check for threads hanging due to deadlock problems, e.g. with a stack dump (kill -3)
(If applicable and if you're not already doing this, write your client app to use the one connection for multiple page requests).
The long answer:
We were using the BIO connector instead of NIO connector. The difference between the two is that BIO is "one thread per connection" and NIO is "one thread can service many connections". So increasing "maxConnections" was irrelevant if we didn't also increase "maxThreads", which we didn't, because we didn't understand the BIO/NIO difference.
To change it to NIO, put this in the element in server.xml:
From what I've read, there's no benefit to using BIO so I don't know why it's the default. We were only using it because it was the default and we assumed the default settings were reasonable and we didn't want to become experts in tomcat tuning to the extent that we now have.
HOWEVER: Even after making this change, we had a similar occurrence: on the same day, HTTPS became unresponsive even while HTTP was working, and then a little later the opposite occurred. Which was a bit depressing. We checked in 'catalina.out' that in fact the NIO connector was being used, and it was. So we began a long period of analysing 'netstat' and wireshark. We noticed some periods of high spikes in the number of connections - in one case up to 900 connections when the baseline was around 70. These spikes occurred when we synchronised our databases between the main production server and the "appliances" we install at each customer site (schools). The more we did the synchronisation, the more we caused outages, which caused us to do even more synchronisations in a downward spiral.
What seems to be happening is that the NSW Education Department proxy server splits our database synchronisation traffic into multiple connections so that 1000 page requests become 1000 connections, and furthermore they are not closed properly until the TCP 4 minute timeout. The proxy server was only able to do this because we were using HTTP. The reason they do this is presumably load balancing - they thought by splitting the page requests across their 4 servers, they'd get better load balancing. When we switched to HTTPS, they are unable to do this and are forced to use just one connection. So that particular problem is eliminated - we no longer see a burst in the number of connections.
People have suggested increasing "maxThreads". In fact this would have improved things but this is not the 'proper' solution - we had the default of 200, but at any given time, hardly any of these were doing anything, in fact hardly any of these were even allocated to page requests.
I think you need to debug the application using Apache JMeter for number of connection and use Jconsole or Zabbix to look for heap space or thread dump for tomcat server.
Nio Connector of Apache tomcat can have maximum connections of 10000 but I don't think thats a good idea to provide that much connection to one instance of tomcat better way to do this is to run multiple instance of tomcat.
In my view best way for Production server: To Run Apache http server in front and point your tomcat instance to that http server using AJP connector.
Hope this helps.
Are you absolutely sure you're not hitting the maxThreads limit? Have you tried changing it?
These days browsers limit simultaneous connections to a max of 4 per hostname/ip, so if you have 50 simultaneous browsers, you could easily hit that limit. Although hopefully your webapp responds quickly enough to handle this. Long polling has become popular these days (until websockets are more prevalent), so you may have 200 long polls.
Another cause could be if you use HTTP[S] for app-to-app communication (that is, no browser involved). Sometimes app writers are sloppy and create new connections for performing multiple tasks in parallel, causing TCP and HTTP overhead. Double check that you are not getting an inflood of requests. Log files can usually help you on this, or you can use wireshark to count the number of HTTP requests or HTTP[S] connections. If possible, modify your API to handle multiple API calls in one HTTP request.
Related to the last one, if you have many HTTP/1.1 requests going across one connection, and intermediate proxy may be splitting them into multiple connections for load balancing purposes. Sounds crazy I know, but I've seen it happen.
Lastly, some crawl bots ignore the crawl delay set in robots.txt. Again, log files and/or wireshark can help you determine this.
Overall, run more experiments with more changes. maxThreads, https, etc. before jumping to conclusions with maxConnections.
