HelloCardboard sample :sdk not visible in Gradle - android-ndk

I am trying to run the Google Cardboard sample by following their guide: https://developers.google.com/cardboard/develop/c/quickstart
However, I run into the same error mentioned in this guide. Their solution was:
You should click the "assemble" option under ":sdk", not the one under ":hellocardboard-android".
As shown below:
The following is the image of my window. I don't have the :hellocardboard-android or :sdk folders, just Tasks.
So, is this the right assemble to be running? I am not sure how to see the other folders mentioned. If you have any clarifying questions let me know!
My full error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':hellocardboard-android:externalNativeBuildDebug'.
Build command failed.
Error while executing process C:\Users\Jonah\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\cmake\\bin\ninja.exe with arguments {-C O:\Dordt University Campus\hellocardboard-android.cxx\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a cardboard_jni}
ninja: Entering directory `O:\Dordt University Campus\hellocardboard-android.cxx\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a'
ninja: error: '../../../../libraries/jni/armeabi-v7a/libcardboard_api.so', needed by '../../../../build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/armeabi-v7a/libcardboard_jni.so', missing and no known rule to make it

It appears the problem had to do with the path having spaces, moving the project caused the proper folders to appear in the Gradle window.


Cannot build gtk4-rs based cargo, build fails with linking error "LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'gobject-2.0.lib'"

I am trying to build a hello world project to see if gtk4-rs is working correctly, which always fails at creating the binaries. The rest of the build seems to fine (tried to run cargo clean and cargo check a couple of times, those do not produce any errors). My Cargo.toml just uses the version specified in the crate:
gtk4 = "0.4.8"
My error is exactly the same as the one in this question, but running the cargo build in an admin powershell also fails with the same error.
I am on Win 11 and I've followed the installation instructions linked to by GTK themselves, https://github.com/wingtk/gvsbuild.
The linking error seems to indicate that gobject-2.0.lib is missing:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'gobject-2.0.lib'
(Full error message (with redacted user directory) on Pastebin)
That file is found at c:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\lib, which is the default location for an installation produced by gvsbuild, as far as I can tell (I haven't messed with the files at all).
Both c:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\lib and c:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\bin are part of the path, restarting the machine did not seem to fix anything in this regard either.
I have not found anything close to helpful on the internet, so any pointers to what could be wrong here would be great.

Unable to compile first Haskell Programme in VSCode

I just installed Stack GHCI and Visual Studio Code in my Windows. And I was trying to build and run the first simple Haskell putStrln programme, but with a big compile fail.
In VS Code terminal, I entered:
PS C:\Users\rmili\Documents> stack new TryHaskell
And a new folder "TryHaskell" was created, with the automatically created files "Lib.hs" and "Main.hs"
I tried to build and run the hs files. But I encountered the following errors:
In a new terminal, after I entered PS C:\Users\rmili\Documents\TryHaskell> stack build, this will result in the following error:
Error Messages:
exited with an error:
ghc-pkg.exe: hLock: permission denied (Access is denied.)
At the top of Main.hs and Lib.hs, the lines module Main where and module Lib both have curly lines underneath, with error message:
readCreateProcess: stack "exec" "ghc" "--" "-rtsopts=ignore" "-outputdir" "C:\\Users\\rmili\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\hie-bios-98c9848bfed41b00" "-o" "C:\\Users\\rmili\\AppData\\Local\\hie-bios\\wrapper-4da94d68375fab32d2147da1837e9611.exe" "C:\\Users\\rmili\\AppData\\Local\\hie-bios\\wrapper-4da94d68375fab32d2147da1837e9611.hs" (exit 1): failedcompiler
Peek Problem (Alt+F8)
No quick fixes available
My GHCI directory looks fine, as shown below:
UPDATE: It seemed that antivirus is the problem for me, as whenever I tried to build a new hs file, there will be a pop up from Norton, saying data protector has blocked an action by Haskell server. After I asked Norton to exclude specifically such action, I could successfully compile and run my hs files.
However, the problem is that the curly lines under "module Main where" and "module Lib" remain. How can I remove the curly lines and its associated error messages as shown in point 2) above?
Welcome to Haskell!
Unfortunately, it seems Haskell on Windows has various "permission denied" bugs. (https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/2924). I have no direct workaround to suggest, other than make sure all software is up-to-date, try different configurations, and try and build using ghc directly without stack.
Other things to try include making sure you are running as Administrator, and disabling your antivirus.

Unable to execute heat_cpu on ARM, unable to find the source code

I want to test the cpu pm operation using this tool. I got the binaries which are running on X86:
But i did not find the source code of that. As i want to run on ARM64, can anybody help me to share the link. The below link is not working,
git://git.linaro.org/people/amitdanielk/thermal-test.git master
Error message:
access denied or repository not exported: /people/amitdanielk/thermal-test.git

Jenkins build tar error

I'm having a build problem with jenkins, it has been working several months without any
problems, but now it says:
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Checking console output
Finished: FAILURE
I tried to put more verbose to this build, but still the same error occurs.
I have looked from the shell logs and found that same error in there,
also I matched old build logs to this one and I cannot find any
several errors that would do this.
There's plenty of disk space left, also i raised open files, but the problem stays the same.
Could newly added class files do this kind of problem?

BeagleBoard Narcissus ToolChain with OpenCv issue

I'm using Eclipse with Narcissus Cross-Compiler Toolchain to compile OpenCV project on my BeagleBoard-XM.
I followed those links to do this:
When i try to compile the project i get an Error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** [hello_world.o] Error 1 hello_world C/C++ Problem
I think the problem is with the Toolchain itself, Any Ideas?
The CDT framework runs GNU Make under the hood to do the actual build (unless you are using the internal builder, which isn't the default). The error you see is because one of the makefile targets, of the managed project's auto-generated makefile, has failed to run successfully.
The output of the Problem view is insufficient information to answer your question. Only the Console view output for the build contains sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Please post the entire output of the CDT Build Console for the Console view.
At this point the only guess we can make is that something in the build process exited with exit code 1.
