How do I update kernel-utils? - linux

Brace yourself, I'm a Windows admin messing with a CentOS 6 server.
Let's start by saying I know very little about Linux.
I'm trying to load an rmmagent, GFI/MaxFocus's agent. It's failing the dependency check on kernel-utils and unzip.
error: Failed dependencies:
kernel-utils is needed by rmmagent-1.0.2.centos6-1.2.x86_64
unzip is needed by rmmagent-1.0.2.centos6-1.2.x86_64
I Googled myself to death, but I think I just don't know enough about Linux to make this go.
Can someone educate me or point me to the right place to learn how to do this? Thanks!
PS: I got unzip installed without issue.

We had the same issue. We spoke to the LogicNow support and they give us this solution:
wget -c
yum install ksymoops-2.4.8-1mdk.i586.rpm


Where can I get on Arch Linux?

I'm running arch linux and am making an attempt to run DaVinci Resolve. Initially startup said nothing, it just timed out and closed. Then I found a recommendation to run it with /opt/resolve/bin/resolve this got me an error saying cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This has sent me on a wild goose chase trying to install on my system. I heard somewhere it is part of mesa so I sudo pacman -S mesa and I've tried to find a AUR package that might have it but no luck. Even trying variations of yay libGLU and yay libGLU-mesa, no luck so far.
Additionally find / -name 'libLGU*' returned nothing even when ran with sudo, meaning it isn't already on my system in the wrong directory.
This might unfortunately be an instance where I download the file and place it where it needs to go but that's probably not in the best interest of the long term longevity of my system.
I'm probably fairly novice when compared to most others on linux but I think I've gotten a lot of the basics down. Would love any insight you may have on this issue!
While an outdated forum post said that /usr/lib/ is owned by the mesa package, it is now currently owned by glu.
pacman -S glu ought to give you your needed library.
For future reference, you can reverse search filename->package using pkgfile, which works even if you don't have the respective files/packages locally.
$ sudo pkgfile --update
$ pkgfile
Alternatively there's the built-in pacman -F, but it's generally slower than pkgfile.

I cannot run Gazebo and Rviz Due to Missing sdformat.dll and image_transport.dll

Hello there hope you are all well.
Few days ago I installed ROS on my Windows-10 computer by following the tutorials on their site. I worked with TurtleSim and some other features of ROS without any problem. However when I try to run Gazebo, I get an error saying sdformat.dll is missing. And when I try to run Rviz, I get an error saying image_transport.dll and resource_retriever.dll is missing. I tried updating ROS but it did no good. I asked about this on ROS' official answer site but no one responded. Is there any CMD command or chocolatey feature which I can use to repair missing files? If not, what can I do to resolve this error?
Thank you so much

How to configure an openvpn in Ubuntu

So this is my first time asking a question on here or any forum. I've tried looking into this problem but none of the questions asked or the solutions to those questions really applied to my problem. ill try to be as specific as i can. I'm new to Linux, I've dual booted ubuntu 16.04 on my 64bit laptop. I'm trying to create and configure an openvpn and in trying to unzip "server.conf.gz" i run into this
bash: /etc/openvpn/server.confg: Permission denied
and don't know why. Please if anyone knows what i have to do please help me out, i would really appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to read through all that.
Use sudo before the command or root user to execute that command. Your current user doesn't have permission to write in /etc/openvpn directory.
Please use:
gunzip server.conf.gz -c /etc/openvpn
sudo gunzip server.conf.gz -c /etc/openvpn
hope it will works.

How to mentally rationalize apt-get install "unable to find package error" and outline a troubleshoot approach

I've been programming for about 6 months but have just started moving into Operating Systems and the internals of Linux/Ubuntu and how OS's work in general. For my job, I'm tasked to do a lot of configuration setups with packages Linux, nginx,rails, etc and every once in a while I run into an error like the one I am currently experiencing.
sudo apt-get install cvsnt
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package cvsnt
These errors frustrate me because I don't have a formulated attack plan to troubleshoot it. I'm taking EdX's introduction to Linux and that has been helpful, but the internals of Linux is still a mystery me and when something like this pops up its very difficult for me to figure out what to do. Most of the time I hope that stackoverflow has an answer for the specific problem I'm having.
So how would I attack this problem? There is no error that is helpful other than that the package has not been found. Do I check the CVSNT docs first? Is there something wrong with Ubuntu Linux? Is there something wrong with dpkg? Is there a file to check for stuff? Is it a path problem? Where do you start. I'd like to be able to navigate through these problems effectively because they won't be going away anytime soon as long as I'm assigned to configure things. Thanks.
You need to read and understand how Aptitude or apt works. In a nutshell you need to tell it where the CVSNT repository is in sources.list otherwise it will not know.
First make sure the "Universe" is enabled in you etc/apt/sources.list as below where <YourRelease> would or could be lucid or trusty if its 14.04. You did not mention which version of Ubuntu you're on. You want this line enabled or if it is not there add it
deb <YourRelease> main universe
Then do
sudo apt-get update
to reread the sources.list then follow that with
sudo apt-get install cvsnt
See what you get. This should install the correct version of CVSNT and any dependencies required. You will need python running for CVSNT to work.
Good luck and let us know.

Small exception in linking shared library

I have kept and files in /usr/lib/awesomium.1.6.5 folder, and given the path for this .so library in, in a new .conf file, but when I run my project it gives me a
System.dll not found exception for at (wrapper managed-to-native).
How to solve this error.
when i check the existence of this library through
sudo ldconfig -p | grep
command, it gives me the following output: (libc6) => /usr/lib/awesomium-1.6.5/
It means it exists. But still at run-time my project is giving this error :
I am working on monodevelop, so can someone suggest me please what is the thing that i am missing. Is there some addon i have to install or some terminal command i have to follow. Hoping for quick responses.
You should be able to add LIBDIR=/lib to /etc/ and then issue ldconfig. If not, then you might be using a VMX or other type of setup that would require to you use the linker with -W/lib for example.
i have need 2 days to find a solution for this problem!
On Linux Wheezy 32bit you need to install libjpeg62 ...
apt-get install libjpeg62
this will fix the problem! ...
