Performance profiling Node.js/TS with Visual Studio Pro 2019 - node.js

I created a project in Visual Studio Pro 2019 from an existing Node.js TypeScript web code via the “Create a new project” wizard in VS. I am using a Windows 10 machine.
When I launch the Performance Profiler, the only available tool is “Events Viewer”. The tool that I want to use is “Instrumentation” so that I can measure call counts and call response times.
Has anyone had any success in doing this for a Node.js TypeScript web project in VS? If so, how were you able to get the “Instrumentation” tool enabled?
I have seen mention of profiling in the following link, but it is probably referring to Node.js JavaScript projects:

I haven't been able to profile Node.js project with Visual Studio 2019 but I'm using Visual Studio Code as a workaround.
Can I profile NodeJS Applications using Visual Studio Code?
I have been using profiler for C++ project with Visual Studio 2019 and it is better than profiler on VS Code.


Is it possible to use the ServiceStack templates in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019?

Is it possible to use the ServiceStack templates in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019? I've seen the documentation reference VS Code. I'm able to run the projects in VS 2019. If there is a place ask ServiceStack, I haven't found it yet.
All ServiceStack Project Templates should work in Visual Studio, eventually all .NET Core projects will be upgraded to use .NET Core 3.1 LTS when it's released where you'll need to use VS 2019.
But most of the Single Page App Templates utilizes npm utils to provide web transformations and each SPA Framework has unique formats like Vue's SFC's, React JSX and .svelte templates which are poorly supported in Visual Studio, you'll have a much better development experience using either VS Code or JetBrains Rider with first-class support for these formats and much better Terminal integration to run watched npm utils.
If I needed to use Visual Studio I'd only use it for all back-end C# development whilst using VS Code for all front-end development and running built-in npm utils in its multi terminal window support.
Otherwise for non SPA project templates using Visual Studio should provide a good development experience.
If there is a place ask ServiceStack, I haven't found it yet.
If you're asking if there's a specific place to ask ServiceStack questions, you can use the ServiceStack Customer Forums.

How to install node js tools for Visual Studio 2019?

I'm fairly new to web development (coming from app development). I'm trying to use visual studio 2019 on mac and I don't see a way to install the node js extensions or 'workload' that a lot of tutorials are recommending.
How do I get started with node js and react development in VS 2019?
VS for Mac is rather different from VS for Windows, and does not yet support Node.js.
Instead, you should use Visual Studio Code, which is the same on all platforms and does.

Should I use empty website or spa web application template for an Angular 2 project in Visual Studio?

For an angular project every tutorial on web, indicates to use Visual Studio Code. I am familiar with visual studio environment for like ten years besides there will be more project in my solution. Visual studio code is fine for an angular project but what about other projects in my solution? like services or class libraries.
So i decided to use visual studio 2017 rather than visual studio code. But i couldnt decide which template to choose for angular project, a website or spa template? And is there a way to run an angular project on nodejs just clicking run button.
I would really recommend using the Angular CLI if possible. The CLI adds tooling for testing and AOT among other things that will save you a lot of time in the future.
here is an article about using the CLI with Visual Studio in an MVC app it may give you more info on specifics that you have.
There are some excellent custom templates available for Visual Studio. I personally use this one for Visual Studio 2015. However, I am sure it would work for Visual Studio 2017.
You can try out the new templates available via "dotnet new" such as "dotnet new angular" You can find out more here:

Run F# 3.1 on Visual Studio 2012 (not express)

I was wondering if it is possible to run F# 3.1 on Visual studio 2012? if possible then what is the best way to do this?
You can't run the 3.1 Visual Studio integration components (e.g. the language service, project system, editor integration) on VS 2012, no. So any bug fixes or features there will not be available.
But you can still build, run, debug projects against the F# 3.1 compiler and runtime from VS 2012. Install the latest release (3.1.1) from here. Create a new project in VS 2012, and edit the .fsproj file to point at the 3.1 Microsoft.FSharp.targets file and the 3.1 version of FSharp.Core.dll. I haven't tried this personally, but I think it should work reasonably well.
And in case cost is a factor preventing moving to VS 2013, note that starting with 3.1.1, Visual F# does support VS Desktop Express.

visual studio 2012 web and desktop

I have visual studio 2012 express for web, now I need to make a desktop app, need I to download visual studio 2012 express for desktop or is there any addon I can install on web edition?
You can create Class Library projects in the web edition of Visual Studio Express, change the Output Type in the project properties to Console Application or Windows Application, add any library references you'd need (particularly for the Windows application, as none of the forms stuff will be included by default), and go from there.
This works well for console applications, but I imagine you're going to run into issues with Windows applications. The project templates are nonexistent, so you're on your own for setting things up from scratch. The forms designer probably isn't there, or if it is probably won't work as expected. And this won't work at all for Windows Store applications.
It's a lot easier to just download both editions and run them both. I've been running Web, Desktop, Windows 8, and Database editions side-by-side for a while now without problems.
need I to download visual studio 2012 express for desktop
Yes, you do.
That's part of the limitation of express editions.
