visual studio 2012 web and desktop - visual-studio-2012

I have visual studio 2012 express for web, now I need to make a desktop app, need I to download visual studio 2012 express for desktop or is there any addon I can install on web edition?

You can create Class Library projects in the web edition of Visual Studio Express, change the Output Type in the project properties to Console Application or Windows Application, add any library references you'd need (particularly for the Windows application, as none of the forms stuff will be included by default), and go from there.
This works well for console applications, but I imagine you're going to run into issues with Windows applications. The project templates are nonexistent, so you're on your own for setting things up from scratch. The forms designer probably isn't there, or if it is probably won't work as expected. And this won't work at all for Windows Store applications.
It's a lot easier to just download both editions and run them both. I've been running Web, Desktop, Windows 8, and Database editions side-by-side for a while now without problems.

need I to download visual studio 2012 express for desktop
Yes, you do.
That's part of the limitation of express editions.


Performance profiling Node.js/TS with Visual Studio Pro 2019

I created a project in Visual Studio Pro 2019 from an existing Node.js TypeScript web code via the “Create a new project” wizard in VS. I am using a Windows 10 machine.
When I launch the Performance Profiler, the only available tool is “Events Viewer”. The tool that I want to use is “Instrumentation” so that I can measure call counts and call response times.
Has anyone had any success in doing this for a Node.js TypeScript web project in VS? If so, how were you able to get the “Instrumentation” tool enabled?
I have seen mention of profiling in the following link, but it is probably referring to Node.js JavaScript projects:
I haven't been able to profile Node.js project with Visual Studio 2019 but I'm using Visual Studio Code as a workaround.
Can I profile NodeJS Applications using Visual Studio Code?
I have been using profiler for C++ project with Visual Studio 2019 and it is better than profiler on VS Code.

Windows app development using windows 2012?

Can I develop a Windows Phone & store apps on both using Visual Studio 2012. Although it is recommended to use Visual Studio 2013.
You can develop apps for wither but you will not be able to make universal. Why would you want to do that when you can download the VS2013 Express version and develop proper 8.1 universal apps?

Shall I use Visual Studio Express or Visual Studio 2013?

I have just downloaded "Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone" to start Windows phone development. This is a free software. But I also came to know that you can also do Windows phone development using Visual Studio 2013 which is paid software.
Is there a disadvantage using Express edition for Windows phone development? Like it doesn't come with all features, libraries and APIs etc.?
You can do development of a Windows Phone app with Visual Studio Express with complete access to all APIs.
However, the Express edition is limited. You cannot mix project types (Web and Phone) in one solution and there is limited support for Add-Ins like CodeRush.
Whether limited support of plugins or the lack of mixed solutions bother is up to you. If the bucks you would spent do a return of investment is up to you.
All two works perfect! You can make apps in any version created for WP.

IPP and Visual Studio 2012

I've been trying to get the .NET Dev Kit and Azure SDK to work with Visual Studio 2012 and am not having much luck. What am I missing?
The Azure SDK installation instructions don't work on VS 2012. When I search for anything Intuit-related from the VS Extension Manager, nothing comes up.
I tried installing from the VS Gallery but then there's no Intuit Anywhere menu in VS as shown in the VS 2010 screen shot. (These instructions are highly suspect, since Intuit has moved away from the "Intuit Anywhere" name. But given that the developer site was overhauled recently I would expect the instructions to be up to date.)
Is there an easy way to get this to work with VS 2012, or am I wasting my time? Am I better off just building everything from scratch? (We have done that in another project, just not with Azure.)
The Plugin for Visual Studio has not been updated for Visual Studio 2012, the last supported version is 2010.
The code that the plugin generates is available as templates and sample code as well.
It includes the Oauth grant and handler pages, as well as the OpenId handlers.

What installer options are there for Visual Studio 2012 Express for Desktop

So Microsoft released Visual Studio 2012 Express for desktop apps. That's great, but how does one create an installer for open source apps that are built in Visual Studio Express? There are no installer templates available by default, and they have disabled browsing the online gallery. Sure, I could purchase something like InstallShield, but that kind of defeats the purpose of an open source application if you ask me. Any suggestions?
You can use the open source NSIS or WiX tools to create fairly nice installers.
Since both should work without the Visual Studio integration that Express won't give you, they should both be usable (even if not quite as nicely) without problems.
I would use Inno Setup, which is a little easier to learn than most other setup programs.
I have a link here:
