How do I declare that my attributes belong to some type class in a record? - haskell

I want to say that my record attributes have to belong to a type class so they are not constrained to a specific type within that type class. My code example of what I want to do:
data Complex = Complex {
real :: Num a => a,
imag :: Num b => b
Is this possible, if so, how?

Typically, you would parameterize the type itself
data Complex a b = Complex { real :: a, image :: b }
or more likely
data Complex a = Complex { real :: a, image :: a }
and put the constraints on any function that uses the type:
foo :: Num a => Complex a -> a
foo c = 3 * real c - 5 * imag c
bar :: Num a => Complex a -> Complex a
bar (Complex r i) = Complex (3 * r) (negate (5 * i))


can't use pattern matching with datatypes defined using GADT in haskell

I'm trying to define a Complex datatype, and I want the constructors to be able to take any number as instance, so I would like to use a generic type as long as it does implement a Num instance
I'm usind GADTs in order to do so since to my understanding the DataTypeContexts language extension was a "misfeature" even if I think that would have been useful in this case...
In any case this is my code:
data Complex where
Real :: ( Num num, Show num ) => num -> Complex
Imaginary :: ( Num num, Show num ) => num -> Complex
Complex :: ( Num num, Show num ) => num -> num -> Complex
real :: ( Num num, Show num ) => Complex -> num
real (Real r) = r
real (Imaginary _i ) = 0
real (Complex r _i ) = r
here the real implementation gives the following error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘num’ with actual type ‘num1’
‘num1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor:
Real :: forall num. (Num num, Show num) => num -> Complex,
in an equation for ‘real’
at <...>/Complex.hs:29:7-12
‘num’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
real :: forall num. (Num num, Show num) => Complex -> num
at <...>/Complex.hs:28:1-47
• In the expression: r
In an equation for ‘real’: real (Real r) = r
• Relevant bindings include
r :: num1
(bound at <...>/Complex.hs:29:12)
real :: Complex -> num
(bound at <...>/Complex.hs:29:1)
which to my understanding is due to the return type do be interpreted as different...
so I tried removing the type definition and letting ghc do his magic with the type but turns out the type signature was the same...
can anyone please explain to me what is wrong here?
Problem is, these definitions allow you to choose different types when (1) constructing a Complex value and when (2) applying the real function. These two situations are not connected to each other in any way, so there is nothing to force the type to be the same between them. For example:
c :: Complex
c = Real (42 :: Int)
d :: Double
d = real c
The definition of d requires the real function to return a Double, but there is no Double wrapped inside of c, there is only Int.
As for solutions, there are two possible ones: (1) establish a connection between these two points, forcing the type to be the same, and (2) allow the type inside to be converted to any other numeric type.
To establish a type-level connection between two points, we need to use a type that is present at both points. What type would that be? Quite obviously, that's the type of c. So we need to make the type of c somehow convey what's wrapped inside it:
data Complex num = Real num | Imaginary num | Complex num num
real :: Complex num -> num
real = ...
-- Usage:
c :: Complex Int
c = Real 42
d :: Int
d = real c
Note that I don't actually need GADTs for this.
To allow type conversion, you'll need to require another type class for the num type. The class Num has a way to convert from any integral type, but there is no way to convert to any such type, because it doesn't make sense: 3.1415 can't be meaningfully converted to an integral type.
So you'll have to come up with your own way to convert, and implement it for all allowed types too:
class Convert a where
toNum :: Num n => a -> n
data Complex where
Real :: ( Num num, Show num, Convert num ) => num -> Complex
real :: Num num => Complex -> num
real (Real r) = toNum r
Just to be clear, I consider the second option quite insane. I only provided it for illustration. Don't do it. Go with option 1.

Haskell defined types

Studying Haskell first principles. Absolute beginner in Haskell.
data A
data B
func :: A -> B
func = undefined
What would the actual function be? Worked though load of exercises with great result (also thanks to you) but again I am stuck. Does A -> B indicate two different types like 'String' -> 'Char'? Just trying to wrap my head around it.
No, (concrete) types start with an Uppercase. So A -> B means the types A and B you have defined (well not defined here) with your data A = ... expressions, like for instance:
data A = Foo | Bar Int | Qux String A
In case the signature contains an identifier with a lowercase, it is a type variable. For instance foo :: a -> b, means a and b can be substuted by any type. So foo is a function that can be A -> B, but also A -> Int, Char -> B, and Char -> Int.
You can also add type constraints to the signature to restrict the types for which for instance a and b can be used. Like foo :: (Show a, Num b) => a -> b restricts a and b, such that there should exist an instance Show a and instance Num b for the types a and b such that foo is defined over these types.
Thanks Willem, Chepner. Your answers helped me out to conjure up:
data A
data B
funcAJ :: A -> B
funcAJ a = a
where a = b
b = undefined
This typechecks as funcAJ :: A -> B, which I understand. Thanks so much!

Haskell Eq between different types

I need to use this data structure data D = C Int Float and I need to compare it with an Int, for example a::D == 2.
How can I create an instance to define this kind of Eq ?
Thank you!
I would implement a projection:
getInt :: D -> Int
getInt (C i _) = i
and then compare with it:
getInt myD == 5
you can even include this into a record:
data D = C { getInt :: Int, getFloat :: Float }
if you like
You can't; == has signature a -> a -> Bool, so it can't be used like this.
Using the convertible package you can define
(~==) :: (Convertible a b, Eq b) => a -> b -> Bool
x ~== y = case safeConvert x of
Right x' -> x' == y
Left _ -> False
(==~) :: (Convertible b a, Eq a) => a -> b -> Bool
(==~) = flip (~==)
instance Convertible Int D where ...
-- or D Int depending on what you have in mind
Without depending on convertible, you could just define a conversion function either from Int to D (and write a == fromInt 2) or vice versa.
A less recommended route (for this specific case I think it's simply worse than the first solution) would be to define your own type class, e.g.
class Eq' a b where
(=~=) :: a -> b -> Bool
instance Eq a => Eq' a a where
x =~= y = x == y
instance Eq' D Int where ...
This can be done, but I doubt you will want to do this. As Alexey mentioned the type of (==) is Eq a=>a->a->Bool, so the only way to make this work would be to make 2 have type D. This may seem absurd at first, but in fact numbers can be made to have any type you want, as long as that type is an instance of Num
instance Num D where
fromInteger x = C x 1.0
There are still many things to work out, though....
First, you need to fully implement all the functions in Num, including (+), (*), abs, signum, fromInteger, and (negate | (-)).
Second, you have that extra Float to fill in in fromInteger. I chose the value 1.0 above, but that was arbitrary.
Third, you need to actually make D an instance of Eq also, to fill in the actual (==).
instance Eq D where
(C x _) == (C y _) = x == y
Note that this is also pretty arbitrary, as I needed to ignore the Float values to get (==) to do what you want it to.
Bottom line is, this would do what you want it to do, but at the cost of abusing the Num type, and the Eq type pretty badly.... The Num type should be reserved for things that you actually would think of as a number, and the Eq type should be reserved for a comparison of two full objects, each part included.

Type class definition with functions depending on an additional type

Still new to Haskell, I have hit a wall with the following:
I am trying to define some type classes to generalize a bunch of functions that use gaussian elimination to solve linear systems of equations.
Given a linear system
M x = k
the type a of the elements m(i,j) \elem M can be different from the type b of x and k. To be able to solve the system, a should be an instance of Num and b should have multiplication/addition operators with b, like in the following:
class MixedRing b where
(.+.) :: b -> b -> b
(.*.) :: (Num a) => b -> a -> b
(./.) :: (Num a) => b -> a -> b
Now, even in the most trivial implementation of these operators, I'll get Could not deduce a ~ Int. a is a rigid type variable errors (Let's forget about ./. which requires Fractional)
data Wrap = W { get :: Int }
instance MixedRing Wrap where
(.+.) w1 w2 = W $ (get w1) + (get w2)
(.*.) w s = W $ ((get w) * s)
I have read several tutorials on type classes but I can find no pointer to what actually goes wrong.
Let us have a look at the type of the implementation that you would have to provide for (.*.) to make Wrap an instance of MixedRing. Substituting Wrap for b in the type of the method yields
(.*.) :: Num a => Wrap -> a -> Wrap
As Wrap is isomorphic to Int and to not have to think about wrapping and unwrapping with Wrap and get, let us reduce our goal to finding an implementation of
(.*.) :: Num a => Int -> a -> Int
(You see that this doesn't make the challenge any easier or harder, don't you?)
Now, observe that such an implementation will need to be able to operate on all types a that happen to be in the type class Num. (This is what a type variable in such a type denotes: universal quantification.) Note: this is not the same (actually, it's the opposite) of saying that your implementation can itself choose what a to operate on); yet that is what you seem to suggest in your question: that your implementation should be allowed to pick Int as a choice for a.
Now, as you want to implement this particular (.*.) in terms of the (*) for values of type Int, we need something of the form
n .*. s = n * f s
f :: Num a => a -> Int
I cannot think of a function that converts from an arbitary Num-type a to Int in a meaningful way. I'd therefore say that there is no meaningful way to make Int (and, hence, Wrap) an instance of MixedRing; that is, not such that the instance behaves as you would probably expect it to do.
How about something like:
class (Num a) => MixedRing a b where
(.+.) :: b -> b -> b
(.*.) :: b -> a -> b
(./.) :: b -> a -> b
You'll need the MultiParamTypeClasses extension.
By the way, it seems to me that the mathematical structure you're trying to model is really module, not a ring. With the type variables given above, one says that b is an a-module.
Your implementation is not polymorphic enough.
The rule is, if you write a in the class definition, you can't use a concrete type in the instance. Because the instance must conform to the class and the class promised to accept any a that is Num.
To put it differently: Exactly the class variable is it that must be instantiated with a concrete type in an instance definition.
Have you tried:
data Wrap a = W { get :: a }
Note that once Wrap a is an instance, you can still use it with functions that accept only Wrap Int.

Using Data.Array in a Haskell Data Type

I have been developing some code that uses Data.Array to use multidimensional arrays,
now I want to put those arrays into a data type so I have something like this
data MyType = MyType { a :: Int, b :: Int, c :: Array }
Data.Array has type:
(Ix i, Num i, Num e) => Array i e
Where "e" can be of any type not just Num.
I am convinced I am missing a concept completely.
How do I accomplish this?
What is special about the Data.Array type that is different from Int, Num, String etc?
Thanks for the help!
Array is not a type. It's a type constructor. It has kind * -> * -> * which means that you give it two types to get a type back. You can sort of think of it like a function. Types like Int are of kind *. (Num is a type class, which is an entirely different thing).
You're declaring c to be a field of a record, i.e., c is a value. Values have to have a type of kind *. (There are actually a few more kinds for unboxed values but don't worry about that for now).
So you need to provide two type arguments to make a type for c. You can choose two concrete types, or you can add type arguments to MyType to allow the choice to be made elsewhere.
data MyType1 = MyType { a, b :: Int, c :: Array Foo Bar }
data MyType2 i e = MyType { a, b :: Int, c :: Array i e }
Kinds for C++ users.
Kind (type theory) on Wikipedia.
You need to add the type variables i and e to your MyType:
data MyTYpe i e = MyType { a, b :: Int, c :: Array i e }
