jCache providers features - hazelcast

So i'm going to use jCache implementation for my J2EE application java 8 and i want to know what is the difference between all the providers and all its features.
can anyone help me to choose one of them ( in terms of cluster support, easy to use, performance ...) ?

JCache is a specification, so that all implementations behave in the same way regarding the caching features.
However, a key differentiator to evaluate the products is whether you want the cache to be distributed or not. The Open Source version of Hazelcast is distributed, this is not the case for EhCache.
Disclaimer: I work for Hazelcast.


Hazelcast JCache predicate

Previously I used Hazelcast Java API and was able to do predicate to filter on result return.
Currently, as we are moving towards portability of IMDG, I used JCache API. However, i did not manage to find anything related that will allow me to do predicate/filtering/searching on IMDG cache.
Have anyone done similar thing before?
JCache does not have any Query API. If you used the IMap you would get the same features as in JCache plus Querying.

datastax driver vs spring-data-cassandra

Hey I am new to Cassandra and I am friendly with Spring jdbc-template.
Can anyone please explain difference between both of them? Also can you suggest which one is good to use ?
spring-data-cassandra uses datastax's java-driver, so the decision to be made is really whether or not you need the functionality of spring-data.
Some features from spring data that may be useful for you (documented here):
spring xml configuration for configuring your Cluster instance (especially useful if you are already using spring).
object mapping component.
The java-driver also has a mapping component as well that is worth exploring.
In my opinion if you are already using spring, it is worth looking into spring-data-cassandra. Otherwise, it would be good to start off with just the datastax java-driver.

What is better to use (CqlConnection and CqlCommand) or (Cluster and Session)

Is there an advantage to using one or the classes to execute statement in a .Net application. As a .Net developer using CqlConnection and CqlCommand is very similar what is done for other dbs (like SqlServer). I read on some web sites that Cluster and Session is a better way to go.
The documentation in DataStax does not describe the differences or any suggestions of which to use under what circumstances.
Use the cluster and session objects in the DataStax driver
DataStax drivers provide critical functionality for enterprise cassandra apps, including configurable load balancing policies, automatic failover, retry policy, and tunability. These features are exposed via the cluster and session objects.
Notice that CqlConnection and CqlCommand are not even mentioned in the DataStax documentation. This is because they are used under the hood by the driver.
You can certainly use these to connect and read/write to cassandra but you will be missing out on the features I mentioned.
Pro Tip: Check the code comments here to see the functionality of the Cluster object. DataStax drivers are Open Source so feel free to go code diving!

Does Hazelcast follow JSR-107

Read about JSR-107 and JCache recently.
Would like to know whether Hazelcast or Ehcache follow this JSR?
JSR107 (JCache) made good progress and we already notified the spec committee that Hazelcast will implement the JCache spec. Having JCache part of Java EE 8 will be significant achievement so Hazelcast is now committed to JCache.
-talip (hazelcast founder)
As far as Hazelcast goes, here is a response from Talip Ozturk:
> 1. Does hazelcast have any plans to support JSR107? If so, any release date?
It shouldn't be hard to support JSR107 but it is a 10 years old JSR
that is never been finalized. We don't want to spend time on it until
we see an official release of the spec.
Found on this page.
As far as Ehcache goes, here is a possible implementation that may work: https://github.com/jsr107/ehcache-jcache
Hazelcast 3.3.1 passed the JSR107 final TCK and was accepted by the JCP as compatible. Makes sense since the JCache spec co-author is the CEO of Hazelcast
You can download it at http://hazelcast.org/download
If you need an implementation of JCache, the only one that I'm aware of being available today is Oracle Coherence; see: http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/coherence/develop-applications/jcache_part.htm
For the sake of full disclosure, I work at Oracle. The opinions and views expressed in this post are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of my employer.
Hazelcast is now fully complied with Jsr107 or Jcache. This is announced in the official Blog
On the opening day of JavaOne and Oracle Open World, Hazelcast, the leading In-Memory Data Grid provider is announcing the release of Hazelcast 3.3.1 JCache, the JCache compatible version of Hazelcast.
And acording to this
Hazelcast JCache implementation is 100% TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) compliant and therefore passes all specification requirements.
The samples in hazel cast makes it somewhat easy to learn jcache as there is really poor JavaDocs and other resources

Grid security in grid frameworks

Recently, I've become quite involved experimenting with lightweight grid frameworks (Hazelcast, Gigaspaces, Infinispan).
However, I've been somewhat surprised than none of the free frameworks I tried has any ACL or role based security features built in (Gigaspaces does have some measures).
What approaches are generally used to compensate for this? Am I supposed to only use the grid to share data between trusted server-side applications and use the traditional Java EE stack (i.e. a conventional DAO-layer) to access data from client or non-trusted server applications?
Are there any grid frameworks that provide ACL capabilities for accessing data in the grid (I'd be happy with some ad-hoc stuff, although complying to Java EE role concepts would be nice)?
This is my opinion on current state of open source distributed cache solutions (e.g. JBoss Cache and Infinispan). As a baseline I am using GigaSpaces commercial caching product. Let me know what you think about open source and proprietary cache products.
read more at: http://bigdatamatters.com/bigdatamatters/2009/09/infinispan-vs-gigaspaces.html
