Does Hazelcast follow JSR-107 - hazelcast

Read about JSR-107 and JCache recently.
Would like to know whether Hazelcast or Ehcache follow this JSR?

JSR107 (JCache) made good progress and we already notified the spec committee that Hazelcast will implement the JCache spec. Having JCache part of Java EE 8 will be significant achievement so Hazelcast is now committed to JCache.
-talip (hazelcast founder)

As far as Hazelcast goes, here is a response from Talip Ozturk:
> 1. Does hazelcast have any plans to support JSR107? If so, any release date?
It shouldn't be hard to support JSR107 but it is a 10 years old JSR
that is never been finalized. We don't want to spend time on it until
we see an official release of the spec.
Found on this page.
As far as Ehcache goes, here is a possible implementation that may work:

Hazelcast 3.3.1 passed the JSR107 final TCK and was accepted by the JCP as compatible. Makes sense since the JCache spec co-author is the CEO of Hazelcast
You can download it at

If you need an implementation of JCache, the only one that I'm aware of being available today is Oracle Coherence; see:
For the sake of full disclosure, I work at Oracle. The opinions and views expressed in this post are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of my employer.

Hazelcast is now fully complied with Jsr107 or Jcache. This is announced in the official Blog
On the opening day of JavaOne and Oracle Open World, Hazelcast, the leading In-Memory Data Grid provider is announcing the release of Hazelcast 3.3.1 JCache, the JCache compatible version of Hazelcast.
And acording to this
Hazelcast JCache implementation is 100% TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) compliant and therefore passes all specification requirements.
The samples in hazel cast makes it somewhat easy to learn jcache as there is really poor JavaDocs and other resources


jCache providers features

So i'm going to use jCache implementation for my J2EE application java 8 and i want to know what is the difference between all the providers and all its features.
can anyone help me to choose one of them ( in terms of cluster support, easy to use, performance ...) ?
JCache is a specification, so that all implementations behave in the same way regarding the caching features.
However, a key differentiator to evaluate the products is whether you want the cache to be distributed or not. The Open Source version of Hazelcast is distributed, this is not the case for EhCache.
Disclaimer: I work for Hazelcast.

spring integration industry usage

I am evaluating options for a new messaging system. I have been looking at spring integration, mulesoft and camel. Key to any framework is it's industry footprint and support. I haven't been able to find any good indication of the spring integration module being used widely and searches return blogs and the like from the early 2010s not more recent.
Does spring integration have a significant industry footprint?
This survey is a few years old. The framework is still very actively developed and used. One gauge of that would be to look at the question history here. We get several tens of questions per month.
It now has a popular Java DSL and no longer requires XML configuration (although that is still supported for those who prefer it).
Disclaimer: I am a previous project lead and still a committer, but the DZone survey was independent.

datastax driver vs spring-data-cassandra

Hey I am new to Cassandra and I am friendly with Spring jdbc-template.
Can anyone please explain difference between both of them? Also can you suggest which one is good to use ?
spring-data-cassandra uses datastax's java-driver, so the decision to be made is really whether or not you need the functionality of spring-data.
Some features from spring data that may be useful for you (documented here):
spring xml configuration for configuring your Cluster instance (especially useful if you are already using spring).
object mapping component.
The java-driver also has a mapping component as well that is worth exploring.
In my opinion if you are already using spring, it is worth looking into spring-data-cassandra. Otherwise, it would be good to start off with just the datastax java-driver.

Which Cassandra version is more stable for Production deployment? And which Cassandra driver is better?

In My organisation we are planning to use Cassandra and these days we are running some experimental tests against Custom Configuraiton to check the better and stable verison of Cassandra. And we are using DataStax drivers.
We are running tests, INSERT into and Select * from CQL statements in very tight loop with higher load like 10K qps.
So any one has any experience on which Cassandra version is better and stable and which drivers shall be used?
Thanks in advance.
You cannot go wrong with the latest 2.0 release (2.0.9). You can get that version from either the Apache Cassandra project or DataStax. The Apache Cassandra download page also has links for the latest release candidates (RC5 is the latest) of 2.1, but those are still in development, so consider that before installing them.
As for the driver, there are drivers available for more than a dozen languages. Chances are that you probably know or use one of them. There is no one driver (at least that I am aware of) that significantly out-performs all of the others. So pick the driver for the language that either:
You have the most thorough knowledge of.
Complies with the usage standards of your team.
For instance, you could make an argument for using Java. After all, Cassandra is written in Java and all of the examples on the original DataStax Academy are done with the Java CQL Driver. But that argument loses ground quickly if you have never done Java before. Or if your team is a .Net shop, and there's nobody else who understands Java. InfoWorld's Andrew Oliver put it best when he wrote:
The lesson to be learned here is: Don't solve a simple problem with a
completely unfamiliar technology and apply it to use cases it isn't
especially appropriate for.
Again, you cannot go wrong with using a "DataStax Supported Driver" from their downloads page.
“You should not deploy a Cassandra version X.Y.Z to production where Z <= 5.”
Hence go with 2.0.x . Currently its 2.0.10

About Java Cassandra Client, which one is better? How about CQL? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to develop application using Hive as the Database, and then I also find noSQL solutions as an alternative to it.
Now decided to develop using Cassandra, my next problem is about what client should I use? which one is better, Hector -- a pure java solutions, or Kundera with JPA like development?
I prefer Hector, but I am curious about Kundera. Is there anyone using Kundera? Which is better?
I'm curious about CQL (Cassandra Query Language). Can it integrate with Hector?
Hector is slowly moving towards CQL integration. The first steps have been made, but because of the experience of an unstable API, the developers seem to have postponed a new release. The CQL API is rather new, as it should be nearly equivalent to a SQL syntax. I made some basic steps with CRUD operations to verify that data could be written and read via CQL.
Nevertheless, the CQL JAR is not usable out of the box like a standard JDBC driver as of now, and misses some important feature aspects. Having a look at the more or less difficult to understand thrift API and the not really much simpler hector API, I am convinced that CQL will be established as the state-of-the-art access API for Cassandra in version 0.8.1 and 1.0, where thrift will remain the native, raw access for some time.
The competition between both APIs has nothing to do with the decision of Hector. Hector itself provides additional services like failure and connection handling in the cluster. These are features being addressed by neither thrift nor CQL.
I don't really believe in all other O/R mappers, or even those claiming to provide a full-fledged JPA. I cannot imagine how this should work.
Answering your question about clients - Hector essentially provides access to the Cassandra native API (columns, column families, rows etc) whereas Kundera aims to hide these details and provide object-database mapping.
Kundera therefore probably makes it easier to quickly persist a range of Java objects into Cassandra - but may not provide an efficient mapping, perhaps losing some of the performance that noSQL approaches provide.
Hector expects you to adapt to the Cassandra data model - this will be harder work, but is likely to deliver more performance.
There is now a new client, Astyanax, released by Netflix in January 2012.
"Astyanax is a Java Cassandra client. It borrows many concepts from
Hector but diverges in the connection pool implementation as well as
the client API. One of the main design considerations was to provide a
clean abstraction between the connection pool and Cassandra API so
that each may be customized and improved separately. Astyanax provides
a fluent style API which guides the caller to narrow the query from
key to column as well as providing queries for more complex use cases
that we have encountered. The operational benefits of Astyanax over
Hector include lower latency, reduced latency variance, and better
error handling."
The source code for Astyanax is hosted at Github:
For details about using CQL with Cassandra and Hector, see:
The following mail list thread is a good discussion on where we will be going with CQL as an API:
For the sake of completeness I think the Pelops library should be mentioned too. Hector seems to be the most used, but Pelops has a simpler API. Pelops does not support CQL.
Coming from Ruby I find both to be extremely verbose and imperative, though.
Kundera no more relies on Solandra for indexing approach. It enables you now to use secondary indexing support provided by Cassandra and as well as it gives you a way to run jpa queries over OPP (like range queries etc). We are working to enable native CQL support.
Take a look at:
for more details.
There is no java client in the same level with hector, hector is the best and there is work in progress in hector side to support cql. I saw cql commits for hector in github this month, but doesn't know it's final state. You can ask it to hector users group
Also there is a very simple object mapper in hector
My Best,
Serdar Irmak
Kundera 2.0.4 released:
Major Changes in this release:
Cross-datastore persistence( Easy to migerate existing mysql app over nosql)
support for relational databases (e.g Mysql etc)
replace solandra with lucene based indexing.
Support added for bi-directinal associations.
Performance improvement fixes.
We tested and 1 million inserts with proper indexing happened in 6 minutes.
I am yet to try Hector, but am involved in latest Kundera 2.0.1 release. I suggest you give it a try. It has gone a major change since its inception and you can see a lot of new features getting added and bugs being fixed. Currently it supports JPA 1.0 and Cassandra 0.7.6 but we are planning to add support for Cassandra 0.8 and JPA 2.0 very soon. There is a pretty good example here: that may help you get started.
Astyanax api produces human-readable code and does include connection pooling.
CQL support over cassandra has been integrated in kundera 2.0.6(yet to be released). It allows to execute CQL as nativequery now.
