Automate and looping through batch script - linux

I'm new to batch. I want iterate through a list and use the output content to replace a string in another file.
ls -l somefile | grep .txt | awk 'print $4}' | while read file
sed 's/dataFile/"$toreplace"/$file/ file2 > /tmp/test.txt
When I run the code I get the error
sed: 1: "s/dataFile/"$torepla ...": bad flag in substitute command: '$'
Example of somefile with which has list of files paths
However, my desired output is to use the list of file paths in somefile directory to replace a string in another file2 content. Something like this:
This is the directory of locations where data from /Team/foo/name/xxx/2020-01-01.txt ............

I'm not sure if I understand your desired outcome, but hopefully this will help you to figure out your problem:
You have three files in a directory:
And you have another file called to_be_changed.txt which contains the text This is the directory of locations where data from TO_BE_REPLACED ............ and you want to grab the filenames of your three files and insert them into your to_be_changed.txt file, you can do it with:
while read file
sed "s/TO_BE_REPLACED/${filename##*/}/g" to_be_changed.txt >> changed.txt
done < <(find ./TEAM/ -name "*.txt")
And you will then have made a file called changed.txt which contains:
This is the directory of locations where data from 2020-01-02.txt ............
This is the directory of locations where data from 2020-01-03.txt ............
This is the directory of locations where data from 2020-01-01.txt ............
Is this what you're trying to achieve? If you need further clarification I'm happy to edit this answer to provide more details/explanation.

ls -l somefile | grep .txt | awk 'print $4}' | while read file
No. No, no, nono.
ls -l somefile is only going to show somefile unless it's a directory.
(Don't name a directory "somefile".)
If you mean somefile.txt, please clarify in your post.
grep .txt is going to look through the lines presented for the three characters txt preceded by any character (the dot is a regex wildcard). Since you asked for a long listing of somefile it shouldn't find any, so nothing should be passed along.
awk 'print $4}' is a typo which won't compile. awk will crash.
Keep it simple. What I suspect you meant was
for file in *.txt
Then in
sed 's/dataFile/"$toreplace"/$file/ file2 > /tmp/test.txt
it's unlear what you expect $file to be - awk's $4 from an ls -l seems unlikely.
Assuming it's the filenames from the for above, then try
sed "s,dataFile,/Team/$file," file2 > /tmp/test.txt
Does that help? Correct me as needed. Sorry if I seem harsh.
Welcome to SO. ;)


Linux help: how do you move files to folders based on a .txt file?

I have a .txt file containing a column of IDs and their ages (as integers). I've already created separate folders in my directory for each age category (ranging from 20-86). For every ID in my .txt file I would like to move their image (which is currently stored in the folder "data") to the appropriate folder, based on their age category listed in column two of my .txt file.
Any help on how to do this in Linux would be really appreciated!
Updated example with files ending in different suffixes.
Current working directory:
data/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ ...
text file:
ID001 21
ID002 23
ID003 20
ID004 22
ID005 21
ls data/
Desired output:
As you suggest, awk can do this kind of task (though see Ed Morton's remark below). You may try the following, which is tested with GNU awk. From your working directory you can do:
awk '{system("mv data/"$1"*.jpg " $2)}' inputfile
Explanation: Here the system() function is used. The system() function allows you to execute a command supplied as an expression. In this case:
We use the mv (move) command and use the first field $1 in the input file to address the JPG file in the data directory.
Then we use the second field $2 of the input file for the destination directory.
The system() function is modeled after the standard C library function. Further reading in The GNU Awk User’s Guide
while read fil id
mv -f "data/"*"$fil"*".jpg" "$id/"
done < file
Read the two fields from the file (called file in this case) in a loop and use the variables to construct and execute the mv command.
Consider having your .txt file is in your current working directory. Can you try this written and tested script?
cd "$DIR_CWD/data"
for x in *; do
ID_number=`echo $x | awk -F"-" '{print $1}'`
DIR_age=`cat "$DIR_CWD/file.txt" | grep $ID_number | awk '{print $2}'`
mv -- "$DIR_CWD/data/$x" "$DIR_CWD/$DIR_age"
Note that DIR_CWD must be stated as the path of your current working directory.

Stream File Contents Until Substring Encountered

I was using:
bash $ head -n 2 *.xml | grep (..stuff..)
to stream first 2 lines of all xml files to grep command. However, I realized that this was not reliable for the structure of these files.
What I need instead is to stream start of each xml file until a particular substring (which all these files have) is encountered.
head does not provide that level of granularity. The substring is simply the start of a tag (e.g. something like "< tag start"). I would be grateful for any ideas. Thanks!
If you know the max number of lines you have before the matching string you can do something like this:
# cat testfile
# grep -m 1 -B 10 TAG testfile | grep -v TAG
Sounds like you want either of these (using GNU awk for nextfile) depending on if you want the tag line printed or not:
awk '/< tag start/{nextfile} 1' *.xml
awk '1; /< tag start/{nextfile}' *.xml
or less efficiently with any awk:
awk 'FNR==1{f=1} /< tag start/{f=0} f' *.xml
awk 'FNR==1{f=1} f; /< tag start/{f=0}' *.xml
or bringing back some efficiency in this case:
for file in *.xml; do
awk '/< tag start/{exit} 1' "$file"
I appreciate all the responses. I found that really I only needed the content of a single tag, rather than from the beginning of the xml files. This simplified the parsing. So for instance:
<mt:myTag LOTSOFSTUFF >"
, I really only needed LOTSOFSTUFF. So I simply did:
grep -oP "<mt:myTag(.*)>" *.xml | grep_more
and that worked exactly. Thanks again. I really appreciated and sorry I did not realize my use case was simpler than I made it out to be.

Changing the file names and copying into different directory

I have some files say about 1000 numbers.. Wanted to rename those files in such a way that, wanted to cut out only few chars from file name and copy it to some other directory.
Ex: Original file name.
Required O/P is cutting the ~and following chars.
O/P Ex:
But want to place n different directory.
If you are using bash or similar you can use the following simple loop:
for input in vfcon*xml
mv $input targetDir/$(echo $input | awk -F~ '{print $1".xml"}')
Or in a single line:
for input in vfcon*xml; do mv $input targetDir/$(echo $input | awk -F~ '{print $1".xml"}'); done
This uses awk to separate everything before ~ using it as a field separator and printing the first column and appending ".xml" to create the output file name. All this is prepended with the targetDir which can be a full path.
If you are using csh / tcsh then the syntax of the loop will be slightly different but the commands will be the same.
I like to make sure that my data set is correct prior to changing anything so I would put that into a variable first and then check over it.
files=$(ls vfcon*xml)
echo $files | less
Then, like #Stefan said, use a loop:
for i in $files
mv "$i" "$( echo "$file" | sed 's/~[0-9].//g')"
If you need help with bash you can use

Need help editing multiple files using sed in linux terminal

I am trying to do a simple operation here. Which is to cut a few characters from one file (style.css) do a find a replace on another file (client_custom.css) for more then 100 directories with different names
When I use the following command
for d in */; do sed -n 73p ~/assets/*/style.css | cut -c 29-35 | xargs -I :hex: sed -i 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' ~/assets/*/client_custom.css $d; done
It keeps giving me the following error for all the directories
sed: couldn't edit dirname/: not a regular file
I am confused on why its giving me that error message explicitly gave the full path to the file. It works perfectly fine without a for loop.
Can anyone please help me out with this issue?
sed doesn't support folders as input.
for d in */;
puts folders into $d. If you write sed ... $d, then BASH will put the folder name into the arguments of sed and the poor tool will be confused.
Also ~/assets/*/client_custom.css since this will expand to all the files which match this pattern. So sed will be called once with all file names. You probably want to invoke sed once per file name.
for f in ~/assets/*/client_custom.css; do
... | sed -i 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' $f
or, even better:
for f in ~/assets/*/client_custom.css; do
... | sed 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' "${f}.in" > "${f}"
(which doesn't overwrite the output file). This way, you can keep the "*.in" files, edit them with the patterns and then use sed to "expand" all the variables.

How to append contents of multiple files into one file

I want to copy the contents of five files to one file as is. I tried doing it using cp for each file. But that overwrites the contents copied from the previous file. I also tried
paste -d "\n" 1.txt 0.txt
and it did not work.
I want my script to add the newline at the end of each text file.
eg. Files 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt. Put contents of 1,2,3 in 0.txt
How do I do it ?
You need the cat (short for concatenate) command, with shell redirection (>) into your output file
cat 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > 0.txt
Another option, for those of you who still stumble upon this post like I did, is to use find -exec:
find . -type f -name '*.txt' -exec cat {} + >> output.file
In my case, I needed a more robust option that would look through multiple subdirectories so I chose to use find. Breaking it down:
find .
Look within the current working directory.
-type f
Only interested in files, not directories, etc.
-name '*.txt'
Whittle down the result set by name
-exec cat {} +
Execute the cat command for each result. "+" means only 1 instance of cat is spawned (thx #gniourf_gniourf)
>> output.file
As explained in other answers, append the cat-ed contents to the end of an output file.
if you have a certain output type then do something like this
cat /path/to/files/*.txt >> finalout.txt
If all your files are named similarly you could simply do:
cat *.log >> output.log
If all your files are in single directory you can simply do
cat * > 0.txt
Files 1.txt,2.txt, .. will go into 0.txt
for i in {1..3}; do cat "$i.txt" >> 0.txt; done
I found this page because I needed to join 952 files together into one. I found this to work much better if you have many files. This will do a loop for however many numbers you need and cat each one using >> to append onto the end of 0.txt.
as brought up in the comments:
cat {1..3}.txt >> 0.txt
cat {0..3}.txt >> all.txt
Another option is sed:
sed r 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > merge.txt
sed h 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > merge.txt
sed -n p 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > merge.txt # -n is mandatory here
Or without redirection ...
sed wmerge.txt 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt
Note that last line write also merge.txt (not wmerge.txt!). You can use w"merge.txt" to avoid confusion with the file name, and -n for silent output.
Of course, you can also shorten the file list with wildcards. For instance, in case of numbered files as in the above examples, you can specify the range with braces in this way:
sed -n w"merge.txt" {1..3}.txt
if your files contain headers and you want remove them in the output file, you can use:
for f in `ls *.txt`; do sed '2,$!d' $f >> 0.out; done
All of the (text-) files into one
find . | xargs cat > outfile
xargs makes the output-lines of find . the arguments of cat.
find has many options, like -name '*.txt' or -type.
you should check them out if you want to use it in your pipeline
If the original file contains non-printable characters, they will be lost when using the cat command. Using 'cat -v', the non-printables will be converted to visible character strings, but the output file would still not contain the actual non-printables characters in the original file. With a small number of files, an alternative might be to open the first file in an editor (e.g. vim) that handles non-printing characters. Then maneuver to the bottom of the file and enter ":r second_file_name". That will pull in the second file, including non-printing characters. The same could be done for additional files. When all files have been read in, enter ":w". The end result is that the first file will now contain what it did originally, plus the content of the files that were read in.
Send multi file to a file(textall.txt):
cat *.txt > textall.txt
If you want to append contents of 3 files into one file, then the following command will be a good choice:
cat file1 file2 file3 | tee -a file4 > /dev/null
It will combine the contents of all files into file4, throwing console output to /dev/null.
