Need help editing multiple files using sed in linux terminal - linux

I am trying to do a simple operation here. Which is to cut a few characters from one file (style.css) do a find a replace on another file (client_custom.css) for more then 100 directories with different names
When I use the following command
for d in */; do sed -n 73p ~/assets/*/style.css | cut -c 29-35 | xargs -I :hex: sed -i 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' ~/assets/*/client_custom.css $d; done
It keeps giving me the following error for all the directories
sed: couldn't edit dirname/: not a regular file
I am confused on why its giving me that error message explicitly gave the full path to the file. It works perfectly fine without a for loop.
Can anyone please help me out with this issue?

sed doesn't support folders as input.
for d in */;
puts folders into $d. If you write sed ... $d, then BASH will put the folder name into the arguments of sed and the poor tool will be confused.
Also ~/assets/*/client_custom.css since this will expand to all the files which match this pattern. So sed will be called once with all file names. You probably want to invoke sed once per file name.
for f in ~/assets/*/client_custom.css; do
... | sed -i 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' $f
or, even better:
for f in ~/assets/*/client_custom.css; do
... | sed 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' "${f}.in" > "${f}"
(which doesn't overwrite the output file). This way, you can keep the "*.in" files, edit them with the patterns and then use sed to "expand" all the variables.


Wildcard in sed command to replace string not working

I'm trying to use the sed command in terminal to replace a specific line in all my text files with a certain extension by a specific string:
sed -i.bak '35s/^.*$/5\) 1\-4/' fitting_file*.feedme
So I am trying to replace line 35 in each of these files with the string "5) 1-4". When I run an ls fitting_file*.feedme | wc -l command in this directory, I get 221 files. However, when I run the above sed command, it only edits the FIRST file in the order of ls fitting_file*.feedme. I know this because grep '5) 1-4' fitting_file*.feedme continually only returns the first file on the list after I run the replacement command. I also tried replacing fitting_file*.feedme with a space-separated list of a couple of these files in my sed command as a test, but it still only operated on the one I chose to list first. Why is this happening?
sed operates on a single stream. It essentially concats all the files together and treats that as a single stream. So it replaces the 35th line of the big concatenated stream.
To see this, make a 20 line file called A and a 20 line file called B. Apply your sed command as
sed -i.bak '35s/^.*$/5\) 1\-4/' A B
and you will see the 15th line of B replaced.
I think this should answer your direct question. As far how to get done what you like, I assume you've already figured out that wrapping your sed command in a for is one way to do it. :)
Create a file containing your sed instruction like this
sed -i.bak '35s/^.*$/5\) 1\-4/' $1
exit 0
and call it Next make it executable :
chmod u+x
now you can solve your problem using
find . -name fitting_file\*.feedme -exec ./ {} \;
You could do all this on one line but frankly the number of escapes required is a bit much. Good luck.
To do what you're trying to do without using a shell loop is:
awk -i inplace -v inplace::suffix=.bak 'FNR==35{$0="5) 1-4"}1' fitting_file*.feedme
Note that unlike sed which can just count lines across all input files, awk has NR to track the number of records (lines by default) across all files and FNR for the same but just within the current file.
The above uses GNU awk for inplace editing just like GNU sed has -i for that. The default awk on MacOS is BSD awk, not GNU awk, but you should install GNU awk as it doesn't have all the bugs/quirks that BSD awk does and it has a ton of extremely useful extensions.
If you just want to use MacOS's awk then it'd be something like:
find . -name 'fitting_file*.feedme' -exec sh -c "\
awk 'FNR==35{\$0=\"5) 1-4\"}1' \"\$1\" > \"\$1.bak\" &&
mv -- \"\$1.bak\" \"\$1\"
" sh {} \;
which is obviously getting kinda complicated - I'd probably put the awk+mv script in a file to execute from sh -c or just resort to a shell loop myself if faced with that alternative (or a similar quoting nightmare with xargs)!

remove DOS end of file character from many files in Linux

I transferred millions of generated SVG files from DOS to a Linux box and just realized that there is a ^# as the last character of each file (the DOS end of file character) which is giving an error when I try to display the SVG file in a browser.
In this question:
How can I remove the last character of the last line of a file?
Maroun gives the solution as:
sed '$ s/.$//' your_file
But when I modify it to look like this:
sed '$ s/.$//' *.SVG
find . -print | grep .SVG | sed '$ s/.$//'
It does not work.
I would also like to be able to specify that it should only delete the last character if it is the ^#.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong or how to get this to work. The SVG files are in thousands of sub directories so I need to be able to make the change from top to bottom of the tree structure.
I'm guessing your first example isn't working because it's taking only the last file expanded by *.SVG. The second example (the one with the find command) fails because you're passing find's output to sed instead of the file contents.
Also, if you want to change the files' contents with sed, you need to use -i so the changes are performed "in place".
You could try this:
for file in *.SVG
sed -i '$ s/.$//' $file
find . -name "*.SVG" -exec sed -i '$ s/.$//' {} \;

How to substitute two lines in same text files [duplicate]

What's the simplest way to do a find and replace for a given input string, say abc, and replace with another string, say XYZ in file /tmp/file.txt?
I am writting an app and using IronPython to execute commands through SSH — but I don't know Unix that well and don't know what to look for.
I have heard that Bash, apart from being a command line interface, can be a very powerful scripting language. So, if this is true, I assume you can perform actions like these.
Can I do it with bash, and what's the simplest (one line) script to achieve my goal?
The easiest way is to use sed (or perl):
sed -i -e 's/abc/XYZ/g' /tmp/file.txt
Which will invoke sed to do an in-place edit due to the -i option. This can be called from bash.
If you really really want to use just bash, then the following can work:
while IFS='' read -r a; do
echo "${a//abc/XYZ}"
done < /tmp/file.txt > /tmp/file.txt.t
mv /tmp/file.txt{.t,}
This loops over each line, doing a substitution, and writing to a temporary file (don't want to clobber the input). The move at the end just moves temporary to the original name. (For robustness and security, the temporary file name should not be static or predictable, but let's not go there.)
For Mac users:
sed -i '' 's/abc/XYZ/g' /tmp/file.txt
(See the comment below why)
File manipulation isn't normally done by Bash, but by programs invoked by Bash, e.g.:
perl -pi -e 's/abc/XYZ/g' /tmp/file.txt
The -i flag tells it to do an in-place replacement.
See man perlrun for more details, including how to take a backup of the original file.
I was surprised when I stumbled over this...
There is a replace command which ships with the "mysql-server" package, so if you have installed it try it out:
# replace string abc to XYZ in files
replace "abc" "XYZ" -- file.txt file2.txt file3.txt
# or pipe an echo to replace
echo "abcdef" |replace "abc" "XYZ"
See man replace for more on this.
This is an old post but for anyone wanting to use variables as #centurian said the single quotes mean nothing will be expanded.
A simple way to get variables in is to do string concatenation since this is done by juxtaposition in bash the following should work:
sed -i -e "s/$var1/$var2/g" /tmp/file.txt
Bash, like other shells, is just a tool for coordinating other commands. Typically you would try to use standard UNIX commands, but you can of course use Bash to invoke anything, including your own compiled programs, other shell scripts, Python and Perl scripts etc.
In this case, there are a couple of ways to do it.
If you want to read a file, and write it to another file, doing search/replace as you go, use sed:
sed 's/abc/XYZ/g' <infile >outfile
If you want to edit the file in place (as if opening the file in an editor, editing it, then saving it) supply instructions to the line editor 'ex'
echo "%s/abc/XYZ/g
" | ex file
Example is like vi without the fullscreen mode. You can give it the same commands you would at vi's : prompt.
I found this thread among others and I agree it contains the most complete answers so I'm adding mine too:
sed and ed are so hand.
Look at this code from #Johnny:
sed -i -e 's/abc/XYZ/g' /tmp/file.txt
When my restriction is to use it in a shell script, no variable can be used inside in place of "abc" or "XYZ". The BashFAQ seems to agree with what I understand at least. So, I can't use:
sed -i -e 's/$x/$y/g' /tmp/file.txt
sed -i -e "s/$x/$y/g" /tmp/file.txt
but, what can we do? As, #Johnny said use a while read... but, unfortunately that's not the end of the story. The following worked well with me:
#edit user's virtual domain
#if nullglob is set then, unset it temporarily
is_nullglob=$( shopt -s | egrep -i '*nullglob' )
if [[ is_nullglob ]]; then
shopt -u nullglob
while IFS= read -r line; do
done < $tmp
echo -e $result > $tmp
#if nullglob was set then, re-enable it
if [[ is_nullglob ]]; then
shopt -s nullglob
#move user's virtual domain to Apache 2 domain directory
As one can see if nullglob is set then, it behaves strangely when there is a string containing a * as in:
<VirtualHost *:80>
which becomes
<VirtualHost ServerName
there is no ending angle bracket and Apache2 can't even load.
This kind of parsing should be slower than one-hit search and replace but, as you already saw, there are four variables for four different search patterns working out of one parse cycle.
The most suitable solution I can think of with the given assumptions of the problem.
You can use sed:
sed -i 's/abc/XYZ/gi' /tmp/file.txt
You can use find and sed if you don't know your filename:
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's/abc/XYZ/gi' {} \;
Find and replace in all Python files:
find ./ -iname "*.py" -type f -exec sed -i 's/abc/XYZ/gi' {} \;
Be careful if you replace URLs with "/" character.
An example of how to do it:
sed -i "s%" "test.txt"
Extracted from:
If the file you are working on is not so big, and temporarily storing it in a variable is no problem, then you can use Bash string substitution on the whole file at once - there's no need to go over it line by line:
echo "${file_contents//abc/XYZ}" > /tmp/file.txt
The whole file contents will be treated as one long string, including linebreaks.
XYZ can be a variable eg $replacement, and one advantage of not using sed here is that you need not be concerned that the search or replace string might contain the sed pattern delimiter character (usually, but not necessarily, /). A disadvantage is not being able to use regular expressions or any of sed's more sophisticated operations.
You may also use the ed command to do in-file search and replace:
# delete all lines matching foobar
ed -s test.txt <<< $'g/foobar/d\nw'
See more in "Editing files via scripts with ed".
To edit text in the file non-interactively, you need in-place text editor such as vim.
Here is simple example how to use it from the command line:
vim -esnc '%s/foo/bar/g|:wq' file.txt
This is equivalent to #slim answer of ex editor which is basically the same thing.
Here are few ex practical examples.
Replacing text foo with bar in the file:
ex -s +%s/foo/bar/ge -cwq file.txt
Removing trailing whitespaces for multiple files:
ex +'bufdo!%s/\s\+$//e' -cxa *.txt
Troubleshooting (when terminal is stuck):
Add -V1 param to show verbose messages.
Force quit by: -cwq!.
See also:
How to edit files non-interactively (e.g. in pipeline)? at Vi SE
Try the following shell command:
find ./ -type f -name "file*.txt" | xargs sed -i -e 's/abc/xyz/g'
You can use python within the bash script too. I didn't have much success with some of the top answers here, and found this to work without the need for loops:
filetosearch = '/home/ubuntu/ip_table.txt'
texttoreplace = 'tcp443'
texttoinsert = 'udp1194'
s = open(filetosearch).read()
s = s.replace(texttoreplace, texttoinsert)
f = open(filetosearch, 'w')
Simplest way to replace multiple text in a file using sed command
Command -
sed -i 's#a/b/c#D/E#g;s#/x/y/z#D:/X#g;' filename
In the above command s#a/b/c#D/E#g where I am replacing a/b/c with D/E and then after the ; we again doing the same thing
You can use rpl command. For example you want to change domain name in whole php project.
rpl -ivRpd -x'.php' '' '' ./path_to_your_project_folder/
This is not clear bash of cause, but it's a very quick and usefull. :)
For MAC users in case you don't read the comments :)
As mentioned by #Austin, if you get the Invalid command code error
For the in-place replacements BSD sed requires a file extension after the -i flag to save to a backup file with given extension.
sed -i '.bak' 's/find/replace' /file.txt
You can use '' empty string if you want to skip backup.
sed -i '' 's/find/replace' /file.txt
All merit to #Austin
Open file using vim editor. In command mode
This is the simplest
In case of doing changes in multiple files together we can do in a single line as:-
for file in file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt; do sed -i -e 's/default_user/${user_name}/g' $file; done
Added if in case could be useful.

Batch rename of files with similar names

I have a series of files named like such:
file 1.jpeg
file 2.jpeg
file 3.jpeg
file 40.jpeg
I would like remove the space from all of their filenames without having to individually do it. I know its possible using something like: file{1,40}.jpeg or something like that but i can't remember and I don't even know how to search for it.
EDIT: linux
The first result is
Using the perl rename command [...] we can also, for example, strip spaces from filenames with this:
~$ rename 's/ //' *.jpeg
In other posts I've found this kind of commands that do not require perl:
for f in *; do mv "$f" `echo $f | tr --delete ' '`; done
I've not tried any of them.

Bash Scripting: Replace (or delete) string in a file if line starts with (or matches) another string

Assuming an ini-style file like this,
Title=An Image Editor
Description=Manipulates .ico, .png and .jpeg images
I want to replace/delete ".ico" ONLY in the line that starts with (or matches) "Icon="
I was trying this:
oldline="`cat "$file" | grep "Icon="`"
newline="`echo "$oldline" | tr ".ico" ".png"`"
cat "$oldfile" | tr "$oldline" "$newline" > $file
Then i realized that tr works completely different than i thought. Its NOT a tradicional "replace this for that" function. So i guess the correct way is using sed. But:
Ive never used sedbefore. No idea how it works. Is it overkill?
If the most indicated way is really using sed, given it is so powerful, is there any elegant way to accomplish this rather than this "fetch line -> modify line -> replace oldline for newline in file" approach?
I cant replace ".ico" globally, i know that would be a LOT easier, i must restrict the replace to the Icon line, otherwise the Description line would be changed too.
Im new to shell scripting in Linux, so im looking not only to the solution itself, but also for the "proper" way to do it. Elegant, easy to read, conventional, etc
Thanks in advance!
Thank you guys! Here is the final script, as a reference:
#! /bin/bash
# Fix the following WARNING in ~/.xsession-errors
# gnome-session[2035]: EggSMClient-WARNING: Desktop file '/home/xxx/.config/autostart/skype.desktop' has malformed Icon key 'skype.png'(should not include extension)
if [ -f "$file" ] ; then
if `cat "$file" | grep "Icon=" | grep -q ".png"` ; then
sed -i.bak '/^Icon=/s/\.png$//' "$file"
cp "$file" "$PWD"
cp "${file}.bak" "$PWD"
echo "Nothing to fix! (maybe fixed already?)"
echo "Skype not installed (yet...)"
MUCH sleeker than my original! The only thing i regret is that sed backup does not preserve original file timestamp. But i can live with that.
And, for the record, yes, ive created this script to fix an actual "bug" in Skype packaging.
Something like the following in sed should do what you need. First we check if the line starts with Icon= and if it does then we run the s command (i.e. substitute).
sed -i '/^Icon=/s/\.ico$/.png/' file
Edit: The sed script above can also be written like this:
/^Icon=/ { # Only run the following block when this matches
s/\.ico$/.png/ # Substitute '.ico' at the end of the line with '.png'
See this page for more details on how to restrict when commands are run.
sed is pretty easy to deal with. Here's one way:
sed 's/^\(Icon=.*\)\.ico$/\1.png/'
By default, sed works on every line in the file one at a time. The 's/.../.../' will do a regular expression match on the first argument and replace it with the second argument. The \1 stands for everything that matched the first group, which is demarcated by the parenthesis. You have to escape the parens with \.
The above works as part of a pipeline, but you can add an '-i' flag, like this
sed -i 's/^\(Icon=.*\)\.ico$/\1.png/' input.txt
to have it replace the file input.txt in place. Don't add that until you have tested your sed script a little.
