The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Basic'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Basic realm="xyz"' - iis

We have a web application (netcore) configured to use Windows authentication it was working fine, but now we dont know why iis sends basic authentication header even it is has configured windows authentication.
Any idea why?

An answer to myself, the error was related to a blocked user.


NTLM Authentication for HA-Proxy Backend Health Check

I am trying to determine how to do a health check against backend servers in HAProxy with NTLM authentication (Windows IIS servers). As I understand, it is 'multistage' in that it will do a 'basic' auth first, return a 401, and then try again with a NTLM Auth header to return the '200' code (assuming correct credentials).
This is baked into the http monitor in f5's BIGIP as I recently learned, it tries basic auth first, and then failing that attempts NTLM. Is there a way to mimick this in HA-Proxy?
I've tried configuring the http-check with a Basic authorization header but clearly this will not work. I can do a curl specifying '--ntlm' and '-H' specifying the host header and it returns the page, so I know what I have is correct.

Windows authentication for Mac browsers

I am encountering the following issue when trying to configure an intranet ASP.NET site in IIS 8.5 for Windows authentication. I have the IIS Windows authentication provider settings set to:
This works great for Windows-based browsers - users are logged in seamlessly. Mac-based browsers don't seem to support the Negotiate protocol; when accessing my site you are prompted for your domain credentials. Even when responding with correct credentials, the browser responds to the authentication challenge with "NTLM xxxxxxx...". IIS doesn't like this and always responds with a 401. This sends the browser into an authentication loop where you are prompted for your credentials endlessly. If you click "Cancel" (depending on which browser you are in), you will finally get a 401 response (not very useful).
If I modify the settings and remove the "Negotiate" provider, I am still prompted when accessing the site from a Mac browser, but this time the NTLM challenge succeeds and I can authenticate. The problem with this is I am now getting an authentication prompt from Windows browsers as well.
Is there a way to get around this (do I have Windows authentication misconfigured)? I am fine with having to answer a credential prompt from the Mac but as the vast majority of my users will be accessing from Windows, I would prefer they still get the "invisible" log on experience.
If I'm understanding your question correctly; Safari/Apple doesn't support Windows Authentication. Basic Authentication needs to be enabled within IIS in order for Safari to login.

N ot getting CA Siteminder SMSESSION Cookie in response

We are implementing CA Site minder on external server for single sign on.
We did all necessary configuration on our server as well as on policy server.
When I hit my URL request get interrupted by ISAPI Filter and Site Minder Replace it with Log in Page Then I put credentials and click log in.
This request goes to policy server and after authenticating site minder redirect me to original url that I hit early on but somehow i am not getting SMSESSION Cookie.
I check FRT log and found that cookie is there in Request Header which mean site minder able to generate and pass the cookie to request but not set in Response header So its getting removed from response.
I tried to find why its getting removed or response not setting SMSESSION Cookie but not able to find any reason.
I am using Integrated pipeline mode and the same setup is working fine with classic mode but since my application is MVC I can't use that and i have to use integrated mode.
The SMSESSION cookie is not provided to the application from SiteMinder. It is initialized in the client browser after login and should be included when the authenticated request arrives back at your application.
I suggest monitoring the client side to ensure the SMSESSION is received after login and sent back out in the application request.

JMeter 401 Unauthorized Issue for Sharepoint 2010 application

I am scripting for a Sharepoint application in its Production environment which uses NTLM Authorization. The recording is working fine, but I am facing 401:Unauthorized error while playback of the same script. Since this is an NTLM authorization application, the launch of the application redirects to the Homepage without asking for the login credentials. The first HTTP request of the script which is a GET Method throws 401 Unauthorized error. I've used HTTP Authorization Manager, HTTP Cookie Manager, HTTP Cache Manager. The same config elements are used in the scripts for UAT env which works fine and such issue is never experienced in the UAT environment.
Please feel free to suggest if you have any idea on this issue.
HTTP Authorization Manager should have "Domain" field populated and matching your environment for NTLM authentication along with username and password.
See Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter guide for more details.

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'

I already spent so much time trying to figure out what the problem is. I am getting this error when consuming WCF service from a desktop console application. The service works fine when access from a browser with silverlight client.
Error Message:
System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'.
I don't understand why it doesn't work even if both client and server have same authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. I am getting HTTP 401.
I verified client and server configuration is correct, because it works in silverlight client using the same client configuration.
IIS7 website is configured with Windows Authentication using providers 'Negotiate,NTLM'.
So, what does this error message mean? :(
I have fixed my WCF issue by setting client security.
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
